Washington, USAEmeraldAly6 months ago

The savefile in the Resources section doesn't work. It gives you a "Continue Game" option in Sequence 7, but none of the levels actually unlocked, let alone upgrades.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly1 year ago

I've heard of some people investigating the possibility, any progress? I offered a $100 bounty for it a while ago, I'll gladly double that if anyone can come up with such a mod.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly1 year ago

I am offering a $100 bounty to the first person to develop a mod for Miles Morales that allows all cutscenes to be skippable. Currently, for whatever reason, about a quarter of the game's cutscenes are natively skippable while the rest are not. This is the case across all platforms, and it turns a potentially lightning-fast white-knuckle speedrun into 53 minutes of "sit and watch a movie" which completely kills the game for me.

If we can skip the cutscenes, it might become my favourite speed game of all time.

PS4 and PS5 are stuck with the cutscenes, but hopefully the new PC version won't be. If you make a mod -- that an idiot like me can easily utilize -- allowing all cutscenes to be skipped, I will PayPal you $100 (one hundred United States dollars).

If it helps, here's a slight discount on the game itself - https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/marvel-s-spider-man-miles-morales (site is legitimate)

This is a fully serious offer (and before anyone says to post it in the forum for the game, I did. Weeks ago), and it's one of my most wanted things for a speedrun game ever. I'm sure it won't just be me that uses it either, even if the leaderboard disallows it.

Merl_, YUMmy_Bacon5, en Ivory vindt dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Just finished playing through the game and I really loved it. So here I come trying to give it replayability :D I notice there are variables for patch, obviously I'm on the latest, what can I do on that patch?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Anyone do this? I tried to stream some XSX games yesterday and every 30 minutes or so the capture would freeze on stream (the passthrough to my TV was unaffected). That's no bueno when I want to speedrun games from the console. My capture device is old as hell (they don't make it anymore - it's an Elgato first designed to work with the PS3 and 360), so might I need a newer one? According to Elgato's website, all of their devices are supposed to work with the new console generation (I've used it without issue with PS5, along with countless hours capturing PS4, PS3, PS2, 360, Switch, and Wii U with little to no issues), but who knows.

Anyway, any thoughts?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Any of you guys good at tinkering with PC games? I would so love to run thi game but the unskippable cutscenes just break me. I've seen boards where games with nominally unskippable cutscenes are modded for the PC version to make the cutscenes instead be skippable. Might anyone in the community be willing and able to try that for this game? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd instantly become a lot more interested in running.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

Looking to crowdsource a little potential project. I'm trying to find games with skips so dramatic they wind up making the run look completely unlike a glitchless run. My prototype is the game Maquette, which I've run a little. The glitchless run is under 30 minutes and the any% is under 10, and the skips visually are quite dramatic if you know the game. My pet project with this game is "the 2-for-1" where you do a glitchless run and then an any% run, so you can demonstrate just how powerful the skips are.

I want more games that fit this mold. The game should have an established glitchless category (or NMG, whatever it's called doesn't really matter; Maquette's is called "No Skips" which I don't really like but no matter), an established glitched category, and the two runs should be very different from each other while still giving the sense of progression through the game. I'm not looking for 2-minute long ACE runs; I want games where a viewer, upon being familiar with the game/glitchless run, will see the glitched run and say "Oh we're here, but WOW, you did THAT?!?"

Hopefully the idea is clearly expressed. If not, feel free to ask any follow-up questions you may have.

Ivory en RIPSongofSoil vindt dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly2 years ago

I would like to have been consulted about this. I'm headed off to verify a run and I'm timing from first movement, which was always the case, then I see a comment from another run saying the rules were changed earlier in January.

Thanks for letting me know, guys.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I have a run I need to verify ->

Ordinarily I wouldn't worry too much about it - I tend not to be too bothered if timing is "only 99.9999% accurate" - but the reported time for this run would be a 1 second WR over a run I added a second to myself in verification, because my retiming showed that to be correct. So I really really need this run to be timed with perfect precision. My retime tool can do that, but only with YouTube videos. When it's been necessary, I've also leeched twitch recordings to (temporarily) upload them to YouTube myself, so my retime tool will function (at which I delete them from my account).

The problem here is I have no idea what any of the buttons on this website do. If there's an option to download the recording, that would be ideal. I have reached out to the runner about this (they're in our Discord), but they speak minimal English (they've mentioned putting others' Discord messages through a translator on their end), so I might need additional help with this one if at all possible.

Ivory en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

So I'm coming back to one of my old games, it's a board I inherited from inactive mods in fact, and lo and behold both the first place and second place runs are now dead links. Both runners appear to have deleted all their VOD's. One video was YouTube, one was twitch, and both accounts are cleared out (not deleted, but emptied).

I'd ordinarily be in favour of nuking such runs, but I saw both of these runs (hell, I verified the second place run myself). I know for a fact they existed. They just don't anymore. I don't honestly know if it's right for the leaderboard to continue to list them though.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

A few days ago, I put in a platform request for this, and it's now been approved. This affects a lot more than just my games, so I figured a public mention would be a good idea. It's maybe a bit wordy :P but with many PS4 games getting proper PS5 releases (Death Stranding, Control, Ghost of Tsushima, FF7 Remake, not to mention several from around launch like SpiderMan Miles Morales and Immortals Fenyx Rising), this allows for distinction between runs of the PS4 version done on a PS5, and runs of the actual PS5 version.

Use at your liberty. Just wanted you all to know it's there :)

MrMonsh, Quivico en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm glad the site provided a "runs at risk" list but all it actually is is a list of YouTube-based runs submitted before 1 January 2017. It doesn't show which VOD's actually are at risk of becoming unwatchable. So how as a viewer (/slash game moderator) can I tell which are?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm not seeing it anywhere. And is it tested reliable?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm hoping to start streaming DS games, and I think my best bet is to record the screen itself. I've got a basic setup in mind but I need a camera that can HDMI-out a live image. Any ideas?

Pear vinden dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm working on a new speedrunning project, and it involves games released twice. I'm looking for the ideal candidate for it. What I mean by released twice is exactly that - the (basically) same game given two retail releases. I suppose remasters/remakes/ports would count for this, but it's not quite what I mean.

My best example, and where I first thought of developing this idea, was with a game called Hydrophobia. Hydrophobia first released as an Xbox 360 game in 2010, then an updated version called Hydrophobia Prophecy released for PS3 and PC in 2011. The reason it doesn't quite work for me is "Hydrophobia" is quite literally unfinished - it has only one of the game's three acts.

This might be a very narrow prompt, but anyone have any ideas?

O.D.W. vinden dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Guess who just picked up a DS for the first time :D To be specific, it's a "New 3DS XL" so any sort of DS game should be fair game. I do have games I'm eying playing (and even running) but several of them are difficult games in their own right and I've never played a handheld before so I kinda need to learn how to start off with. If anyone has game recommendations that make use of a lot of the (3)DS's features, and are maybe a little on the easy and/or short side, that's what I'm looking for here.

O.D.W. en Pear vindt dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Just picked it up. It has this game, plus a never before released English localization. Released for PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC.

This looks cute and deceptively challenging, two things I enjoy a lot.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Hey friends. We're putting together a Ghost of Tsushima event for GDQ Hotfix, and we need Legends runners to fill it out! We'll be holding a team-based Legends relay competition. Two teams of three (ideally), with each player running three Legends levels, solo Bronze. Each level is its own race, and the team that wins the most levels (as there are 9) wins the competition! If we get a lot of runners, we could even do this co-op style! But we need more just to make this happen in the first place, so please come to the Discord and check out the #1-year-anniversary channel to make yourself known. I hope to see you there!!

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I'm looking to potentially pick up a game that is on PS3/360, but notably not on PC. I've noticed that with a lot of PS3/360 games, all the top times are for 360. Is this truly a thing, or am I seeing patterns where there are none? (Something I'm occasionally good at!) Furthermore, I've swapped out the native hard drive on my PS3 and installed an SSD, does this change the arithmetic at all?

I already own the game for PS3, as you might be able to guess. It wouldn't be the first time I double-dipped, though, were I to do so. And down the line I'm heavily considering investing in an Xbox Series X (I've got a fair quantity of original Xbox discs I've never been able to play, along with a decent collection of 360 games as well). Does anyone have experience with Xbox 360 games on Xbox Series X? That would be interesting to know about as well.

Pear vinden dit leuk
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

This is the run - https://www.speedrun.com/twa/run/ylowq4xy

It shows on my profile, but not the game's leaderboard. Halp?

Over EmeraldAly
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8 years ago
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