Francemauvaisvitrier1 year ago

Fantastic run. You got everything first try. You seem to be getting a little too much air sometimes so this looks improvable. But congrats on the WR!

flower vinden dit leuk
topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier3 years ago

So, I've found a new glitch... You guys going at it in 2nd and 3rd place of Any% got me back in the game to improve my PB and ensure I would not lose it to some trick I hadn't implemented in the WR. And while doing a practice run I ended up out of bounds without doing much different from the usual.

So there are 5 main segments in EOC Any%: The Institute, Devlin, Harbour, Village and the Lighthouse. In Devlin, we execute the QSL glitch that puts us out of bounds and allows us to go hit a cutscene trigger and gain time. However, since we access a cutscene without going through the initiating custcene event (destroying the crystal in Devlin Mine... haha you guys remember that ? it's been so long for me) some ingame functions haven't been disabled by the cutscene event; namely, the ability to use "T" and warp to and back from The Case.

I've known that for a while and did explore that glitch but to no avail.

The glitch is kind of difficult to explain without actually illustrating my words. It's also hard to put into words. So I'd need to stream this glitch so we can interact and so I can show you guys exactly how it works. The how might help us find other ways to exploit this glitch. And I think I now have a proper understanding of how it actually works, which I didn't yesterday (and it was pissing me the f off).

In the meantime, watch my WR (timestamped at 4:59). You might be able to figure out the glitch from just seeing it in action.

Corld1 vinden dit leuk
topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier3 years ago

Well that was fast. Thank you man, that's gonna be really helpful!

TheUnChosenOne vinden dit leuk
topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier3 years ago

Wonderful news! Thank you for looking into it! I can't wait (I actually can wait, but that doesn't quite convey my level of excitement).

TheUnChosenOne vinden dit leuk
topic: Dream (PC)
Francemauvaisvitrier3 years ago

Neat. Have you already used it in a run ?

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Haha, when misunderstanding instructions leads to more time saved... xD Even if you discovered it accidentally, I hope naming it "Doodle" skip is okay with you.

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Hi @Doodletones! I was watching your latest PB and noticed you did something different in Village right before Lighthouse.

You seem to have found a new way of skipping dialogue and accessing the Lighthouse sooner than intended. I've recorded and timed this new strat. This saves around 6 to 7 seconds compared to the old way of doing it. The video below contains both the new and old strats.

Good job!

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

I've found a "review build" of Ether One. So far the only important difference I've noticed is that you can quick save during the first part of St Paul's Lighthouse. When you are in the "care home" part of the lighthouse level, you have to wait for 4 lightning strikes to open a crack in the wall. If you quicksave/load after the second one, the wall is still there, but the collision isn't. So you can just walk through it.

I'll keep exploring

EDIT: I've found extra stuff. 30 sc time save. The two tricks are showcased in this video. The second one is shown at the very end.

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

One more thing that should make you super happy. "Trust skip" is no more. I've done some further testing and here is what you need to do in Village:

  • grab the last ribbon by the Church
  • enter the church to get Church skip
  • TP to the Case and activate the music box
  • TP back to Village to enter Pinwheel Primary and force the Memory Core door to open faster.

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago


Here is your new strat for all answering machines or whatever else you need (all projectors could use it I supposed)

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Re-posting my answer to your youtube comment on here:

Hi MagicMan101 !

It's quite difficult to explain so it might take a while, pay close attention :D

In The Occupation, the player doesn't have a 3D model, so when you sit in chairs the game simulates the motion of sitting down. And it works both ways. When you're sat down and stand up, the same 1st person camera mouvement is at play. So, as you might have guessed, the trick involves glitching the camera.

The game has a lean feature, that tilts the player camera one way or the other. You can also go up and down to hide under or peek over obstacles. So you can basically go in all directions while using the "lean" feature (that you activate while holding "space").

When sat on certain chairs (not all of them.. some of the chairs with more complex 3D models like with armrests and stuff don't work) you can activate the "lean" feature and lean a certain way. Keep the lean going and initiate the "Hold KEY to Stand Up" action. Do not actually stand up. You can start just spamming your binded key and the game will start displacing your camera towards the direction of your lean. I suppose the game is confused because you keep asking it to stand up (so it initiates the standing up camera mouvement) while actually not completing the action (so it has to move your camera back to where it supposes you were).

Using this trick, you can pretty much go anywhere out of bounds. The only downside is that you are still, at all times, considered to be sitting in the same chair you started your glitch from. So while you can interact with a lot of things you can not sit in another chair while glitching around. (sadly)

I hope that answered your questions

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Hi rapowke ! I'm glad you're thinking about running this game.

To answer your questions:

  • 100% hasn't been fully run yet. If you want to take a look at the some of the individual levels I ran in Levels Leaderboard feel free to do so.
  • Regarding rules: it is still All Leads, All Vinyls and All Blue Tapes because these are tied to achievements. They also now appear in the level selection screen (new to 1.4.0).
  • Regarding phone calls: they are an achievement and they do appear in the level selection screen. BUT, from what I remember, Mina's phone calls are always scheduled to happen at certain times. So sometimes you'd have to wait, doing nothing while waiting for Mina to call you, which doesn't make for a good speedgame. If you don't agree with this or if what I said was wrong (feel free to test this and report here) I'll be happy to discuss it further.

Regarding Endings: Yeah. I'd say the 100% one would have to be the one that requires the most inputs from the player. And this would then be the one where you need to save the cartridge in the IPA (compile the algorythm) and then go collect the Bowman cartridge in the last level. That way you can insert both cartridges in the PC in Scarlet's basement and get Ending 1 (see one of my posts above).

Does that answer all your questions ? Make sure to check out all the runs already submitted here and ask question about tricks and such. Make sure to check the two 100% individual levels records as well, that might give you some ideas or give you a base to work on and improve.

rapowke vinden dit leuk
topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

There is a spot in the Village Memory Core that you can clip through. You need to be crouched and wiggle your way around the same spot shown in the video.

Once you clip out of bounds, you fall into the abyss. At this point, start spamming left click (to take photos). Doing so will respawn you faster at the beginning of the memory core.

Nailing this trick first time allows you to save up to 7 seconds.

One piece of advice I can give you: the collision geometry around the clipping location is kind of weird. So just practice the clip a bunch of times in a row to get familiar with the invisible geo (that's what makes you fall through the map from what I can understand).

ps: when you take a photo of the ribbon, you can already start heading to the clipping spot.

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

And another one..

quick saving/loading in this area allows you to run. Jump on the lamp, go behind the lamp, go out of bounds, get to the end credits loading zone. EZ

It takes around 15 to 20 seconds to skip the epilogue. The Care Home segment lasts 3 minutes.

So that should be about a 2:40 time save. Neat !

topic: Ether One
Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

It's around 30 seconds faster to go through Return of the Institute the way it's showcased in the video below.

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Here is the video: That was one of my first tries after having done some theory crafting and practice. I still fuck up some of the small cutscene skips (the small 18 seconds cutscene intros to a new location) but that should give you an idea of what I had in mind.

Watch it and tell me if you think this is good, or timestamp moments you'd like to talk about. :)

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

I just realized I thought you meant Fischerman's Beach skip when you meant O'Sullivan's Beach skip. The second gate there goes straight out of bounds so it's irrelevant in inbounds.

So I have a problem, you skip O'Sullivan's Beach in Inbounds which represents quite a big chunk of the game in terms of puzzle solving. So if a way was found to skip Fischerman's Beach entirely like for example by getting enough air at the Prologue Bridge jump, would it be okay ? You still follow the intended path laid out by the devs. I know that you need 4 pieces of stone to continue later on, but let's talk in hypotheticals

We (I) need consistency in the decision-making because arbitrary choices make for a poor speedgame :)

Either anything skippable along the intended path is okay, or none of it is okay. But it CAN'T be whatever you feel like skipping. It has to be consistent.

So in that case there are only two choices possible: Inbounds is:

  • no Collision Jump Glitch (CJG) allowed, no out of bounds of any kind. This is basically 100% in terms of puzzle solving (including O'Sullivan's Beach). You just don't have to collect stuff.

  • CJG allowed but landing in out of bounds areas is forbidden: this creates a big difference from regular Any%. that removes the possibility of LANDING ON the pipe in the prologue to skip the lowering of the wooden bridge; BUT you can still skip it if you get enough air to LAND BACK INBOUNDS. in this scenario anything goes (you can skip whatever amount of content YOU CAN/MANAGE BE ABLE TO skip), so that means that if you're skilled enough, if you practice enough and if you're lucky enough you can get ahead of the other runners. This is a way better option than just walking-sim your way to the end without any tricks at all.

I'll repeat it once again: we can't allow or forbid tricks arbitrarily. Unless you have an other option to submit, I think we'll have to choose between the two above. Just to note, while I don't like the first option, it does at least make sense to me. I, of course, would go for the second option.

I understand how you came to create the Inbounds category, and you might've - like you said - not thoroughly thought this through in the moment, which is perfectly understandable. That's why I'm opening this discussion, so we can come to a conclusion and really start running this thing. Because right now it's a bit of a mess.

Also, please understand I'm not trying to be a dick or to be a thorn in your side. I'm just simply trying to make the runs legit so that when people come in they don't think MM is a joke of a speedgame.

EDIT. you know what ? I'm going to record a run with these parametres in mind, and post it here, then we can discuss it. It'll help talk about certain particular cases, because I realize how confusing it is to discuss such matters on a written forum board

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

Okay so, let me get this straight !

Do not EXCESSIVELY walk on out of bounds areas: use out of bounds to simply get around some obstacles (gates and such). No major skips: follow the intended path laid out by the developpers without skipping over big chunks of the game.

I don't know, I'm thinking about it and it is indeed a bit subjective. While I understand that an O'Sullivan's skip that goes straight over the fence on the left, skipping a big chunk of the game, might deviate a bit much from the intended path; one of the very first gates you have to open via a puzzle should fall in the same category (since you skip some back and forth and puzzle solving). The only difference here between the two is the amount of actual content skipped, and THIS is what's subjective. This is what's problematic.

I think it'll be fine as long as not many people run this game. However, this category WILL be questionned if or when more people come in, because it's inconsistent in the way it's defined.

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago


First of all, I'd like for us to iron out a clear definition of what is out of bounds in this game.

In order to maybe open a few talking points I'm posting a video below that showcases some examples of jumping over obstacles.

So let's think about it for a bit and play devil's advocate

  1. Only the ocean is OOB: Since the playable area is an island, we could consider that everything out of the boundaries of the island, i.e the ocean, to be out of bounds. This rules most of the current Any% route. However, this doesn't rule out the Fence skip where you land on the side of the moutain. Like here (timestamped)

  2. You are only considered OOB if you land and touch the out of bounds ground. This excludes the old Fence skip mentionned above. This means flying above out of bounds areas is considered inbounds since you shoot up and land from and to inbounds areas. Like here (timestamped)

  3. Ban the collision jump glitch (CJG) altogether In that particular case, this doesn't prevent you at all from going out of bounds during the prologue by squeezing yourself inbetween the stone fence and the wooden shack. You'd have to find ways to get back on the map without CJG somewhere else than Brennan's Folly beach because you'd be locked behind the fence.

3.5) Ban both CJG AND walking on out of bounds areas This should cover every single trick found in the game. This would basically be just puzzle solving, which doesn't require skill or anything. This would basically defeat the purpose of speedrunning this category, because it would be like trying to make the speedrun slower by any means necessary; which in my opinion is contrary to what speedrunning stands for.

Any of these options would lead to renaming the category accordingly and stating what is or isn't allowed in the rules.

I can't think of any more possibilities to raise at the moment but allow me give my personnal opinion about this matter. I'm currently all for the 2nd option because it's the one that makes the more sense considering how MM works as a speedgame.

However, defining what areas are out of bounds might be tricky sometimes. So I re-recorded the tricks I showcased in the first video of this very post, except I intentionnally messed them up (because it can very easily happen in runs depending on the amount of air you get). You can easily compare with my very first video. n°1 AND n°2

In both videos, I purposefully land on "out of bounds" areas before quickly going back inbounds. What do you think of these instances ? Are they bannable ? Do you think you should just clear every jump without landing at all on out of bounds surfaces ?

Also, to me, the pipe we walk on at the wooden bridge section is technically out of bounds :O you don't really walk on it, you walk on invisible geometry and getting back inbounds is wonky as hell. So, depending on how we decide what is allowed and what isn't, you might have to clear the entire gap and land back inbounds instead of using the pipe to cross the water below.

One last thing, here is a small clip I found on Fisherman's Beach for inbounds and 100%. This one is straightforward and uncontrovertial :)

Francemauvaisvitrier4 years ago

One thing I noticed in your recent MM 100% run: when you reset your files, you check your statistics and this is the screen you get.

It seems like "achievements" do not reset on this screen even though they are in the game's files. I had to double check every file in the archive again but they are indeed all set to "0"

So if anyone asks on stream or in the forums or anywhere really, you should be able to explain why the achievements don't appear to reset. And also point them in the direction of the MM Resource page so they can check for themselves.

ps: I also hope you deleted and replaced every single file properly and didn't make a mistake for some reason.

Over mauvaisvitrier
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