Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSegasensei6 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to record my runs with OBS but I'm trying all my options, I can't quite record the game and only the game (not all my desktop) I'm using the Japanese PC release as well as the patch. I tried everything, record game, record screen, record window... Nothing...

Sorry to bother you guys for such a lousy question.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSegasensei7 years ago

Heya !

I'm currently thinking of attempting a run on the Sourcenext version of the game, but one think kinda bothers me.

I know that you can skip doors, but strangely when i do skip a door there's a black screen for about 2 seconds after the sound of the shutting door...

I know that it's totally nitpicky, but i never saw this issue on any speedrun of the game i watched and i fear this could be bad if i try to make a run... My computer's also kinda shitty so... Any suggestions ? ^^'

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceSegasensei8 years ago

Hello ! I'm Segasensei, a French fan of speedruns, hoping to become a speedrunner myself one day.

I am a huge fan of the Biohazard/Resident Evil franchise, and i'm trying my best to perform good runs on these games, especially Resident Evil 2. My best time on this game was 01:45:31 with Claire A on a Dreamcast PAL version, i have the picture of the result screen but... I couldn't record my run, since i haven't got any materials allowing to do so...

Anyway, i'm not trying to break records or anything, i just want to have fun speedrunning my favorite games and sharing it with the Internet :)

Have a nice day :)

Over Segasensei
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