United Statesclove3 years ago

Check-lists and helpful info for everything belonging to All Achievements, All Blueprints, and All Databank Entries:

All AA, AB, and 100% runs will be verified under these requirements.

I recommend making a copy of the sheet for yourself to use while learning and practicing these categories.

Zookster vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
United Statesclove3 years ago

I noticed that my sub badge wasn't next to my name about a week ago but did not think much of it, as there have been issues with badges before. I no longer have the choice of adding a Sub Badge in my profile settings, I can only do Custom.

Eventually I thought to look at the profiles of any Partners I could think of, and found that most still have their badges while a few do not. I don't have a guess on why it's only affecting some people, but I figured I should post this as it could go mostly unnoticed.

topic: The Site
United Statesclove3 years ago

I'm a series admin for Tomb Raider and would like to request a Category Extension tag for this board: It applies to four games but the earliest release is Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

starsmiley vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
United Statesclove3 years ago

I'm a series admin for Subnautica and would like to request a minor Game Title adjustment. The Category Extensions board does not have an "S" on the end, which appears to be the norm across the website. It is instead titled, "Subnautica Category Extension" and I would ask for this to be fixed.

starsmiley vinden dit leuk
United Statesclove3 years ago

You could be right about Monkey Jump, I'll group that together with Sausage Skip and hopefully get more input on it. I attempted Safe Pulley Skip without touching the wall and Six dies from the landing, it's a much longer fall than it looks.

United Statesclove3 years ago

I'll start then. I've given some thought to glitchless runs so here's my take on all the significant strats.

I'm confident that these would be banned:

  • Light Skip Zip (Insane Push)
  • Risky/Safe Pulley Skip (No Fall Damage)
  • Hook Warp (Out of Bounds)

Depending on what the community thinks, I feel these strats could go either way:

  • Hunger Skips (Overwriting an animation with another to minimize slowdown)
  • Jumping through prison bars instead of squeezing through (Minor strat but mentioning it anyways)
  • Janitor Grab Bait ("Breaks" the boss fight allowing you to touch his arms, which would normally result in death)
  • Sausage Skip / Monkey Jump (Something something physics)

I would personally allow all of the following strats, but of course everything is up for discussion.

  • Checkpoint Abuse
  • Chair Skip
  • Bed Skip
  • Walking around the first hunger in the Kitchen
  • Garbage Pit Skip
  • Early Elevator

It is a good idea not to ask too much of the mods with LN2 just coming out, but if some runners want a glitchless category then we need to agree on a rulebook and get some runs going. It would also set an example for LN2, because I see a glitchless run being very different from any% and it could get some attention.

en 1 anderen vindt dit leuk
United Statesclove3 years ago


I have an easier time learning some runs with visual references, so I made my own maps for 100%. Thanks to Leemyy for making half of the blank maps and filling out some of the larger areas before I started on this.

While the glitchless route I provided doesn't easily explain the pathing, it's a good baseline for when and where we get each item.

I don't have any intention on learning the glitched run but I would assume there are not many extreme differences compared to glitchless. If there are, I'll consider making images for the route if anyone is interested.

lollipopomg vinden dit leuk
United Statesclove4 years ago

The Mexico slope is definitely weird but I would attribute that to bad level design. It does not behave like a normal slippery slope, the bottom allows you to stand on it normally unless you walk forward (instead of jumping to the wall pegs) and then it starts dragging you upwards. I do not see this as an issue.

As for the red pillar jump, I would compare the weird locking animations to the Out of Time fast cycles or these "flailing" jumps that you can see here in Bhogavati and here in Jan Mayen. In my opinion these are not glitches because we are making use of Lara's auto-grab (existing mechanic) and bad level design, with the only "odd" thing being the look of the animations. I don't see any of these as a glitch either.

United Statesclove4 years ago

Here are a few strats to start off the discussion:

1 - Floating Grenade

  • Info: Throwing a sticky grenade while looking downwards with crosshair, having certain weapons equipped, and a high FPS will stop it mid-air.
  • My Thoughts: Glitch - A grenade should actually be sticking to something to use it in a glitchless strat.

2 - Slope Kick

  • Info: A running kick allows Lara to ascend a slippery slope.
  • My Thoughts: ? - The overlapping animation and the upwards distance gain are the only points I could make.

3 - Major / Minor Clipping Issues

  • Info: These are examples of Lara's model clipping through objects without going out of bounds.

Major: A - Burning Debris B - Niflheim Rock 1 C - Niflheim Rock 2

  • My Thoughts: Glitch - Lara's model is freely moving through something that is perceived as solid, even if it is not. Examples A and B can be done with no/minimal visual clipping.

Minor: D - Tiger Skip E - Crypt Ledge

  • My Thoughts: Not A Glitch - The only visual clipping happens during animations that lock Lara into them. While you can make an effort to avoid both of these examples, they don't give any more of an advantage.

4 - Thailand Statue Opening

  • Info: After lighting up both small statues there is an unskippable cutscene of the ground opening up. The flat collision instantly turns into stairs while the textures descend slowly. If you have both small statues in place before the second jewel lights up it will skip the cutscene entirely and you can fall right through the ground and proceed.
  • My Thoughts: ? / Leaning Towards Glitch - The setup is arguably natural, but Lara's model fully moves through ground textures and can see out of bounds even though she technically is not. It's honestly just a weird looking strat. If we decide that it is a Glitch, I think the best thing to do is to disallow the cutscene skip so that Lara can't move until everything is in place. I feel this would be a more direct way of handling it.

5 - Jan Mayen Bike Fall

  • Info: As you can see, short falls on the bike will kill Lara. Collecting at least two relics to increase max health makes this strat possible when landing in front of the Gate of the Dead. I believe this is because that spot is a checkpoint / cutscene area that does actual health damage instead of the instant death you would normally get on the bike.
  • My Thoughts: Glitch - I view this as a form of cancelling / minimizing fall damage. The fall distance is extreme and the results are unnatural.

I would highly appreciate any and all feedback, even if you just wanted to quickly list off the strats and a quick "Glitch / Not A Glitch" opinion. Please feel free to bring up any new strats that you find or anything that you would like clarification on, no matter how small. That's what this thread is for.

topic: Subnautica
United Statesclove4 years ago

Check-lists and helpful info for everything belonging to All Achievements, All Blueprints, and All Databank Entries:

Any new AA, AB, and 100% runs will be verified under these requirements. All existing runs on the board will not be affected.

I recommend making a copy of the sheet for yourself to use while learning and practicing these categories.

United Statesclove4 years ago

I would like some help clarifying a strat for the glitchless run. Looking through the forum I couldn't find much discussion of the back handspring/left roll aside from the initial suggestions to ban them. Left roll zipping is banned (as it should be) while the back handspring is not and I would like to discuss it. I mention both of these strats because they were often listed with each other due to their similarities. If you perform a forward roll, side roll, or back handspring on a slope you will ascend a great height. Here is a quick video showing all of the places you can use it in the run that I currently know of. I could argue that it's at least a borderline glitch that would fit more in Better Than Glitchless since we have that category separation. It feels like an oversight for Lara's animations to not be interrupted by the slope and the distance you gain with it is excessive. The strat has always felt a bit off to me and I'd like to make sure that everything used in the run is agreed upon. I have been working on improving this run quite a bit and I would vote to have it removed from glitchless.

Over clove
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