North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit6 years ago

Hey i decided to run the nsc category again to better out my current time and watched the newest world record. Then i saw that unlike evyrbody else pokeguy84 didnt manip his trainer ID like everybody else does.

Is this a new way to do it or what exactly happens there.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

Hey guys,

i have this big problem that the part before the actual game starts is extremly laggy. Rest of the game is "fine" (maybe one or two lags here and there) but this part is pretty annoying since i cant compare myself to other times.

I made a short comparison video to show what i mean and ask you if there are any possible fixes for this.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

why exactly did you guys seperated skip and skipless. in my opinion it is really too much.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

Hey Guys. Im pretty new to running this game (actually i started yesterday) and i was watching Tommoa's guide while playing the same route until i came to the one part in "Benefactor" where you have to climb the metal thingy and get stuck so you can climb even higher.


My problem now is that i cant manage to get stuck. I tried Tommoas angle almost hundred times and different ones, too.


Do you guys have some tips for me?`:^)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

hey after several problems with this categorie which i already solved myself i got to the next problem where i need your help.

everything is working fine ..

  • got the pidgey manip
  • got brock skip
  • got the "new"-ish way to the cave
  • got ditto manip

BUT i cant catch it.

i tried it hours and hours like they described it in the updated guide document. but it never works.

do i miss something crucial? something only noobs do wrong ? :^)


  • Acoustic ♫
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

In the following video at 1:16 the runner just walks into the portal and get shot in the air. I searched everywhere for a guide or tutorial for this because i can't manage to do the same. Can anybody maybe help me?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

Hey guys. Just started running Portal Inbound and watched some tutorial videos but i really dont understand saveglitches. I mean I think I do it exactly as shown in the videos but it doesnt work for me like intended.

The 02/03 doesnt work at all even if i place the portal on the right spot and save-load while going over it (they explain it this way)

The 04/05 glitch kind of works but i need to save-load twice to get through the door where other people seem to do it just ones.

Maybe you guys have some tips for me or text-instructions.

Love, Acoustic :^)

Edit: I use Source Unpack so it can't be because of not using it :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyalvy8bit7 years ago

hey gyus im new to this whole speedrunning scene and still try to find a good game i want to "learn" and since i found this 0 star technics pretty interesting and funny to watch i tried to learn this sm64 run.

but after i lost 2 hours on the first bridge jump (which i still dont get somehow) i thought i try the lobby BLJ first. i manage to come in the pillar (veeery slowly but i can do it) but now i stuck at the BLJ part.

whenever i try to long jump mario either jumps through the pillar or does nothing but groundslam even if i first crouch and then jump.

dont know if its important but i play on an emulator with a ps3 controller connected via motionjoy (just wanted to try little bit of speedrunning .. dont want some serious competition :P )

hope you can help me with the BLJ.

Greets, Acoustic <3

Over alvy8bit
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