RussiaGoglol8 months ago

No, no, there was no any harassment from anyone or anything… I'm totally fine, thanks. I'm just usually have tend to overwhelming myself with some of my unreasonable anxiety melancholic thoughts, don't pay much attention to it

I was only just worried that giving up autoclicker would lower my skill level noticeably, and that I'd have to redone all my runs anew... but it didn't seem to affect my level in any way (and I got used quickly enough), and redoing runs was much easier than it seemed at first: I had already made three new PBs without autoclicker in the categories I was participating in, and I only have my three more Intended% records to repeat and then I could start something else

I agree with everything you said… well, I wasn't going to argue about anything anyway: I just felt needed to explain my motives for why even I was using autoclicker in the first place, so that people here don't get any wrong impression about me. So that's why I wrote such a large post at that time (and I just always get this way awkwardly: I write a lot about things that don't really deserve as much attention)

And I understand the importance of prohibiting macros… I really wouldn't have used it in the first place if I had known for sure that it was forbidden… unfortunately it took me quite a long time to start thinking about it, I certainly should have been concerned about it long before my first speedrun

RussiaGoglol10 months ago

This is obviously about me personally for sure… I don't need to have the wit to figure it out (since there aren't too many newcomers with macro who suddenly appear on the boards and start to take the lead places, to put it mildly). I'm just starting to recover from that awkwardness on the forum, and now this😵

Hopefully I'll at least be given some time to more or less closely replicate all my PBs before they start getting deleted and upload them again… Maan, how much of re-runs will I have to do now… If only someone would cautioned me from the very beginning, like: "Dude, stop use that pussy M1 hold and tap interact manually like all the other do"… It's terrible to imagine how weak I will be the first near attempts, being compelled to completely rework my psychomotor skills and neurological memory of hand muscles due to change of Mouse5 holding to Mouse1 tapping

I didn't use the macro with the intentions of gaining some advantage over other runners, of course (I also had it just initially, I didn’t make it specifically for speedruns)... It was more out of a matter of personal convenience, I'd say: just out of a desire not to exhaust the motor skills of my hand by constantly banging my finger intensively on M1 throughout the whole run… and focus my attention more on other aspects of speedrun, like route planning or spatial orientation… although, actually, what sounds strange, since those are exactly the things that can lead to an time advantage… but anyway

I also realized from the very beginning that the M1 hold macro could actually give a very particular time advantage, since… you can hit the door buttons from as far away as possible, and the faster you hit the button, the faster door opens and you can go further, reasonably… and roughly similarly with picking up items and selecting them from inventory… but I really didn't consider it significant enough to create some unfairness in the boards (especially with a many runners), since... well... how much time could it save in total?.. two, three seconds? Sure, it's speedrunning, and in the top 3 positions, fights are just the same for seconds... but ultimately it's the skill decides everything, isn't it? Some macros aren't gonna help me if someone is just better than me

And I, of course, was concerned about the fact that macro can be prohibited… At some point I even checked the General Gameplay Rules, and came across this very article there (although I was not sure if it implies mouse macros)… but by that time it was already too late to stop with this

RussiaGoglol10 months ago

Oh… yeah... okay, then, it all fits, under those conditions, it appears… I managed to screw up in my perception anyway… I'm sorry👉👈… I was hasty in my thoughts

I've been thinking about the run timers for a long time, making sure I wasn't missing something... I was already nearly sure that I wasn't, like it's exactly as I think it is. I should have thought better, since… it's really obvious, that it couldn't have been a mistake all the time, and that people here know their stuff

This topic can be closed, in that case.

I certainly have some discontent about the lack of a unanimous coordination about method of adding time (which is what led to my confusion and this awkward post ultimately), and it still seems to be misleading and makes the board numbers not quite reliable (due to people use different methods of indicating time) in some kind… but that's certainly not for me to be expressed about it anyway

What I'm wondering, nevertheless, is exactly how they add time from the very beginning of the timer count… I've searched the entire LiveSplit and its plugins a few weeks ago when I was going to start running Gate B ED 2 categories and can't find any related function there. If I could have known initially that this was possible, I probably wouldn't have had any suspicions about

RussiaGoglol10 months ago

This would probably be better informed on the Discord server for quick solution, being as it's not a particularly big issue, but I'm a bit retiring to chat on Discord, so I suppose it's acceptable to notify this as a forum post once

The Gate B: Ending 2 subcategory, as we all know, has a necessary individual timer stop condition in the category rules and a well-considered time addition of 1:22.120 in case of autosplitter use (which almost everyone uses), which was also decreed subsequently, aaand…

It wasn't too long ago that I appeared in this community, at most merely only about a month ago: I don't know actually what kind of intra-collective disputes, disagreements and other such things might have happened in the last few years behind the scenes… but the fact is that CookiesUnite is missing this very time addition in her Set Seed Inbounds 7:13 speedrun: it should be timed 8:35 including the addition, but instead the run is verified straightly with this LiveSplit timer value, which it shouldn't be, obviouslyI believe that this is just some unintentional confusion for sure, since she also has at least a few other runs in Intended% and Random Seed on Gate B ED 2 in different time periods, in which everything is timed fine

Besides CookiesUnite, there are also incorrect times for answols and Danimed in Gate B ED 2 runs. It's strange enough, however, that throughout all these years no one has noticed these cases so far… Well, be that as it may… I'd just want to draw the mods' attention to this so that someone free of them can retime the runs to restore integrity of the board

I don't want to give the impression of a nerd (although I'm afraid I already have anyway with my enormous texts inevitably), but It's important enough in my opinion to make such a big deal about it: it leads to an unreliability of the whole board (due to the shift of all record positions) and having a world record that isn't actual – when comparing equal time moments, the real one still belongs to DTY, which he rightfully earned two years ago, and no one has been able to beat his time so far

I hope that the numbers will be corrected in the near future, and I will be able to sleep peacefully… without thinking about that someone has 1:22.120, and someone does not, and this creates tremendous injustice in records times. I would love to run this warhead-disabling code-remembering route once again after Intended%

Over Goglol
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