topic: Tekken 3
FranceLouloup5 years ago

Thank you for the reply, I'll start from that spot then.

For the last point, I was asking if the run can be validated if the initial split (the start of the chrono) is before or after the selection of the character as long as we start recording the video before that. For exemple, if I start the chrono on Main Menu or at the start of backstreet, but i recorded everything starting from the option, does that still count with a post run review ?

Otherwise I noticed that mostly runners start their timers when "Tekken Force" mode is selected in main menu, as said in the rules of the site. Doesn't change the rule would not that distort the entire leaderboard?

topic: Tekken 3
FranceLouloup5 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm new on the site and in speedruning in general.

I make this thread because I would like some clarifications about the rules of the Tekken Force / Boskonovitch categories.

I would like to know if it is necessary to play with a blank save to run the Unlock Boskonovitch category. In other words, I would like to know if it is possible to do it with unlocked characters like Heihachi for exemple, and if a run is valid if we use different characters in the 4 trys.

Secondly, I found something strange in Tekken Force Easy mode category. I don't understand if the timer must start when you hit the "Tekken Force" game mode (as said in the rules) or if it starts when we start controlling the character, because I found both number one (Edmon-Akuma) and number two (Shirdel) use these two different setups, but both with their respectivly split times on the leaderboard.

finaly, I would like to know if a run is valid if we start the split when loading is finished (as Shirdel), if we recorded everything before.

Thanks for a quick reply, I hope I'm not bothering the community. :)

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