Washington, USAREID3 years ago

I just set up the WON version, and for some reason the HEV suit is gone when I get there. Also some npc's don't spawn in the same spots. I'm kind of at a loss here, any ideas?

Washington, USAREID6 years ago

I'm really new to speedrunning pokemon, but so far I've downloaded gambatte and pokemon blue and have been trying that.

But then I see on youtube people have little menus that show their trainer id and pokemon id's and stuff. Idk how you guys get that, but that would be helpful to me so I can know if I'm doing the manips right.

Washington, USAREID7 years ago

Hello, so I've been practicing my speedruns and lately I've wanted to record and submit one. However, it's very hard to play when I start recording with OBS. I get my usual 99.5 FPS, but every second or so it drops down to below 30 or 20, and this happens very sporadically. It may not sound like that huge of a deal, but it does cause the game to stutter a lot and it makes me lose my bhops. I have a really decent computer, and I am able to play any other games while recording without having this problem.

I'm just hoping that someone else might have had this problem and has a fix for it. Thanks :)

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