EnglandStitchyNate1 year ago

I've been getting it pretty consistently recently. All I was doing wrong was not going down because the camera view looks the same when gliding in a straight line when you're gliding down.

EnglandStitchyNate1 year ago

Can somebody please explain the new dr. skip where you keep the storage to skip the explosive wall and skip the predator room. Struggling alot on it particularly the last glide to the second oob.

EnglandStitchyNate1 year ago

Tried to make a video using the two ways of equipping the gel and the twin batarangs before the cutscene but they recorded at the wrong fps and so it looks like a slideshow. I did keep the storage for the first attempt though (Equipping the twin batarangs). The second one I lost it (equipping the gel) but I think on the second run I equipped the batarang without holding the left trigger which I tested and only just found out that you lose the storage from that. Idk how I didn't know that but I think it's safe to assume that's I was doing wrong. Cheers though.

EnglandStitchyNate1 year ago

Trying to the zip after collecting the all the spores in the sewers but I lose the storage after the cutscene where Batman turns around and aims a batarang, I've tried using another gadget like the twin batarangs but I still lose it. I've also noticed (in the video) that he pulls out a normal batarang during the cutscene but he still keeps the storage. I've done that accidentally before and equipped the explosive gel before the cutscene plays but I still lost the storage. Quite baffled thus far

EnglandStitchyNate3 years ago

Thanks that worked, also very fast response thanks for that too

EnglandStitchyNate3 years ago

I did my first run with livesplit and used the autosplitter and it worked perfectly but it didn't split at the end of the Joker fight. I tried manually splitting at the end too but that didn't work. Is there an explanation and/or a way to fix it?

Over StitchyNate
I'm good at going to sleep
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