Germanytrashcat1784 years ago

As a guitarist i can say that your concerns are completely justified, but in the end it's up to the runner how to handle this. I felt some pain in my hand in RE2Remake just by pressing down the "sprint" button with my pinky finger all the time for more than 1-2 runs. But you can just set the running key to "toggle" and you are good to go.

Anyways, it's the same with practicing an instrument: just relax your hand from time to time and have some pauses in between your practice sessions. RE3 gives enough time for that during cutscenes for example ;). And tbh i think stair-skating isnt as bad for your hands as the "tapping" technique on an acoustic/e-guitar as an example. Also consider that you have to keep up the very same tempo for multiple repetitions on an instrument. And if you are playing in a band you have to practice this for at least 3-4 hours each day, but after a little while you won't feel the same strain on your hands as you get better and get more used to the micro-movements.

Hope this helps you! And good luck on the runs. :)

Edit: Also, try to minimize the movement of your fingers as much as possible! This way the "w"-key-spamming gets even faster while being less straining on your hand.

Germanytrashcat1784 years ago

C'mon Capcom, employ this man to fix your bugs :D @CursedToast

Awesome work! Really appreciate it, thanks for putting in so much effort :) !

zgl, septerna en 1 anderen vindt dit leuk
Germanytrashcat1784 years ago

There are valid points on both sides as we all just try to apply common sense. I know we are only talking about seconds, but the difference exists anyway, as the first post clearly shows. So it would feel kinda "unfair" if people with low specs had to run on 120fps category while only getting half the FPS at most. In my first post i only wanted to state my honest opinion on the topic and then people said i should stop "crying for categories" and someone even called this a "crisis" which should be killed off before it gets too "dramatic". I thought this topic exists to discuss our opinions on the matter :/? So far it feels like most people just suggest low-spec runners should get better PCs because that would be the standard these days, totally ignoring that not everyone has so much money to even afford that. I totally get your point, don't get me wrong - but the thing is i can really only afford a dual-core processor with 3,5GHz and hyperthreading + a Geforce 1050ti-mini GPU. This setup is so bad that i had to streamline my whole system to get this game running in a semi-stable state. RE3r and RE2r are the only games i ever did speedruns on, and i really love submitting/comparing my times and runs with all the other runners, which should be what this community is about right? Also, all the other games i play run fine on my system, so i couldn't even justify to get an upgrade just for this game/speedrun. Sorry if this is considered causing "drama" or a "crisis". But thank you for actually making this an open discussion and thanks that you don't just force some rules upon us or lock the topic (which i would even understand because someone above me was pretty harsh actually, not dropping any name tho).

Tl;dr: not saying that we should have 60FPS as main category, i'd just like to have both, 60 and 120.

Tequils, Sefex en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Germanytrashcat1784 years ago

I'm just a casual runner streaming my speedruns on twitch from time to time and my PC can't handle 120FPS in RE3, it could barely run RE2 on 60FPS and even then i had lots of framedrops. I actually enjoyed having a 60FPS category for RE2, so i could compare my times with other runners without the need for a new PC. For the framecap i can completely understand that it should be limited to the amount most people agree on, as everything else would make it pay to win (as you already mentioned). If that framecap happens to be 120, i would be fine with that, as it doesn't affect me too much. Would be really nice tho to have a 60FPS category as i just do speedruns as a hobby and i can't afford the upgrade tbh :/. Not everyone is a full-time speedrunner, if you want to cap the framerate at 120 only (without a 60 FPS category) it would just put me even lower on the leaderboards :(.

NuZ en YossyHop vindt dit leuk
Germanytrashcat1784 years ago

Alright, i'm back after taking a 2month break :P. Well, looks like all Claire Runs are using proper quickturns now, which proves my point. Still, you guys are quite right when it comes to Leon: 1 missed quickturn wastes way too much time for it to be an overall "timesafe". But still, quickturns on all Claire runs remain as the fastest way.

Thanks for all the answers! :)

Still i don't get why no one was talking about it at the time i left :/. Maybe the community wasn't ready to put in the extra training time or something, i don't know. At least (through evidence) we can put aside anyone saying it's an "opinion thing" or a "question of preference", which it is clearly not, as it is a question of wanting to save time more than anything else.

After all i wonder why no one made a better video than mine about it but well... speedrunners gonna speedrun i guess :D no time for proving facts, it's about proving your best possible time. :) that's all there is.

Thx @qDezeta, @vinev, @tdans and @morelan for jumping in on the discussion, while most WR holders are too busy with their streams to even post anything here :/. But well, as i said "speedrunners gonna speedrun".

If there's no admin or anyone else having to say something about this i am pretty sure we can close this thread? Most of them run themselves but again, there seems to be no time for these trivial questions :P.

Seeya and good luck on your runs!


tdans, Dezeta en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Germanytrashcat1785 years ago

I did a quick test on casual 90° turns vs. 90° quickturns. This pretty much proves my point. As expected it safes about 1 second on a ~20sec long split. So in the long run this movement technique safes significant amounts of time!

Still i don't get why it's such a taboo topic in the community. I've seached this forum, reddit, youtube, etc. There are some videos explaining how to do quickturns, but no one is claiming that they are faster, which they actually are. Also everyone just seems to ignore it as if people just don't know about it!?

Here's the video, starting out in the darkroom, running the exact same route with the same amount of stairslides on each stairs.

(60 FPS)

As speedrunners we should care about shaving off every second we can get, i'm sorry for everyone who is not into learning quickturns but if you want to achieve the best time possible you just have to learn it. There is no way around it.

Although keep in mind that you should test this out yourself! My crappy gear can barely record my runs, and even then i get stuttering lags. But the ingame time and FPS are not connected, so even with stutters this proves that quickturns are indeed a consistent timesafe, as expected.

We still need side-by-side comparisons, so if there is anyone out there with better specs than me, please make a video on the topic!

Edit: My clips seem off, maybe someone else can capture clear evidence?

Germanytrashcat1785 years ago

I just tried that and my game went from semi-stable 60FPS to 30-50 and even more stuttering. It's not that easy to solve, also "performance priority" adds unnecessary texture filters, bloom, motion blur and lens distortion, which costs even more CPU performance.

Please check this graphic if you want detailed information on performance use:

Germanytrashcat1785 years ago

Alright, so just yesterday i was watching TheLeviathan's stream (shoutouts!) and asked him what he thinks about 90° quickturns. He told me that it is not actually faster, but more a thing of personal preference: some runners like it, some don't. But i still think that quickturns are a consistent timesafe (if done right), although i don't have any video comparisons to back this up. It's just a feeling, for example: think of going up the stairs in the RPD towards the spade key OR the stairs in the Lab also seem a lot faster when doing quickturns. The character is using a more direct route, so it seems just logical to me that staying close to corners at all times should safe time in the long run.

So here goes my question: Are quickturns actually faster than normal ones or not? Does it depend on the situation/location/hitbox of the corner? What do you think? I know that they are very useful to dodge incoming attacks. But still, i've spent lots of time practicing my quickturns, so was that even worth the time or not?

Another example: The licker's down in the kennel also behave in another way if i go there by using quickturns. Today the first licker in the kennel room instantly jumped towards the ceiling and hit me afterwards, which he never did before. My guess is that this might be because i entered the room just a tiny bit earlier than usual. If anyone has any actual footage of a normal turn/quickturn route comparison than please put up the link. Maybe it has to do with 60/120FPS or Leon/Claire (I was doing a Claire A 60FPS run by the way and i was on caution which is common for the category.)

Licker example for reference:

Greetings and good luck on your runs! :P


(Please delete if this topic was already discussed, i couldn't find any other threads about this topic after checking the forums tho.)

Edit: Some ppl seem to get me wrong, i didn't mean to critize TheLeviathan's opinion in any way. I just wanted to actually make this a discussable topic ;). Also it was that moment which sparked my interest - and it made an interesting opener.

Germanytrashcat1785 years ago

Listen to Aniratak's advice! Try to use more of your GPU-VRAM for the textures by putting the options to High Quality (1 or 2GB, maybe more). That should make it easier to run for your CPU because your CPU doesn't need to fetch all the textures for new areas all the time, instead the textures just stay in your VRAM. For some parts of the game a little stuttering seems to be quite normal tho, e.g. after the gas station or inside the RPD main hall. Also try to lower your resolution (first lower resolution, THEN tweak image quality). I had lots of problems with running this game on 60FPS even, but my specs are way worse than yours. If nothing at all helps you can try to set your ingame FPS to "Variable" and then cap your FPS to 120 with Rivatuner! I hope this helps a little :P, it did the trick for me.

Over trashcat178
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