MrSnaps6 years ago

Makes sense then, I appreciate the heads up!

8butt vinden dit leuk
MrSnaps6 years ago

Hi folks, I registered this account to say this, I used to speedrun this game like 10 years ago (I think Mike Uyama had the record back then, but my memory might be off).

Anyway, I noticed something when watching vods of this game from GDQ. If my memory serves me correctly, you don't need to revisit magma dragoon's stage to get the heart container thing, and you don't need to do that really tricky jump from the wall beneath the ledge either, at least not with Zero (haven't ever tried it on X).

If you just inch to the VERY edge of the ground opposite that platform, you can literally just dash jump and make it to the ledge. Before you jump, your lead foot should be standing on air, thats how far forward you need to inch (it's pretty easy with practice).

I remember doing this all the time on the PS version of this game (US release). I have not played this game since like 2008 and can't find my copy, but if proof is needed I can probably show it on an emulator. I'm pretty darn sure I'm not having false memories here, I distinctly remember getting rekt by the guy in the armor below on a few unlucky attempts before I got the hang of the jump (he will sometimes take a swing at you when you're preparing for the jump).

Anyway, I've never seen anyone do this in a run before, so I thought I'd share.

Over MrSnaps
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6 years ago
6 years ago