EnglandTehMonkey_2 years ago

All runs now require fps counter to be shown regardless of whether you are using the fpsfix or not.

relxert vinden dit leuk
EnglandTehMonkey_2 years ago

The reason we have not done this is because the fpsfix gives unfair advantage to some pc's more than others.

It makes AMD cpus run the game faster than it does on intel cpus, and I don't mean performance. It makes the games animations run faster ( faster running speed, faster battle animations etc...)

Splitting the leaderboards doesn't solve this issue and effectively creates a leaderboard that is inaccessible for people with intel cpu's. Thus the decision to just hide the times was made as this means the default visible times are times that are accessible for anyone on any system to get. But to save removing them completely the fpsfix times are now hidden by default but can still be submitted.

EnglandTehMonkey_2 years ago

Due to issues discovered with the FPSFix mod speeding the game up for some users a decision has been made to continue to allow the mod to allow a higher population of people to run the game. But as a result by default all runs submitted using the FPSFix mod are hidden on the leaderboard and can be viewed by selecting it as a filter for the board.

Thus the times on the leaderboard shown as default will only be runs submitted without the FPSFix mod installed.

If you have runs on the leaderboard that haven't be modified accordingly yet could you please messsage and moderator or self modify your run to show accurately whether it was with or without FPSFix.

Any questions don't hestitate to ask.


EnglandTehMonkey_4 years ago

On the rules I personally would change it to

That the frame limiter/pacer is set to use in game default.

As that is an option for the frame limiter in the config.

I would actually set it so that there's is a defined and agreed up on config file that is used across all runners so that everyone has the same settings with no issues (as impossible as that is to enforce)

EnglandTehMonkey_7 years ago

New guy here. Been watching speedrun for a few years and decided to actually start giving it a go. Taken me so long to try as my favourite games have always been final fantasy but they are all really long speed runs and never been sure if I would be able to commit that sort of time to actually do a run. But figured it was time to bite the bullet and give it a go. So hi all. Any advice with best practises to use when submitting runs etc.. is always appreciated.

Over TehMonkey_
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