ItalyTheRedhotbr1 year ago

Just refreshing what "classic" would be defined as:

[quote=TheRedhotbr]I propose an alternative solution, which is a "classic" filter. Before TA skip, people competed for over a decade using pretty much a static strategy. The latest develops in the category before TA skip were the introduction of Speed characters, and Polar Pass "boomerang" skip. There's a historical significance for a category that doesn't allow any modern technique such as TA skip, Tiziano, or any other skip that may become RTA viable one day.[/quote]

DarkSlayerAA en Lornoveo vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr2 years ago

I decided to solve this minigame for the minimum amount of guesses you need in order to figure out the pattern, and the answer is 2.3 guesses: 70% of the time you can find the solution in 2 guesses, 30% of the time in 3 guesses.

Here is the optimal strategy:

AleMastroianni en dha vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr2 years ago

This list will be updated if new shortcuts are found.

Crash Cove NMZ:

Papu's Pyramid NMZ:

Tiny Arena Startline Glitch:

Oxide Station Nyxx SC:

Lornoveo, juniorSM, en Natty vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr2 years ago

Releasing the CTR Speedrun IGT mod. This mod uses in game time to time the run, removing loading screens and idle animations. The mod has built in splits for comparison against your personal best, and other quality of life improvements such as no more podium or boss cutscenes. For the first time in two decades, the mod makes competition on PS1, PS2 and emulators equal.

Complete feature list, as of release v1.0:

  • Add IGT to time the adventure mode (any%, NMG/Classic).
  • Add splits to compare against your personal best.
  • Add a split editor, which can be opened by pressing the button SELECT when you're not speedrunning.
  • Take out podium cutscenes, mask speech and boss cutscenes.
  • Automatic mashing of intro cutscenes and end of race cutscenes.
  • Leave all adventure hub doors open.
  • Take out AI exhaust and lower the level of detail of AIs to reduce lag.

Mod Leaderboards: Get the mod here: , pinned in the chatroom #ctr

Lornoveo, 0lhi en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr2 years ago

Release notes:

  • Add IGT to time the adventure mode (any%, NMG/Classic).
  • Add splits to compare against your personal best.
  • Add a split editor, which can be opened by pressing the button SELECT when you're not speedrunning.
  • Take out podium cutscenes, mask speech and boss cutscenes.
  • Automatic mashing of intro cutscenes and end of race cutscenes.
  • Leave all adventure hub doors open.
  • Take out AI exhaust and lower the level of detail of AIs to reduce lag.

Get the mod here: , pinned in the chatroom #ctr

isaac_menay_T2K, Niikasd en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr2 years ago

Kieron brought some great points which made me want to address them here. Before I get started, I'm not an active CTR runner anymore, I'm happy with whatever decision the community wants to make, I just want to bring more ideas that haven't been talked about in this thread, which may help everyone to find the best solution.

[quote=Kieron]A 'No TA WR' honestly feels like it demeans the work of people who decide to push the game and Tiny Arena. You completely bypass the need for grinding, pushing a trick which is part of the speedrun for an arbitrary variable because now Any% NMG isn't the only fish that the cat can grab[/quote]

I think you're passing the wrong impression about the grind needed for both categories. TA skip adds more variance to the run, which has the side effect of encouraging playing safer in other levels. If both categories are grinded to its limits, a classical run would be more frame grind in terms of time save in each level, while a TA run would mainly focus on the bigger picture.

I don't think a separation would demean the work from someone who grinded TA, both WRs would require as much grind if enough effort is put into them.

[quote=Kieron]3). At what point does the line get drawn? TA is a 'skewed' mixture of luck and skill. But when WR for both the variable categories have Tiziano in them, what then? Will that also be a 'skewed' mix of luck and skill or is that okay? No matter how much 'skill' is in TA skip, there is some skill and that requires a level of respect, circumventing that can only lead to a hole[/quote]

That is an excellent point! At the end of the day, item RNG is not the biggest factor that increases the variance of TA skip, but the skill involved in hitting the right spot is. Banning TA is arbitrary and not future proof. Tiziano isn't the only skip which introduces a big variance either; Crash Cove lap skip, Oxide Station Nyxx shortcut, and many other TT techs would bring a lot of variance if someone could find a way to make them RTA doable.

I propose an alternative solution, which is a "classic" filter. Before TA skip, people competed for over a decade using pretty much a static strategy. The latest develops in the category before TA skip were the introduction of Speed characters, and Polar Pass "boomerang" skip. There's a historical significance for a category that doesn't allow any modern technique such as TA skip, Tiziano, or any other skip that may become RTA viable one day. I think people could be happy with this solution, since that would give more appreciation to Hypno's 50:17 run, while still making his current 48:46 WR relevant. This solution would eliminate the concern you brought in the 5th point, since there's not really a historical significance for 101% without TA, or an all cups without TA.

[quote=Kieron]I've seen multiple people, who I shan't name, say that a filter would make them stop playing just because they feel like not using TA skip is a dirty thing, you've been pushed onto an island of your own and that kinda sucks.[/quote]

The same can be said for both sides of the argument. There are people who have stopped playing due to the skip being found, and there are people who might stop if a filter is added. It's hard to quantify what side weights more in this discussion, so I don't think that is the right approach for this problem. I'd rather take the approach of: are there enough people playing the game in a classical way? Is there a demand for a classic filter?

Leaderboards should reflect what people play. Creating artificial categories won't make people want to play them, as we can see with many miscs categories in all SRcom. I myself believe that if there's enough demand, the category should naturally be added since there's a subcommunity playing it. I haven't checked what's going on currently, so I can't tell whether people are actually playing without TA, or if they just want a segregation without contributing to the life cycle of the board whatsoever. This point also addresses the "skipless" concern: if no one plays, why would you want to create a category?

[quote=Kieron]6). The point that MANY people have made that this will attract more people to the boards because TA is no longer pseudo-necessary feels slightly flawed in my eyes at that comes from the past of the Emu and All TT boards. Both of those were to make the game more accessible and increase the player pool or at least increase the longevity of people playing. Yet the people who were already playing still played and nobody knew came from the split. You can see from the quantity of runs in recent, it was a huge burst when it first came to fruition and then little droplets here and there in the next 80% of it's life cycle and I respect the want for accessibility but, and onto my final point[/quote]

I don't think that measuring "how many people joined the community because of X change" is a good parameter, specially when you can't properly measure weakly correlated variables in such a small community. The main take away of emu boards (and other QoL changes) is: has it improved the quality of the community? Do active runners benefit from the changes? Has it helped to provide more activity to the boards? From what I've seen, the answer for those questions is yes. There was demand for an emu separation, and people are happy to use it so far. The emu leaderboard hasn't downplayed the significance of a disc WR either, just like I'd imagine the classic filter wouldn't demean the TA/Tizi WR.

edit: typo

Ahvena, Lornoveo en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr4 years ago

Recently I found a new speed tech while researching the game. I made a tutorial for this technique here:

I forgot to mention that the wall exploit doesn't work in downhill or uphills.

If you'd like to use to play with the in game variables showing on screen, you need to download BizHawk and then download this lua script:

Here's a lap example using save states that shows the techniques applied. This speed tech can save over 1s in multiple lap time trials.

I hope that this tutorial helps runners and future runners!

Mikel0721 en Elmotus vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr6 years ago

As far as I'm aware, NTSC PSX games with PAL fps or PAL PSX games with NTSC fps is a problem of PS2 modchips (at least slim models). PS1 plays fine with the fps conversion, while PS2 fails. However I'd recommend buying a NTSC-J and a PAL console for time trials, cause those are the only two versions that you need.

About console models: for speedrunning it's a lottery game. PS2 of 39K and 30K models are the ones that people are using and have faster loads/lag in general. If you only care about time trials, a PAL PSX and a NTSC-J PSX is enough, PS2s are only needed when you want to do full game runs (cause you'd need the time saver of PS2 fast disc speed to have high level competition).

TVs: usually CRT TVs are fine.

victorards vinden dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr7 years ago

Sprash discussion archive:

Ok, so I misunderstood the meaning of ng+ (it's more like carried data+). This skip is definitely not for any%, perhaps the mods can create a NG+ category (or a similar one) that allows this menu abuse. Special thanks for IHNN.

So, to prevent menuing abuse for any% I'm requesting that runs shouldn't start when you get the option to play the quidditch league. This is very easily to avoid: reset the console/emulator, or quit the game before you beat quidditch 1 (in case you past quidditch 1, just go for a new game and quit it); otherwise, the file will carry your quidditch league wins that you had before. How about it?

@Burpman It will.

ItalyTheRedhotbr7 years ago

Recently I figured out a way to skip Quidditch 1 + Neville's Quidditch minigame, the information about it is here:

I'm questioning myself about it. You need to make a campaing progress to do this skip; however, you only use a fresh new file after that, so it definitely is not a NG+ trick.

You can't ban a run because the runner in order to reset decided to "quit the game" and start a new run by just menuing, this is exactly what I do when I run the game (specially in my old console attempts). On the other hand, as I've written in the pastebin, a campaing progress has to be done to unlock the quidditch league.

So, can we use this skip in any%?

ItalyTheRedhotbr7 years ago

Unfortunatelly CTR has issues on PAL emulation. This means: if you wanna run CTR on an emulator, use either NTSC-U (anything except all cups) or NTSC-J (all cups).

Exception: time trials must be done on console, so your times will be rejected if you use otherwise.

victorards vinden dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr7 years ago

Our situation basically is: we can't proove either that #000 is a glitch or Mergy is a cheater. This is what I myself strongly believe: Thats so unfortunate, cause if he IS NOT a cheater and we delete his times (and ban him from FM boards, whatever), we would not be ethical. Beside that, if he has cheated and we keep his times on the boards, we would not be ethical. It's quite unlikely to proove that #000 is a real glitch, but thats not 100% confirmed; otherwise, reserach people imediately would tell to ban Mergy.

AndreaRovenski vinden dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

Glitchless is a stupid idea: if you slidejump once, you setup a 'glitch' that is the longjump glitch, so this kind of category would be too boring. You can still go slow if you refuse to get good, and submit your run as any%/100%/All Levels.

topic: Crash Bash
ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

An extra reason to hate Rilla.

ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

Speeding up the gameplay by 1.012% in 1:40 hours gives you an advantage that is over ONE minute, just because you decided to play in a dead emulator. This doesn't even count the time saved by lag and loads. How can this difference be "insignificant"?

victorards en Spikestuff vindt dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

Why are you using PAL on the first place? It's most likely being slower than NTSC due to low frames per second. Also, this cheat might be NTSC-U only. Also, according to cheatcc: Cheat mode Wait until the demonstration mode begins. Press any button to display the title screen, then press Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Square, X, Triangle(2), X, Square, Circle. Go to the challenge screen and press Square on any challenge. This will unlock every race and racer.

Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

I myself believe this topic is useless; there is a guide section on that we add guides of this game ( ). These guides should be ok to anyone who is beggining the game; however, if you still get questions on any trick in this game feel free to ask here.

ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

I have done this video:

I would be glad if it helps anyone who is strugling to learn this skip.

Tigame vinden dit leuk
ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

I am not sure if the second option is viable, but it's still the most precise idea.

The first option seems fine; however, it will be easier to have tied world records because the timing is not precise, but it's surely more accurate than the one that is being use right now. I myself believe that using the In Game Time and doing the maths are ok, and if we get any kind of troubles we would still have the possibility to change it. Also, if you decide to use the IGT idea, you might want to specify in the leardboard rules what time you need to subtract to do the maths. I certainly would change to IGT timing (doing maths as you said in your post).

ItalyTheRedhotbr8 years ago

Hi. I have noticed that the RTA timing submitted in level leardboards are not accurate at all, so I am here suggesting it to change. Andy's House lap trial, for example, has almost 1s gap by the first and second positions, while in the 'in game time' Victor finishes only 0.4 ahead of the former world record time. I have gotten a time that finishes in 7.0 (0.5 faster than Victor's PB) - ; however, when I used Yua to see my RTA timing in this level, yet it was slower than Victor's PB:

So, I really want to see this issue fixed and the way to do is all up to you @remln64. After it I most likely be submitting my 7.0 WR :)

victorards vinden dit leuk
Over TheRedhotbr
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