topic: Tetris 99
AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Oh fantastic! Really surprising that there isn't just a sprint game mode.

topic: Tetris 99
AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Do I need anything extra to do that? I can't see the choice anywhere in the menu.

topic: Tetris 99
AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

I understand you wouldn't want me, because I haven't uploaded anything, because I don't have a capture card, but when I've got some runs up, and am more established, if you still need mods I can.

I'm not like the best, but I've played Tetris since I was a teenager, and if all the strats are the same as Tetris Friends, and I'm familiar with all the major mechanics and battle strats, as I played a couple of thousand hours over there on battle 2p (although am shit at 4 wide, and can't set up back-to-back t spins, but understand the theory)

AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Sorry to berate everyone with questions but on alpine ridge the some of the wizards (namely the stair guy at the start and the wall door guy a bit after that) didn't seem to actually change anything. They would do the animation but not actually change the state it was in. I had to kill myself to reset the door guy, and even then he just wouldn't bring the door back up, even after doing the animation. Does anyone know what happened and how I can avoid it in future runs?

I got the auto-split working, but I don't think the run I just did counts, I only have monitor, so had the timer constantly on top so I could see my splits, but kept accidentally clicking on it, and a couple of times I accidentally moved the time and splits and off screen.

Is there a practical way to get my in game time? Like I don't want to sit through the unskipable credits, or risk raising the igt by not being there when it ends and being spit back out into the game. EDIT: Nevermind that last bit I didn't know you could just press free look.

AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Almost have all the software ready, but I have a couple of questions regarding livesplit. I've set it up to pause during loading screens, but now I can't get my real time including loading screens. Am I supposed to time it without loading times using livesplit and then manually work out my real time including loads using the recording?

And also it isn't autosplitting between levels, but considering it pauses in loading screens, and the loading screens aren't exactly fast, is it within the rules to just manually split when I hit the loading screens?

Don't have time to watch all those videos and learn a new route today, so I might just record and upload my current route in the next day or two, and then work from there.

Also sorry if I'm asking dumb questions which are posted somewhere else, I'm dyslexic and struggle to research information sometimes due to it.

AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for helping me! I'll try to have all this done, all the videos watched and a run up in the next few days, I'm still dying 3-4 times per playthrough (and sometimes even sinking all my lives into that jump at the start of cliff town to get behind the spawn point) so will probably be slow and bad!

@Bobbybill I hadn't even seen anyone ever fairy proxy from there, thanks for helping! Will try that way.

AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Oh nice thanks! I'll check out your videos when I have a moment next!

EDIT: Also, what's the rules on timing/what does everyone use to time? Like I want to start to get real times as well as igt, am I allowed to just record myself playing the game, and just subtract any recording time from before the last input in the menu and after I hit gnastry gnore, even though I wouldn't have any splits or my time without loading screens?

AustraliaEmilyIsSlow4 years ago

Hi! I've never speedran a game ever, and these are my first ever attempts.

When I'm watching other's speed run I seem to get very easily lost, so I just made my own route, which is pressumeably quite slow, and just trying to cut back time in new places every new run. Right now I'm not timing it, but my last run ended on 1h 3m on the in game time. I'm doing any% nbs

However I'm seeing a few glitches that I don't really understand and googling unless I know the exact name of the trick hasn't really helped. It just tries to teach me basic intended mechanics, like I google how to skip Nestor and it tells me that Nestor is the only non skipable dragon and it's like, I've seen you guys do this.

Firstly, how do you skip the cutscene for Nester at the start? It looks like people are jumping as it starts or something but I just don't get it, I've just been skipping him, but if I could get him as a dragon, I know exactly where I could make up some time.

Fairy proxying. I don't know if I just need to find a balance, but I don't seem to be able to find a middle ground between being shot up so high that if I want I can go out of bounds, and two low to get it right. And on other's runs I'm seeing that people seem to get the proxy and then jump again, where as I've never been able to jump after a proxy and I just start a glide into the wall.

Wall gliding is another one I'm struggling with, as far as I can see it's easier with a higher framerate, and my computer sucks, so it might just not be good enough, like I lag in the dream weavers world. That's just as straight forward as finding the right angle in the wall and gliding as normal yeah?

Finally, how do you skip the levels in the Gnasty Nexus or whatever it's called? I've seen people do this, but I'm still just having to punch the levels out as quickly as possible.

Also I'm playing keyboard and mouse, is this going to slow me down and screw me over? I know that literally no one else plays that way, but I don't have a controller and lowkey you seem to be able to make a lot tighter turns with the mouse.

EDIT: also does any% nbs have any rules on using the map? I'm using the map right now to help with route learning and aiming my landing with the excessively high fairy proxies.

Over EmilyIsSlow
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