Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

Ok, let's do it the easy one : Shoutouts to EVERYONE! I panicked quite a lot and I stayed in my own created little laptop safe haven most of the time, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. ESA was a blast!

Ok, now for the more specific shoutouts.

Shoutouts to Oasiz, Edenal and Planks - thanks for coping with my bad english and my doubts in the tech support. Don't you guys worry about the headsets, I got them working (both) so no big deal!

Also more shoutouts to Ari, Pen, Btrim and Beatrix - nice to talk a bit with you guys, sorry if my dumb shyness made me look awkward. I usually AM that awkward, yup.

Special shoutouts to Heinki - You RULE. Nothing else to say, you just RULE.

Shoutouts to anyone who I shared some words with - Tompa, RoboSparkle, Grukk, and probably some more I don't know the names.

I wish I could have been more open about everything, but as I'm still quite newbie in the community, most of times I was quite afraid of disturbing for the runs, or even show in streams, my self-steem and my half-deaf hearing doesn't really help when English is not your main language.

I'll try my best to go to ESA 16. Already looking forward to it!

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

Ok, I'm trying to do my best to express everything I can. I apologize in advance if it sounds downright bad, sometimes I am too harsh on things like this.

My personal opinion is that ESA was GODLIKE. However, there are lots of things that could be improved, little by little.

Point 1 : Identification

ESA lacked some kind of badges. I was lucky I saw Edenal on cam before I went to ESA, because if not... well, I couldn't have any idea of who should I ask thingies. That is the main point I think it was important. Of course the attendee and the mass housing was clearly noticed, but I was like "ok, I want to sign a MGR race for Open Block, how do I do it?" "You have to fill a form... ask the tech guys". At the end, I never did because all runners were dispersed, but that answer is not a good one. If me (or any other runner/hoster/whatever) needs to voice out something, they need to know WHO, and they don't have to know the name even. They have to see SOMETHING that marks that person as a "ok, this one can help". Tech, host, general staff, anyone who is a "senior" or is in charge should be clearly identified at all times, and just not by name.

Yeah, it's a bit bureaucracy and annoying, but if this thing grows, eventually it will be unbearable.

That in fact leads to the second point...

Point 2 : People tracking

When I arrived to ESA along with SerSanju, we were a bit lost, and until we asked we were like "ok, what do we do here now?". I think some people should be in that bureaucracy requirements. Checking ppl, who is in, who is not, who is in charge at that hour or day, help and fill info on newcomers, whatever. A general "information" point if you like to call it. ANNOYING AS HELL, of course, but if the event grows... you get the point.

Point 3 : Hosting

Ok, there is HEAPS of work to do here. It's not that it's needed a "professional hosting" like if it was suggested, but I think it needs to work both ways.

  • Runners say they'd appreciate if someone skilled can comment on their runs.
  • Host needs info from runners so they can add flavor facts between the runs.

I'd suggest next year, if a run makes the cut, the runner HAS to fill all the info. Interesting points, streams, links, glitches, everything, so if there is no helpful comentator, the HOST can work as one (even if it's not so great on it!)

Also - I think there has to be some kind of cut on it, hosting is a tough work like tech, so it needs a schedule and some kind of senior system, exactly like tech system. I don't even know about the self-promotion you guys talk about, but I clearly remember some people saying chat requests to the runners. Ok, some were fun, but that can end into total chaos, as I'm sure the mods could agree with me on those things.

Point 4 : Empty chairs

The ups and downs of having the streams and the training room in the same place were shown on that point. Of course, some runs are more interesting and some are not, some people will only watch some type of runs, and others, like me, will hide away in a small little haven watching the stream. I, for example, did it because I don't know anyone, and I'm far too used to being in my room and talking to the chat at the same time.

According to the info I talked a bit in the event, most ppl just said they weren't interested in the run, but some ppl just say "I don't want to be an internet meme". Some people is scared about the power of the Twitch hivemind, and I agree totally on that.

A point to solve it (but again, would need more people on tech) would be having an ACTIVE cameraman instead of a fixed one. So like zooming if not too many people, changing angles, and things like that.

Ok, apart from that what I think it's an objetive thought about ESA, here it comes the personal ones :

  • The venue is excellent. Never felt crowded even there was lots of people going in at the same time.
  • The village in itself is great too. Lots of commodities close, and fun places too (lake, bowling...)
  • Mass housing. Place is ok, the walk is not. I myself have to say was guilty because on Monday I was so tired I tried to snooze in my safe little haven until Oasiz politely reminded me not to. Probably I will set myself tor hotel next time, but that doesn't mean next year it NEEDS to be much much closer.

  • Lack of information in general. You had to search for the fighting games, the mystery tournament, the Smash tournament, or even the #watermeloncontroller. If you don't move from the main room, you lose track of EVERYTHING it's happening around.

Well, just my two cents. Hope someone makes use of it!

Alko, SerSanju, en PenAgain vindt dit leuk
Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

I'm up for it too!

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

I'll try to bring all my ps3 fighting games (except BBCPEX, I don't have that one).

Spiriax vinden dit leuk
Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

I will cover for SerSanju. I have spare HDMI cables and a component conversor if it's needed (if he brings the console)

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

I can help with the TO-ing, I'm a regular streamer of FGC tournaments, double-blind selections, and so on. But I'm unsure how busy I will be, tho.

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

If needed, I can bring my MCZ TE (PS3) and bunch of fighting games for PS3 (UMVC, AH, Aquapazza, BBCP, TTT2 and such)

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

If you guys feel risky, I could dare to bring my Taiko no Tatsujin controllers for some special rhythm and games ;)

Baffan vinden dit leuk
Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

@ontwoplanks: Well, I'm sort of both things, hoster-commentator AND tech guy (yeah, I'm a one-man-army-stream. I've been TO AND streamer at Dreamhack Valencia here in Spain). Probably I'd need some info on the retro console systems as I usually stream on ps3-360-pcs and such.

As personal equipment, I have my own small mixer, personal headphones for hosts (AKG HS-171, a bit beaten though), 3 hdmi splitters, an hdmi conversor for bypassing hdcp, heaps of RGB cables, tripods, hd webcams... I can make some room in my luggage if you guys need extras.

I'm used to xsplit too (premier account). Feel free to PM to talk, here or in twitch (grumpygamergray). The point about being half deaf is that I can't really react too well on fast reaction thingies as I'll be trying to understand what you just said, lol.

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

I can help if needed. I've been like three years being the main FGC streamer here in Spain, so I'm used to watching channel, banning, commentating, doing ads and such. My English is not too good and I am somewhat deaf, so probably I'd better be on backup if you need me to get orders.

I can add some personal equipment too from my chests if you need. (stream headphones, mixers, yadda yadda) :)

Aragon, SpainGraywords9 years ago

Need to ask this because of work : The thread says in the first post "open from June 26th until noon July 7th.". Unfortunately, my work makes me get the holidays from Monday to Sunday. ¿May I have the (approximate) start of the marathon in itself to closing? (Not including bonus streams!). That would help me a lot to attend, thank you.

(Note : I have personal equipment for streaming that I can provide - I use it to stream FGC tournaments, so if I can help...)

Over Graywords
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