Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Because people still submit to them.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Can't do that. We have limited space for new categories. We don't have room to add 30ish more for adept survivors. There will be a point where we run out on new killers and will have to start deleting old categories.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Pretty much what Bo said.

We don't accept runs on other users behalves as we do not know you have the streamers permission to do so, which goes against Twitch's Content Sharing Guidelines. Even if you did have permission if the streamer doesn't have an SR account (I know he does, but hypothetically if he didn't), we can't submit it under their name. We aren't supposed to change the names anyway due to collusion/fraud etc...

My advise would be to go back to said streamer and tell them to submit it themselves if you feel it is worthy.

JeremyTM96 vinden dit leuk
Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

I would, but I don't know how. Jamie is probably best to ask.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Thanks for letting us now. Ill look into it.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Its not a bad idea, although the idea of leaving 4 survivors downed/slugged from the survivors side would be awful.

Feuer en Disgrunted32ttv vindt dit leuk
Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Because Its a Different game in its entirety. Its Like Sonic 1 and Sonic 2. or OOT and MM. Theyre made from the same people in the same engine, but they are categorically different games. If you go onto Twitch they are listed as different games too.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Until further notice, anyone who is using Bloodpact and Object of Obsession as a survivor will have their runs rejected until these perks are either disabled or fixed. These perks give you permeant wall hacks and increased 107% movement speed.

Furthermore, we also need to see the scoreboard at the end just in case any of the other survivors are using it.

DO NOT use these in you games for exploits. Any account that we come across will not only be rejected but will also be reported.

Further information can be found in our Discord.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

We need a Main menu Lobby not just for proof its not KYF but also to check for splicing. Runs could easily be posted in its place. We can compare the starting BP and ending BP to check its legit. I know having the survivors at the end helps match the names but it is possible that an entry could know the people and invite them into a KYF and then record a run, submit and splice it in, or change the names to match said survivors and then record a game. Comparing the outfits pre-game to ingame also provides another layer of validity. I did try and look through you VODs on twtich to see if I could find it but as you said, Vods are only held for a certain time, and with it being on Haddonfield, thats at least 6 weeks ago, so I couldnt find it.

Also save editing can (and has) happened. Save edited files tend not to add BP at the end of the game. I do think your run is legit for what its worth, so hopefully this has given you a bit more information as to why we need the main menu lobby. Yes 90% of it is to check its not KYF but the other 10% is this above.

With mods posting runs, your idea does have a point, and Crowns no longer posts runs since he has become mod, but pretty much every single game on has mods post runs, not just DbD. Also, finding people who don't submit runs who want to mod its quite tricky. Usually Me and Jamie do the accepting/rejecting and if theres an issue or a problem, Crowns acts as a 3rd Party Neutral. When a run is questionable, we always get a 2nd opinion, and we can not verify our own runs either.

In regards to sending message before 7 days, I didnt know that was a thing, but I guess thats a thing, not us. We don't work for this website so we cant change this.

We do have a discord if you want to discuss this in more depth as it is more active there. Theres also no 7 day cooldown so you do not have to wait to message. Also, given that me and Jamie have already rejected, we will let Crowns take up your resubmission to make it fair, in case you are still unhappy about this.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

As a DbD Player speaking, Yes. Its sounds great. I enjoy the idea of the challenge, and have done this before numerous times. I was also watching it yesterday when he did it on Twitch. He doesnt show the bit where the servers crash around 30 minutes in :p

Moderator wise there are numeorous issues.

  1. We are running out of space for new categories (Its why Mobile Speedruns were removed and with new killer coming out today its getting even tighter). Having a Solo Run, SWF Run Killer run etc would mean no more room for new Killer categories.

  2. All the best runs will be during BP events, or Festivals which makes WR runs potentially unbeatable a majority of the year. (Yesterday was the last day of 1.5x BP bloodhunt)

  3. As mentioned above, it would take a LONG time to verify.

  4. Save editing is a thing.

  5. I potentially would not be able to verify runs on stream due to copyright issues. If im watching someones videos for 3-4 hours then said streamer could report me to Twitch for breech of T&Cs (I could do it offstream, but you get the point). A 5-10 minute video is generally fine to get away with, but not if its 3-4 hours.

Long Story short, great idea on paper, but practically impossible.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

It is indeed. I have moved it to the right category now.

Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

Theorycrafting here:

It takes 22 seconds with commodius + BNP + That Yellow add On With 2 on for Proove Thyself, (x2 if 2 sets of survivors start opposite ends) Then about 10 seconds to next gen all of you, then 40 seconds takes you down to 1 gen, 10 seconds to last gen then 20 seconds if all four are on, then 10 seconds to gate, 17 seconds to gate (with Wake Up) then 3 seconds to escape makes 135 seconds or 2 mins 12 seconds, which is longer than current WR.

Thats even with super lucky gen placement, and no interaction with killer, If everyone ran No Mither/Reisllience too, thats 9% off this time which makes 1:59 possible. Again with superduper luck. And in that ive included 9% for running which isnt a thing, so its actually more like 2:02 (or with Hope, maybe 2:01) Maybe Sprint burst might shave a few seconds off this to a 1:56/1:57

Aqua_boy0 en DerSnatchaTTV vindt dit leuk
Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

I'll be testing this out later today (hopefully in an hour or so.) If anyone wants to join me in a private game to see if it is beatable then please DM me here or on Discord.

pizzzer, DerSnatchaTTV, en Aqua_boy0 vindt dit leuk
Essex, EnglandHowezy2 years ago

It is indeed that. I tested this out a few months back as shown here:

DIABLERIE vinden dit leuk
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