topic: Valley
United StatesFatMan9224 years ago

Traditionally, platforms are not separated into different categories. If you look at the leaderboard, to the left of the date you can see which platform a run was done on. The reason everything is PC is because there are currently no speedruns submitted on any device besides that

topic: Edgecraft
United StatesFatMan9224 years ago

In light of my making of a TAS for this, I created a discord channel to help me work on it. Now that I have finished the TAS, I am converting it to a general speedrunning discord, for anyone who ever plans to run in the (probably distant) future.

Discord link:

Tmob vinden dit leuk
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

Alright, here goes nothing.

"The max ban for "speeding up a run" is 2 years, and that's what he gave me for doing basically the most harmless cut, which is cutting out ncp." You cut out a portion of the run to make it faster than it actually is. I do not care that NCP is random, it happened and you can't just pretend it didn't. As far as I'm concerned, this should be blatantly obvious, and the fact that you didn't even ask at first suggests that you literally had no inkling of a thought that it could be. I agree that 2 years might be a bit excessive given the circumstance (even though I am all for permanent bans), but it is still justified.

"I lost momentum from the ncp, so even if I did cut it out, so it was still slower than if I didn't have ncp" runs that are not world record / are slower still abide to the same rules. The fact that it was still slower does not matter.

"I didn't know it was against the rules, and it's just super dumb to ban me for 2 years for that, let alone at all... you know that you don't have the right to ban me for that, especially since I didn't know it was against the rules." He totally has that right. He has been bestowed the position of moderator out of trust and he has done nothing to show that he is not to be trusted. He is applying the law, albeit a little bit strictly. And don't say "but we have to be a democracy for everything", almost all governmental systems don't have the public vote on issues, they just vote on who should lead (which in a sense happened with everyone trusting Maxi at the time of giving him mod)

"This is really about that u think I can't go this fast without hacks, but what about max? He's gotten a lot of faster runs and he doesn't hack or cut frames." There are several reasons why we would only accuse you. For one, Max is way more established as a member of the community than you were when we were at peak cheat accusing. Second, actual proof has come forth regarding you from Craftain (this evidence HAS been proven to be faulty, but it still keeps the thought in the people's minds). When brought up to you, you also acted REALLY suspicious. Max has no signs of a cheater. You do.

"Maxi's timing rules are extremely unjust. You are literally accepting runs that are up to .5 seconds slower than the records I had (some of them are not even faster even though their leaderboard appears way before my timer ended)." I literally don't understand the point here. Assuming the point, runs that aren't world record shouldn't just not be posted. The glorification of wrs is part of the reason this community died; the only incentive was world record, you got nothing for playing just decently.

"You're literally bringing back ping timing and people don't bat an eye, like wtf" Of course everyone would prefer not having ping timing, but not having ping timing cannot work anymore. Any idea to combat that has ever came up has had a blatant flaw.

"Also it makes me really sad that people are looking at runs way slower than mine and thinking they are wr just because they are official, and they haven't seen mine" This isn't even about Maxi anymore, this is just your ego. Grow up.

"I've thought of much better timing rules where we end the timer when people get to a certain platform that u get onto before the leaderboard ends, that way we dont have ping timing." There is so much I could talk about here, I'm just not gonna bother, as we have brought up these points to you several times and you clearly just refuse to listen.

"I hope you can see the big picture of this essay, not just the parts I wrote that you think are flawed." Normally I would agree with this, but there are a couple issues. Firstly, there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is to be a moderator. There is a reason that rules are kept as strict as they are. If there is any way to abuse the rules, people will do it. In more lax speedrun communities, there is a trust between the runners as they usually specifically play in the interest of the speedrunning. Dragon Escape is not one of those games. The fact that we have had 4 confirmed cheaters shows this. But even cheating in subtler ways needs to be avoided, which partially explains why we don't think the current proposed system of having not-ping-based timing won't work. If you have a problem with your specific ban, DM Maxi about it, don't go off on a rant about how the rules are broken. Second, none of the issues you presented except for the ping issue are actual fundamental rule problems. You are just complaining about how the rules have affected YOU, and only you. It has shown no reason that the moderation and the rules need to be changed as a whole. And I already addressed (multiple times in the past) that the ping timing is the only reliable timing we can use.

I have for the most part stopped paying attention to this community's antics, but seeing this post grinded my gears for the final time. If you try to refute what I have to say here, feel free, but don't expect a response back. I have dealt with a lot of horrid people in this community, and while you certainly aren't the most toxic nor the most malicious, you are perhaps the most either ignorant or self-absorbed one I've ever seen. I hope seeing how much is going against you can help you realize this.

Bourkupine en Paris_Labrador vindt dit leuk
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

nah it's just because the mods don't anything

United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

Well, they can't add the category if they aren't given the idea of it.


topic: Portal 2
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

lower is generally better, otherwise go crazy

United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

It only shows up for time trial runs, it doesn't show up for chapter runs or for normal gameplay

topic: Portal 2
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

A week after the last decision, we have made some decisions with regards to a new category set for Singleplayer.

As a result, as of today, SS is changed to no SLA. In this category, save/loading is allowed but you are not allowed to use any glitches which require it. Basically, it's SS with save-loading.

As well, Any% is now a main category again! At the moment, the Wrong Warp glitch is a variable, but that is bound to change as that is simply due to really close poll results.


Imaproshaman en BSSDRVN vindt dit leuk
topic: Portal 2
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

For those who aren't in the discord, recently the mod team and community in general has discussed a lot of rules for Portal 2 speedrunning. The following rule changes are an aftermath of the recent discussion:

  • Container Ride Save is now a variable for Single Segment! Make sure to read the rules to understand the process necessary to have the run count.

  • Hub 5 Skip is now allowed for All Main Courses. As well, you are allowed to use restart_level for Hub 5 Skip.

  • mat_ambient_light is now allowed in all singleplayer runs

Imaproshaman vinden dit leuk
topic: Portal 2
United StatesFatMan9225 years ago

For future runs: There are 2 ways to time without loads, and one is preferred over the other.

  1. Do what FireNinja suggested (although I'm not sure if it's that simple since this game's one is dumber)
  2. When you start a run, and whenever you die, when you load in type record [some demo name] in console. Type stop when the run ends (when you shoot the moon). This will give you a recording ONLY of in-game time (provided you start and end at the correct time) which you can time using the Portal 2 Demo Timers in resources. (If you're going to do option 2, I recommend also downloading sourcelivetimer and using that as your livesplit, but it's more limited than livesplit so it's up to you)

If you already have a run: You are allowed to go through the run and remove the load times manually. If you're off by a few seconds, it isn't a big deal until you're going for a competitive time. However, actually removing the load time in the video is unnecessary and just looks suspicious, so don't do that

Imaproshaman en ZeroMayCry vindt dit leuk
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

I just noticed this

"1, He'd have less incentive to cheat when he was banned then any other time because there'd always be one or two people constantly on him" why would people be on his case if he's already banned lmao

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

altering the framerate cap messes with the game physics. It is not allowed

edit: nvm, apparently it's fine to change (although changing fps is mostly negative so idk why you'd want to do it)

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

I think wiping the board would be more sensible than making a "Dragon Escape Server" leaderboard and a "Dragon Escape Singleplayer" leaderboard (and archiving the old world records in some way, obviously)

Really the only reason we should ever switch is if DE gets permanently deleted, other speedgames handle game changes just fine, deal with it

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

That's quite alright, mistakes happen

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

Right so I didn't read all of this, and since I'm not mod I'm not gonna make any statements on the proof itself, but what I noticed in this is that it seems as if you're awfully misguided on where you are rn.

  1. Removing times on this leaderboard is the strongest thing we can do to "ban" someone (I guess you can also ban them from posting in Resources, Guides, and Forums but that doesn't really matter)

  2. If you're suggesting a ban of his account on Mineplex, we are ABSOLUTELY NOT the right people to ask this question to. If you want him banned on Minecraft servers, refer to their reporting systems. We're technically Mineplex approved, but we are not moderators of Mineplex.

  3. Just for the record, I have never seen Razorblade and Woowy fight at all before the Half Heart Race run.

  4. "I enjoyed making this report on such a toxic person." that's very toxic, I never wished anyone to do that on Razor and I still don't wish for anyone to disrespect someone who cheats

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

wait menu grabbing is patched? PogChamp

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

Apologies for three months delay, but zargon has a tutorial that's quite old but should provide a basis for what you should be doing (I might make a better tutorial)

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

You wrote this as if it wasn't already addressed lmao

tac23tac23 en H6W vindt dit leuk
topic: Polarity
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

Actually nvm, just figured it out

topic: Polarity
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

I know I'm literally two years late but I'm pretty sure most glitchless speedruns are fine with glitches that are both completely accidental and not beneficial to the speedrunner. To have that be banned is actual bullshit because (probably like this guy) it's basically RNG, I get that like 2/3 runs. Just allowing it to be there has no real consequence on the legitimacy of the category, because again, it only negatively impacts the speedrun.

If you think I'm speaking out of my ass, as an example the Mirror's Edge community accepts this kinda thing, and the Portal community technically does because otherwise inbounds runs would reset at any point you go oob on accident.

Xcvazer vinden dit leuk
Over FatMan922
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