Franceleo17852 years ago

Hello, I started submitting runs and I have been wondering about how it got retimed like it did (on rankup).

The rules do say timer starts on first movement, and end when we CLICK the sign. On Livesplit I do these actions by pressing my split key and the other one (walk forward/right click) simultaneously. I know they may not still be perfectly timed, but I did get +0.5s after retime, so it's more than that, and so I'm confused about why.

[ : run that got retimed from 43.64 to 44.183 : other run, which got retimed from 39.79 to 40.150]

What I'm wondering is if the timer was stopped when the rankup message appeared in chat, or when I got teleported... If so there are 2 problems :

  1. The rules do say timer should end when CLICKING the sign, so it's not according to the rules.
  2. The real problem is, that the rule above is here for a reason, being that the timing between clicking and the message appearing is not consistent, as it depends on the lag.

We can visually see when the right click is pressed, and measure it precisely using the movement of the arm when it's clicking on the sign.

Also, I checked and, on both runs I end the Livesplit timer and right click on the same frame (I press right click and end the timer at the same frame). On both runs, the timing difference between first movement and starting the timer is never more than 5 frames, so yeah it should be that there is something...

What I say above may not be fitting if the timing difference does come from something else actually. If that's the case, I don't know from what, and would like to know why this timing difference then, cause right now I'm just confused..

Franceleo17856 years ago

Hi everyone, I have a question ! Can I speedrun super mario bros on the game super mario all stars on wii (and on wiiU) with differents graphics etc. ?

Over leo1785
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