Illinois, USACypherin1 year ago

Hello to anyone that may read this. For history tracking and updates to the Spider-Man vs Kingpin Genesis run, making this post for some recent updates listed below:

-Normal Any% (GEN/MD) renamed to "Normal Warpless (GEN/MD)" Thanks to the Needleman08 Glitch, which in turn surfaced the BaconOmelette Skips, it's been discovered that you can skip the last boss fight against Kingpin by leveraging a setup, created by BaconOmelette, on the final level. The specific final level skip involves setting up Electro to kill Spider-Man, while grabbing a health pick up on the same frame Spider-Man is expected to die from an electric projectile. This then allows the player to skip Kingpin and go directly to the end credits of the game.

As a result, this requires an update to the existing category rules that was looking for a final hit on Kingpin to stop the RTA timing. Lastly, to preserve the historical runs for the game, the category named "Normal Any% (GEN/MD)" has been renamed to "Normal Warpless". The main impact to come from this is that my (Cypherin) runs that include the BaconOmelette skips have been moved to a new Category (detailed briefly below). No impacts occurred to Needleman08's runs, as there were no stage skips performed.

The category isn't being renamed to "credit warp", as the BaconOmelette skip only lets the player skip one stage at a time (as far as we're aware at the time of writing this). So to skip the last boss fight, the player has to be on the last stage.

-New "Normal Any% (GEN/MD)" category As mentioned up above, a new category has been created for Normal Any% run of Spider-Man vs Kingpin (Genesis/MD). With the creation of the category, we can now see the awesomeness that's been captured in BaconOmelette's WR runs as soon as they are uploaded and verified.

Illinois, USACypherin2 years ago

Hello all,

Providing this post just make mention of two leaderboard setting changes I made today:

  1. Updated time input field to accept milliseconds (with trevyz's recent PB and tie with the current WR time of 11:36. Congratulations, trevyz! And apologies for the late verifications for your recent runs on my part).
  2. Updated the "allow comments" setting to only allow comments from runners with a time on a board here in SRC.

For #1, treyvz and Shime, let me know if you want to dispute the times I provided and want the runs re-timed, or if you have additional questions. For #2, if there's any active runners here, let me know if you are ok with the update made regarding run comments. Or if this should be changed.

Thank you for reading and take care.

treyvz vinden dit leuk
Illinois, USACypherin3 years ago

Hi everyone,

Glad to see the number of new runs coming in for Gargoyles, everyone is doing an awesome job! When the leaderboard was first created, we had intentions that top times would require having an actual Genesis/Megadrive console, and if possible, the game itself. While that's nice and all, these retro items are not always easy to come by for everyone. So that mode of thought has gone away (at least for this leaderboard, can't speak for others).

Still, as the community grows and the top of the leaderboard trends more toward emulator/non-original console runs, I'd ask when submitting runs, that runners PLEASE include additional information regarding what's in use. Therefore, the following update will be made to the rules:

Emulator specifics:

-Emulator is allowed, and it is strongly encouraged to specify the emulator used in the run and its version in the comments -Emulator must simulate perfectly or almost the lag present in console version -It is strongly encouraged to enable frame counter -It is encouraged to enable display of input -If using a non-original Genesis/Megadrive, please specify the console used in the run in the comments

Last, but not least, please include a reset, soft or hard, of the game in your submissions. This will be included in the new rule updates.

Please let me know if anyone has questions or comments, and feel free to reply here. I'll wait on the update for a few days to see if there are any comments, but please expect the rule update to go in no later than Sept. 15th and in effect going forward.

Thank you!

treyvz vinden dit leuk
Illinois, USACypherin5 years ago

Practicing for an event, RGLtv's 4-Year Anniversarelay, coming up Dec 1st, I think I improved the zip I've seen in most videos. Where most runners jump out early and take time to get to the exit, this zip will screen wrap you to the exit.

reanymation en RadManFromMars vindt dit leuk
Illinois, USACypherin5 years ago

Hi Edenal and DickDirkin,

Hope you both are doing well. First, let me apologize for submitting a 2 hour and 56 min run of Chakan: The Forever Man. When playing this game, I told myself and my viewers that if I ever beat this game, I would submit whatever time I achieved. So I finally did beat it (around my birthday too, which was great). Second, with it being a run as long as it is, I know no one would want to sit and watch it. I wasn't sure if this came up in your "awaiting verification" alerts.

Thinking on it though, I'd like to use this uploaded video as a benchmark to see how low I can bring the time down. I'll admit, ever since beating this, I've had the secret urge to want to play it more. And this run was special for me - I kept my word and finally got my revenge, on Hard Mode, and it didn't take 14+ hours in one stream to do it. If it's possible to verify, I thank you for your time and consideration. If it happens to get rejected, that's ok too. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

Over Cypherin
Lid geworden
7 years ago
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