United StatesKnokoat4 years ago

Either I or Tashiro would have to promote you, and, like KikooDX said, that will only really happen if we need the extra help, which probably won't happen. If you have ideas for how we could improve these leaderboards, please let us know!

DrunkGecko en kdx2a vindt dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat5 years ago

Hey nightstar, you're right, your game is definitely running a lot more slowly than it should be. You can even just watch the in-game vs. the real-time timers to see that the in-game one is way too slow. KikooDX, if you just go to his Twitch you can see it. There's a pretty dramatic difference.

Unfortunately, I'm not much of a computer guy, so I'm not sure that I can really help. My only thought would be if your computer is just having a hard time running the game. If you haven't already, you can always reboot, make sure nothing else is running, or even clean the dust out of your computer, but I'm guessing that's not the problem. I can try looking into it further.

I really can't count the run as legit. I could by the logic that it's a lot slower anyway, but I don't want to muddle up the leaderboards too much. I'm really sorry about this, it seems like a weird issue.

Also, I noticed that your 16 levels run from a few years ago is running at the correct speed. Did anything change between then and now?

United StatesKnokoat5 years ago

Hey guys, I made a Discord, so we can chat about random stuff now! (but preferably stuff about the game)

Hopefully that works.

kdx2a vinden dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat5 years ago

Hey Bidoof! I'm really, really glad to hear you're enjoying the game! :D I actually did a lot of work on it a while ago, trying to find fast strats and such. It's a really fun game to run. Anyway, I recently submitted a bunch of IL (Individual Level) runs for the first 16 levels. You can see them if you go to the Level Leaderboard. I've found some pretty fast strats for those levels, so if you're interested feel free to take a look :) I think a bunch of them could still be improved, though. I hope you can find some cool stuff! There's a lot in the game, I really only ever focused on the first 16 levels out of the 80 there are. And I would love to watch you stream if I ever get the chance!

Also, I could definitely open a discord if some people want that. (it might even attract more players) So let me know!

kdx2a vinden dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat5 years ago

Yes, each group of 4 levels is called a world, so there are 5 worlds.

United StatesKnokoat6 years ago

Hi Kikoo, I'm glad to hear you want to speedrun this game :D

I think it's a great idea to add a ghost levels category. I'll add one right away. I never did much routing for the ghost levels, so I'll be interested to see what you do with it!

Let me know if there's anything else you were hoping for.

kdx2a vinden dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat6 years ago

Since it's such a small thing, I think it would fine to add a miscellaneous category for Mudd Blocks. Besides, I don't think anyone here has any strong opinions about it.

I think Super Challenge is too big a thing to lump into this page. If anyone shows serious interest in running it, we should just get a new page for it. Until then, I wouldn't worry about it.

I know next to nothing about Mudd Blocks, but I'll make a category for the mode. Submit a run when you can. :)

Pear vinden dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat6 years ago

Hi! I'm also here...sometimes. I'm pretty bad about checking my email. Glad to hear you're interested in running the game :)

United StatesKnokoat7 years ago

I use a controller too, because I used to play it on DS and that's what I'm used to.

Also, welcome to this community! It's fun to see some activity around here. :D

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

Hey portal, I just wanted to let you know that while I was rearranging the IL leaderboards, I somehow accidentally deleted your 1-2 run. I was trying to be really careful, dunno how it happened. :/ Anyway, feel free to resubmit it when you get the chance.

topic: BOXBOY!
United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

Please read the category rules. Any% is just worlds 1-17, whereas Any% + Bonus is all worlds, including the bonus ones.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

I understand your thinking. However, I think perhaps you forgot that in order to beat the game, you actually have to beat all the secret levels (V-Land and G-Land, not CGA-Land). If you only complete the original 16 levels and the space levels (World 5), you get a congratulatory message (in my run, you can see that when I beat normal 5-4, it shows up for a tiny bit before I skip past it), but you don't actually beat the game. You have to beat all the normal and secret levels in order to actually beat the game. Once you do, you get the ending cutscene (like I did at the end of my run).) Thus, the secret levels aren't bonus levels; they're actually necessary to beat the game. That's why I think they should be part of an Any% run.

Granolant vinden dit leuk
United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

So I guess we're decided then? No objections? Then we (you :P) should probably put that in the rules for IW/ILs.

One other thing: not something we have to decide on, but I think the IW/IL leaderboards would look better if the columns were the level type (normal or ghost) and the rows were the actual levels (and worlds). In other words, I think the level types should go across the top and the actual levels along the side. Basically, the opposite of what it is now. I think this would look a lot nicer both in the View All menu (it wouldn't go off the right) and the more specific menu (it wouldn't have all the weird-looking categories). Of course, it's not just my decision, but I do really think it would look better.

EDIT: Just one more thing: Would an IL/IW run count if you had the vertical boost powerup and just didn't use it? I know it's not technically without powerups, but I think it should be okay.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

It just doesn't really make sense to me to have to keep a whole file just for IL/IWs...not that I use all three files normally. I guess it wouldn't be that bad. I suppose if it's a decision between convenience and more interesting runs, we should probably choose more interesting runs. You're right that the vertical boost powerup makes runs a lot less interesting.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

I think maybe you misunderstood us. We were thinking that for IL/IW runs, you would be able to choose one powerup. It might make more sense to be without powerups, but think about it: If you wanted to run 5-4, you would have to start a new file and play through Worlds 1 through 4, collecting all the diamonds without ever equipping a powerup. I suppose you could keep one save file dedicated to IL/IW runs and never pick up a powerup in that file.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

If anything, I would think that being able to use the secret characters would be less restricting...

Now that I've thought about it a little more, however, I guess I agree with you. Although most (if not all) of the levels would be fastest with the vertical boost, it still might add some more interest, and you probably don't need all three powerups anyway.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

On a related note, I think we need to decide some rules for powerups for IW/IL runs. I don't think the rule should be no powerups, because that would require you to almost beat the game without any powerups for some levels. I know the gun powerup doesn't really do much, but it is a powerup and it could make some levels a bit faster. I think our options are: 1) Require no powerups, which could be a pain, 2) Let you choose 1 powerup for each level, but you can choose any powerup, or 3) Have no restriction, so you can use the Grannie or any of the other secret characters and thus have all 3 powerups. Personally, I would vote for the #3. I just think it makes the most sense for IW/IL runs.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

Hi! Welcome! :D Really the only way to record a run on your 3DS is to use a camera and just record the screen, unless you have the fancy 3DS recording equipment (but it costs a lot of money). If you do this, however, make sure you also have a timer in the video for extra proof.

If you have a Steam account, I would recommend watching for a sale on Mutant Mudds. I was in your situation, and then the game went on sale for about a dollar, so I got it. It just makes it easier to record.

Good luck on your runs!

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

I understand. It can't hurt, anyway. :)

I agree that IW runs should always start on the first level of the world. It just makes sense that way. Anyway, I would argue that it's barely slower if not the same, because the jumping speed is faster than the falling speed.

United StatesKnokoat8 years ago

I'm not sure we really need Individual Level leaderboards. Steam already has IL leaderboards, and while I realize that 3DS/Wii U players can't use them, I'm just not sure they're really necessary. Realistically, there's probably only going to ever be one or two people on the leaderboard for a given IL on this site. I'd vote to keep these leaderboards just for RTA runs. But that's not my decision, I guess.

Over Knokoat
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