United Statescolin5 years ago

With the gourd, feel free to message me with any specific questions you have about soe. I will help you look into hundo specific stuff next week though.

United Statescolin5 years ago

Ill help you look into this at some point next week

jibus vinden dit leuk
United Statescolin5 years ago

Personally in this time and age, I would say for runs to be competitive in the speedworld they need to be done single segment, especially due to the large amount of cheating and other stuff involved... I will however congratulate you, and state that ofc my opinion is just an ambiguous one (as is anything in speedgaming) and should ultimately be held to the community of runners.

Still be grats anyways, keep going fast man.

adrdear vinden dit leuk
topic: Glover
United Statescolin5 years ago

As Silo mentioned I wasn't trying to be rude at all, I was just stating that the LB was split because this would be more relevant in the PC section as people looking to run/fix the PC version would probably look there.

I'm sorry you interpreted my messages as dismissive or rude.

topic: Glover
United Statescolin5 years ago

Well as I had said earlier... There is a separate leader board for "Glover (PC)" - (How it actually comes up when you search for Glover in the search bar here on SRC...) and if you check there, Ryguy has a run on it for an example.

That being said, with the cut-scenes being skipped it would invalidate any runs of the game, but I like the effort to try and make it work.

topic: Glover
United Statescolin5 years ago

We have a separate LB for Glover PC and Glover PS1 because of the differences. Great stuff though, I want to look into getting Glover PC to run at some point as well.

United Statescolin5 years ago


PB = Personal Best.

Please submit your runs via the "Submit Run" button in the leaderboard section of the game in which you wish to submit to (Obviously Rondo in this case), and not here in the forums.

This thread is meant to serve as a notification for those who run (or will run and submit runs in the future) that the categories are being split by hardware due to a major game difference, not for people to submit runs to.

If you have any other inquires I am sure that you can find your answers in the main section of the Forums here on SRC

ShinkenX vinden dit leuk
United Statescolin5 years ago

The enthusiasm is great, best way is to just keep going, maybe talk to people individually about the idea and stream your adventures to try to develop interest. I have spent a bit of time trying to find a way to clip thru the barrier at the bottom of midgar (south of the church and stuff, the screen where u end up when u leave midgar) but no success.

The fact that we are already aware of the poor collision I think shows the potential for other larger clips is there. I would be willing to mess around with the idea a little bit, but goodluck, and like I said maybe try streaming/documenting your inputs (if possible) or checking ram values and such.

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

I am planning on doing a video tutorial really soon so I wasn't gonna bother to comment here but after watching how you did your glitch Saint Connor, I think that for the sake of the community I will just throw this up here for now so you guys can mess around with it, since I think it would be worth anyone who plans on running this game to at least try/know.

Any ways I have come up with a setup for the second swim glitch which I find really consistent (Only talking about the bosc fortress swim here, but if you have questions about episode 4, feel free to say so or DM me).

So if you watch how SaintConnor does his setup, and how I do mine in this clip here I am about to post at the bottom 👀 they look almost exactly the same. My theory still being that this trick is frame perfect/very very close to frame perfect is seeming to make more and more sense as I analyze this trick however I cannot say so for sure ofc.

Anyways to the meat of it, what you want to do is get Blasto as far jammed into a corner as possible, I find the one being used here to be the best personally (I have in the passed done it on the opposite side, which works well too but I like this one the best after trying a few times, I do try both tho if I am not having a good time). After you get a pretty good angle, you want to jump into the water (obviously) and the second that Blasto is about to hit the water hit FORWARD, do not press X, as it makes timing this trick much more difficult (Maybe if you have the timing really really well then go for it, but for me so far, I find this to be much better) and instantly after, you hold back.

The screen should fidget very shortly (I think its typically just one quick camera angle freak out, then goes back to normal. It maybe more than one, or maybe non, but from what I can tell it usually seems to just do it the once, unless Blasto kinda gets pushed back up and then falls in the water again as if you were trying to repeat the trick without jumping out of the water, in which case I think sometimes you get lucky and get it then,) and he will be pushed back into the ground.

I believe the cause of this is him trying to escape the pool, but you hitting back simultaneously on a specific frame putting him back into the water which bugs the game out, because he is in the corner the collision pushes him into the floor when he goes back in a standing state.

Completely just making this up btw, but this is just how it makes sense to me from seeing it, and doing it. Sadly we probably will never know until someone looks into game code or something.

Anyways, jump into the water, hold forward, then back instantly the second he starts to climb. Works like a charm, I think using the d-pad for the climb seems to time your back input much better, also you will never soft/hardlock this way.

Sorry if that was wayy wayy too much rofl just read the very last bit if you wanna see what is going on anyways. Also I always swim out so that way I don't push Blasto back in bounds, I don't typically swim up early either because I know in episode 4 it can push Blasto in bounds (I lost a billion to that during that run actually). Anyways gl and hf blasting fools.

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

I sent you a DM on Twitch as well as sent you an invite on discord.

EDIT: Nvm I couldnt find you on discord, but I sent it to you on twitch

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

If you're asking if a mod chip in a ps2 effects the consoles performance, it shouldn't no

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

If we could swim glitch thru the maze it would be game breaking because we could swim in a straight line all the way to bosc. It Eliminates the need to setup the second swim glitch, all the jumping and dodging (mainly all the potential deaths, but avoiding certain platforming helps as well) and basically makes the run much more safe since you don't have to wait until the very end to see if ur run dies or not to a dumb trick (even tho alienville skip sucks already as it is rofl)

EDIT: Interesting stuff tho, would def like to look into more stuff myself at some point, like potential clipping oob in just other weird areas (not sure how it would be helpful, but just kinda interested in what hasn't been explored yet, or maybe yet idek tbh)

EDIT EDIT: also for the jetpack, have you tried hitting the pad oob or something? Like hitting the pad from underneath?

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

Should prob be made a resource or something but I think only mods can. Anyways here it is

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

cough partial credit cough lol but yea we should probably make a wiki or something, I have other things to share but no one is in discord anymore 👀

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

I have noticed its possible in a few other weird spots as well, prob depends on what you're working towards though so could not/could be useful

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

Nvm cannot even reduplicate it sadly, so it was probably a fluke but still very interesting and I will keep looking into it anyways

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

So I am just playing around a little bit right now when all of a sudden this happened

So what seemed to happen is that by shooting the moment blasto would be grabbing the ledge, it perhaps gave him just enough extra height to clear the jump. Not sure if it has to be the blast charge, how small the window is, or what areas it would actually work or not but just thought this was really cool and I should share.

United Statescolin5 years ago

No yea I can completely understand where you are coming from, and like you also said, it just makes it easier if everything is super clear so that way newer runners/anyone currently involved in the community are fully aware of the deal and there is no need for fights/arguments later on down the line.

I did mean more like just grabbing heart pieces (idk bad way to compare I guess sorry lol) like along the way on a speedrun or something, but like u dont get hearts. Just kinda unfulfilling due to the lack of reward from the 100% completion.

I can fully understand where you come from, and I kinda have a similar feel, I actually agree with that just about completely, but still almost feel like it would be okay for the run to end on the final babe collected. Like I personally like the idea of getting the alternate cut-scene, as its something you could only play by getting that % or w.e but even then we could prob try to find ways to glitch it and get the cut-scene to play otherwise and maybe that would be cool as well?

But honestly I am not sure where my stance is really tbh. I am def into discussing what everyones opinion is and how routing to differ

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

I was talking to Chrissy about wanting to experiment with this glitch a lot more, so if people are into trying new things we could maybe make a channel or a sheet or something where we can keep everything that we try/learn/do recorded and easy to see. Or something like that. Merry Christmas lol

topic: Blasto
United Statescolin5 years ago

I think what I did was just line up in a certain way (I would have to rewatch my vods or something) and then I pushed forward into the corner of the rock while blasto is aligned in a very specific way. If you get him in one of these positions, he seems to clip almost every time. As for how the setup looked, Imma look through my vods in a little bit and try to see if I can find it, I will mess around later as well on the game

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