Bristol, EnglandLumKitty1 year ago

NG+ is an intereting shout, but I feel like that's for games that intentionally let you start with all your stuff on a new run, where this is clearly a bug. That said since the game doesn't have any intended NG+ mechanic, why not I guess?

Bristol, EnglandLumKitty1 year ago

Thank you, this is exactly what I was after...

I agree that a separate category is best, is there a defined naming scheme for these? Currently I have any% and "no major skips" (for runs that complete all the objectives on the official route) so thinking of something like "any% with reset glitches"

Bristol, EnglandLumKitty1 year ago

I'm more after the general feel of the community regarding this type of glitch in games, whether exploiting bugs that are triggered by previous playthroughs is an acceptable method or whether the previous playthrough counts towards the total time.

The game is an 8bit platformer from 1987 and sufficiently obscure that I've ended up making the page for it here, so I can't really ask a mod. This isn't a situation where you can't delete progress - you just reboot the computer and reload the game - it's a straight up bug where upon game end of any kind it doesn't reset the flag in memory for this obstacle properly.

Bristol, EnglandLumKitty1 year ago

I'll join on this, even though I only submitted the run a few weeks ago. It took 35 years for someone to even find a 100% solution to this game because it is... a bit janky. At the time I started running it the only other run was a 15 minute tool assisted run done just to prove the game could actually be completed, so I was quite happy to get 8:44, though it kinda feels wrong to call it a WR when no-one else has attempted it

Night World (1985, BBC Micro) in 8:44

The game has some fascinating route planning because it has a mechanic where every 90s (approx) you transform from human to gargoyle. The gargolye gets double jump height, and there is no variable jump height, you always jump to max unless you hit the ceiling. Oh and you get no improvement to fall damage resitance so its a lot easier to hurt yourself. It also has broken collision detection that only checks at your head unless you're moving down, so you can walk through 1 block high walls in quite a few places.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, en
vindt dit leuk
Bristol, EnglandLumKitty1 year ago

I'm currently running a game, and found a glitch I'm not sure is generally allowed.

About 8 mins into the game there's an obstruction you have to move, which requires you to have collected a particular object earlier on, however once the obstruction is moved, if you then fail the game and start again (either by losing all your lives, or straight up aborting the game), its position is never reset, meaning that in all future runs you can skip the detour to collect this object, saving about 30s at a guess.

Is that a legit running technique? to spend 8 minutes doing prep work just to move this thing, triggering the bug, resetting and then starting timing?

Merl_ vinden dit leuk
Over LumKitty
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Night World
Night World
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Flowers of Crystal
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Gevolgde spellen
Night World
Night World
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Flowers of Crystal
Flowers of Crystal
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Codename Droid
Codename Droid
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Codename Droid
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Night World
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