topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

@ShikenNuggets was looking to see if you have an update on that issue?

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

Sorry didnt realize you could edit your posts ill do that from now on first time having to use this forum

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

Either way idc about the runs at this point ill go beat them again i have better internet so wont be any cuts but he still needs to be removed as moderator due to being rude and stateing he doesnt have time to review submissions i dont trust any future submissions i submit will be properly handled

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

Also he deleted his tweets after the fact so if that doesnt seem odd then idk what does

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

@ShikenNuggets then y did he approve them over a month ago then just now reject them if cuts were a problem he shouldnt have verified them in the first place so to me it seems like taking out anger and i believe anyone else that if something like this happened to them they would agree

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

Didnt know you could approve a run then disapprove it just cuase you mad i hope that not how this site lets its moderators run things

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

And as of 16 minutes ago after the tweets and him blocking me he has since removed my runs that he had approved stateing to many breaks in video and no option menu shown the were only a couple breaks in video and didnt know about option menu needed and he was fine with them now hes not because hes talking out his anger in a way not befitting of a moderator

topic: The Site
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

Ok i need to bring to attention a moderator who name is @Malumick who needs to be removed as moderator from the game the flame in the flood due to his being rude to me in tweets and stating he doesnt have the time to review submissions its been a month and a half. I request that I be added as moderator to the game so i can review submissions like a proper moderator. I have screenshots of the tweets that i can send to anyone that needs it

Racoonix vinden dit leuk
Maine, USAJustNCase4 years ago

I see people have 2 video one from each persons perspective but whenever ive tried to do 2 links in the video link spot it doesnt show the second video can someone plz explain how i go about doing this

Over JustNCase
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