topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk8 months ago

easy to do thing.

first make sure you have no 9mm ammo (for SMG and pistol)

then also make sure you have separate bind for pistol (weapon_9mmhandgun)

then at this place you switch to your nade, then to your pistol, and you should see that your hands are holding nade below.

now pickup 9mm ammo, and it should work. but if you want it to stay up until the end of script, dont switch weapons.

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk9 months ago

it's actually more convenient to use "old" TC script

but here you go

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk9 months ago

^ also you can't draw LiveSplit over Half-life if it's in full screen mode. Put LiveSplit on second screen or use windowed mode for Half-Life.

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk10 months ago

RTA - real time attack, is a time that took player to beat game. Does include load time.

Also RTA means kind of runs, which is: allowed save/loading, but you have to beat game in one sitting. Single-segment basically is the same, you also have to beat game in one sitting, but save/loading is disallowed.

From that Segmented is a kind of run which segments (different moments of one run) are being done in different moments to get better results.

vinden dit leuk
Ukrainekvadratyk11 months ago

where video

resobabapiro, exxx0tix en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago


topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

wdym "improve fps"? you mean your fps is locked on 60?

if so, go to your graphics card settings, and disable Vsync

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

reinstall game i guess? also do you have latvian language in system?

Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago


topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

Better ask on Sourceruns discord server. Guys are replying much faster than here

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

if scripted - use duckroll script or +bxt_tas_ducktap

if scriptless - bind your duck to mouse wheel "bind +duck mwheelup" (or mwheeldown)

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

Ask @Muty since he uses script that has these too.

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

it's not about pitch/yaw. it's about pressing keys in right timings.

you can try using another script, which is more consistent (personally for me)

this one.

so what you need - stay in the same corner, set your pitch to value between 30 and 40, yaw - 73.00-73.10.

then press 0 90 90 90 90 90 90. when you hear screaming, press 90, and hold W+Ctrl. and you are done.

Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

having issue when trying to move mouse, it just locks in between some angles. i even disabled rinput, thinking that it is doing it

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

so I was wondering, does anyone have scripts that were used in hl21?

like UC to OC box grabbing and object boosting through electricity?

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

here you go bud

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

Use +bxt_tas_autojump for spacebar instead

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

What exactly version of game were you using?

topic: Half-Life
Ukrainekvadratyk1 year ago

And no, it's not prohibited. Enjoy your weapons.

Over kvadratyk
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