San Diego, CA, USARoboticDream14 days ago

Alright, so emulation has come a long way to where now it's easily accessible for running LC. So far it's just been IL runs and some slower times on the main boards, but a 1st place run was submitted for NG Any%. I think the days of me making major decisions about the game have pasted since i no longer actively run the game anymore. I have made Shivahaze a mod, he has been here for a long time and still runs the game. I made Edycis a mod too long time ago in case something happened and i couldnt verify runs, but is an active runner in a ton of games and has tons of knowledge from those communities.

Anyways... my questions is how should emu runs be handled? I had never got around to testing load times for emu, but i would suspect it's faster than console and would also be based on pc specs.

For the time being I will verify the run until the community/mods come to a decisions on what they want to do.

San Diego, CA, USARoboticDream7 years ago

Just like to keep notes here of any fixes, changes or additions to this game page and reasons if applicable. Also this can be a place if anyone has a request or question.

Game date was changed to correct day & month.

"PC" was removed as a console. If the game game ever gets a steam release or pc release at all then it will of course be re-added.

"Platforms obsolete each other" has been turned on. This will show your fastest time on the leaderboard if you ever decide to switch consoles.

Game genre has been added (hack and slash, action). Also engine, developer and publisher have been added.

When to start and end the timer has been added to the category rules.

Individual levels have been added. They were all there already, but no category was set for them. I added them because xbox and psn leaderboards have no video and easy difficulty is not an option. Also, some glitches and possibly new glitches can involve triggering an auto save and restarting from that save which is not possible using the in game leaderboards.

Timing for IL has been set for RTA. I really wanted in game time so that ps3 user's wouldn't be affected by load times, but i had to go with RTA. The in game timer is really faulty in terms of speedrunning. Dying/restarts will load the time it was at when you triggered the autosave. This means you can die an infinite amount of times without consequences and can take as long as you want to setup a trick that requires loading from a save point because of the timer reset.

I would like to make an option to have in game as a secondary time option for IL, but there is no way to do that without adding the option for full game runs as well. It is something that is being worked on by the site devs, but I don't know when it will be an option.

100% as a listed category will be added if anyone ever does a run or seriously request's it. I also need to find out what is actually required to complete the game 100%.

Over RoboticDream
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