topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

It's not needed, but logically speaking, it's the fastest. I'm not a total fan of it as it takes away the difficulty(/competition) factor, but still, aiming for the easier skillchecks (vide Fallout 1: science, speech and lockpick) typically means a faster run.

On a side note, you may want to post in the dedicated forums for the precise games of the series and not here. If it's Fallout 1 I could help a bit. You may want to contact DrTChops for access to Fallout Discord, too.

BTW, congratz on finishing Prince of Persia 1 in such a nice time! (tho I've watched Capn's run first, but still it's an achievement, and it was the very first game I played on PC, so I'm fond of it : )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Still easy to find some good ones, even at the blasted gmail : ) Haha, reminds of the crucial problem of future generations: no good aliases : )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Doctor, ow, I miss PMs at these forums. If it won't be a problem (don't feel offended, I just know what net bots can do), there's my spam address: spamasd1 (atz) zegmailz zedotz comz, feel free to write. Tho I still don't know what Discord is : D

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

I won't do it so I don't know if my voice counts, but I also vote yes for companions. Seems canon (Dogmeat : ), not sure if others were mentioned . This slows the run obviously (or does it? discuss), but apart from Dogmeat others can be dropped on the way. Dogmeat ¤should¤ die on one of the forcefields in the base according to the canon, but it still is debatable what/where/etc.

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Hi! I'm a lil' behind on the info, could you give me any information on the Discord thing? Don't quite get it. Would like to stick close to the topic, the makers, the mods, the verifiers and so on, so if that's an idea of contact, could go for it : )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

I would simply like to congratule you guys, especially Barrows-man : ), Ewil, Fex and tadyyy, for making such great runs, running onto great ideas and pushing the competition further : ) That's it, bash me but I just wanted to say that : ) Also for all of the mods and verifiers, and critics : )

tadyyy, Ewil, en barrowsmane vindt dit leuk
topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Great, I'm sure people will find it useful. Thanks!

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

I think you're in the clear for now ; )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Thank you DrTChops and mods : )

Now in the process it turned out how "easy" and "possible" it is to make just one of several fragments/segments, but... let's go! (besides, I've got only myself to blame ; D) Things are getting interesting, allright! (as Loxley would say, "Oooh, a little back and forth... I like it!")

Meanwhile, I told Mr. Barrowsman to drop by over here : )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

That's what I meant Ewil :)

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Well, I beg to disagree since the runner faces bigger challenge and it's harder to achieve the same (or even a little worse) time - sounds simple to me. But that's OK, we all have different views.

About the category - I remember that you said if enough people will be interested, there will be a category for it - so far we've got Ewil, me and Fexen interested, tho only Fexen made his input... but in the All Good endings we have, so far, two inputs.

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Give up, I'm doing it already ; )))

Just kidding, go ahead, competition is welcome : )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Exactly! The challenge is the key word. Tho not just for the sake of it, but rather for a bigger achievement.

On single segment, I wouldn't go for hard mode, too much complications with randomness and that would surely if not kill, then at least delay the run making it inferior. Normal is hard enough, I guess... but then again, some hardcore runner player would disagree with me.

And it's not possible to skip upping the skills on hard. Kind of tested this the hard way..

Yeah, there is one change that votes yes for the easy mode, and that is exactly skipping the skill change (nice move, BTW), and it saves a couple of seconds. Still, IMO hard run with upping vs easy run without upping is easy to judge. That's why probably two runs would be sensible. Both segmented, for starters..

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Might as well do two runs then.., on hard and on easy... but even if there will be a substantial time difference between them (tho I doubt), I will still see the harder run as better. Again, just my POV.

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Can't agree - because hard difficulty makes the things basically harder for the runner to achieve the same effect, -10% comparing to normal setting (or much harder if you compare to easy difficulity, -30%) and as such, a run on hard would be IMO more worth than a run on normal with the same time or comparable times. As an example - Devin at some time was about to submit his newer run to SDA, but then he did notice it was (by mistake) done on easy, and he resigned.

I didn't notice a tendency that people choose the easiest skill levels in speedruns, in general. In TASes it's almost always the hardest setting, and it's clearly stated what is the setting of the run. Same with standarized (SDA) runs.

So "pointless"? Hardly.

As for the charater creation and skills on hard... yes, it's possible, actually a few different configurations are.

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Speaking of the main topic.. since Ewil, Fex and me are doing segmented runs, could Segmented Run category be added to the Leaderboard? Thanks in advance..

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Are you sure? From what I've mostly seen in character creation sheets and adding skill points when levelling, people are using normal mode in like 90% - maybe I've been paying not enough attention?

Using easy mode essentially allows the us to skip upping the skills, and while it won't affect the overall experience, it does affects time. And time is - well - still most important, probably most interesting value. Tho I must say, I'm a big fan of "fun" TASes, mostly from the best categories on - these not only provide the fastest possible time, but at the same time, overall entertainment level is outstanding (dancing to the rhythm, embarassing the AI, doing silly stuff, things like that : )

Hard mode doesn't change anything per se from the viewer side, on the other side of the run things deteriorate rather quickly ; ) Especially in single segment.. I wouldn't choose to do a single-segment run on hard... segmented give us the chance and frankly, from even the stat point of view it's a +30% handicap. Judge on your own, but I think it should be clearly stated :)

Ranting ; ) aside, I'm damn glad that people like you, Fex, AEBPlays and so on are bringing it on, so many ideas in quite a short time.. and to think Fallout 1 speedrun craze started with, if I recall right, more than 11 minutes by Devin : ) And the superbly great site of long time ago stated that it's possible to run below 20 minutes if you tighten your buttocks ; ) I should probably join the party, but I'm trying to hold the best for last ; )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Well, frankly.. wow - this is great :) and provoking new thought paths, that's the way it should be! So, gratulations!

However,... this run is made on easy mode. Which means all skills have +20% pronto (this is easily seen in the char creation screen). Also, the skill checks are probably easier, because the game engine halves the negative reaction modifiers (see the game manual).

I'm not saying it's cheap to save time (because all that is skipped is the char screen and upping lockpick and speech), or that anybody should feel disappointed - because rather the opposite, I'm quite enthusiastic about this run!

My two cents tho is that: easy mode runs, normal mode runs (I would say that easily 95+% of the runs are normal mode ones) and hard mode runs should be clearly discerned - not a separate category, but by clear msges, like FALLOUT 1 SPEEDRUN EASY/HARD MODE. Mostly because almost all of the runs are done on normal, default mode.

Fex, looking forward to a single segment run of yours (if you want to waste even more of your life ; )

(personally I don't know if I'll be doing a single segment after first experiences ; )

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Great, I'm grabbing popcorn and going at it :D

topic: Fallout
ValhallaPLANET8 years ago

Doubt it.

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