North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyDefgir_Rai_Zawa3 years ago

Ah, I've already wondered why LiveSplit was weird with the earlier version...

Thank you very much for your answers :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyDefgir_Rai_Zawa3 years ago


I tried that version (btw. the second link is dead), and it is the correct version. Thank you very much and sorry for the misunderstanding^^'' I practice now this version and hopefully you see my name on the leaderbord :)

Just out of curiosity: Except for the slight sound difference and the obvious color pattern - Why is only that version allowed?

North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyDefgir_Rai_Zawa3 years ago

Hi everyone.

I know, I am new here, but I tried Prince of Persia-Speedrunning, and when I beat my personal 30-Minute-Record, I thought it was time to try getting on the leaderbord.

I've read the rules again, and it was there when I found something weird:

I don't know if I got the wrong version here, but it was stated that only the Prince of Persia v 1.4 is allowed. I tried v. 1.4 (after practiced so many times at v. 1.0), and the level-layout was different, also the sounds were. It was a bit irritating.

I looked up at the newest records (not older than 1 week), and was irritated again: They have played v. 1.0. Since they are submitted to the leaderboard, I go with that it is allowed by the moderators.

This contradiction confuses me, and I admit, I am new in this whole speedrunning, maybe there is a misunderstanding. Can someone explain me:

Are the rules correct as they stand? Did I misunderstood the rules, and if thats the case, explain me what I was supposed to understand? Did I get a weird version of 1.4 (if thats the case: can someone send me a link where I would get the right version)?

Over Defgir_Rai_Zawa
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