New Jersey, USAaciidz1 year ago

If people want an "All L4D1 campaigns on L4D2" (or "Original Campaigns" of the same type) category then there needs to be established demand in the form of runs being posted somewhere (discord or a forum thread) beforehand. We generally don't add categories unless multiple people do runs of it.

SimplyNova vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz1 year ago

This guy stinks

Slayur vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz1 year ago

Noob. I did it in 45:34.

New Jersey, USAaciidz1 year ago

Guys, self verified?!?!?!? Cheated.

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

Is the autosplitter enabled (in the "edit splits" screen) when this happens? Are you resetting the timer with a hotkey? If so, what key? What game version?

My assumption is you have whatever key you're using to reset the timer also bound to "quit". Please open the game console and type "bind key" (replace key with whatever key it is you're using, and remove the quotation marks), and hit enter. Let me know what it says.

Also if you want quicker answers/help, ask in the Discord server.

monke022 vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

April 24th, 2021 (as written by @bill_play3 )

  • The video submitted for runs must be hosted on a permanent platform. That means that whatever is linked in the submission cannot expire (like a Twitch VOD, for example). Twitch highlights and Youtube videos are recommended, but anything that doesn't expire will suffice
  • Official dedicated servers are now banned from use for Co-op runs. Main reason for this is that timing such runs has always been a problem, since it's not always consistent who loads first, and it either leads to invalid submissions or to a lot of extra effort to verify a run
  • Added the wait command and the -dev launch option (which changes the developer cvar) to the banned command list. I'm pretty sure this has been publicly discussed before, but it wasn't written down yet. Brief explanation about why these are banned: wait allows for some basic scripting and developer gives you extra information you couldn't have otherwise (and probably other applications i can't think of immediately)
  • Last but not least, added some Markdown formatting to the rules so it looks a bit nicer
  • Rules were also restructured/reordered for the sake of clarity

October 18th, 2021

  • Demo files are now required for runs which meet a top X standard as described in this forum post
  • Null cancelling movement scripts are now explicitly banned as it's now enforceable due to demos.
  • Changelevel is temporarily unbanned for L4D1 v1.0 only to facilitate demo recording without losing time due to the lack of cutscenes (refer to forum thread for futher details/explanation).

January 1st, 2022

  • Demos are now required for all submissions.
  • Changelevel is now banned again for L4D1 v1.0.
New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

Noob. I did it in 47:06.

JurasPatryk vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

GIGACHAD GIGACHAD GIGACHAD GIGACHAD GIGACHAD KUTAS KUTAS KUTAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

The category exists on this exact leaderboard, both in full game variations and individual campaigns.

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

I assume you were the one who asked this in the speedrun discord, but if somehow you weren't, the answer is no. Tank run is basically the same thing as a normal campaign run except you're limited to running on the TLS patches which means most huge skips are blocked, and all of the normal holdout finales just run on 10 minute timers which means you're literally just gonna be running in circles for 10 minutes until the escape vehicle arrives. There is hardly any skill involved and it would be very boring (not only to watch, but to run as well).

MagVII vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

reid captain is a god

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

Highway = 69 seconds

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

when we arent trolling

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

One day I will get you to improve this

Aquatic_Lobster vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

insane run

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago


New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago

holy hell this is garbage why did I even upload this

New Jersey, USAaciidz2 years ago


Over aciidz
inactive · I ran L4D2 at SGDQ 2022
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