North Dakota, USATheSaltGod4 months ago

Thanks, I'll see about new potential categories like Arcade%.

North Dakota, USATheSaltGod1 year ago

So... are we ever getting new categories? Theater's kinda been dead for a while now, considering that the new standard to get a record is to go through Untouchable in DX (which is much harder than the original) with Mario to be able to fight Emma instead of Demon Wario, who is way, way more difficult.

All that could be improved outside of better RNG is beating it with Demon Wario since he has the same advantages as Mario and much higher damage to destroy Emma, but I don't think anyone wants to go through that just for a record.

Littledom vinden dit leuk
North Dakota, USATheSaltGod1 year ago

Doing modes for just The Exit, Final Days, or Factory Classic Mode aren't a good idea. All you'd have to do is not die, hit continue as soon as it pops up, and bam, you have an unbeatable time since you can't make the clock move faster.

North Dakota, USATheSaltGod1 year ago

Extremely late here, but I wasn't aware of this game even being in until today. Here's some categories I'd consider.

100% - Simple enough, but I doubt anyone would want to run this considering you'll be forced to level up to max for the Dedication achievement and subsequent God Is Pleased achievement.

Theater All-Out - This would make for a far more interesting run compared to The Theater since you'd have to beat all the shows and their difficulties before the Final Show instead of just doing an Untouchable run.

Arcade% - A throwback to the original FSAW where you'd beat The Theater, Theater All-Out, Reverse All-Out, The Exit Standard Mode, Nightmare Day, and Final Days 1-5 to get the gems required to unlock the memory arcade, aka the original 100% reward.

All Modes - An expansion of Arcade% which also requires beating Day 6, all routes of Factory Standard Mode, Factory Classic mode, corrupted Theater, one run of Colosseum of the First, and possibly step 7 of endgame quest. If the rest endgame quest were included in this, it would require resetting your save for each new run, since you can't repeat some of the earlier steps more than once.

Corrupted Theater - It'd be interesting to see what is possibly the most efficient method to destroy the door to escape, though I'd imagine it would involve a lot of playing one show on its highest difficulty and then resetting right away, rinse and repeat.

Over TheSaltGod
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