AzrielDemourn6 years ago

Hey guys. I am looking to pick this game up, mostly for learning tricks and just having fun with it. Eventually I might run it, but for now its more about the skill for me.

So my question is what version should I use? I need an English version (my roommate wants to play casually) That I can still do all the staple tricks like Dot Skip, All the Escapes, The super slides, Any item Ocarina, the bottle tricks/ww's things like that. I would also like something I can boat skip in but tbh that is a long way off so not a big deal.

Will the Wii vc or WiiU VC work for this? and if so is there some instructions somewhere to get the proper versions?

Thanks a bunch in advance by the way to anyone who can help!

AzrielDemourn6 years ago

Hey guys and gals! New to speed running but love this game so I figured it would be a good place to start. Quick question. I don't see any version requirement in the rules but a thread to roll back your version. Is there any requirement to roll back your version, or has it just been found that the original versions are faster? I ask because I am looking to start by just learning a few tricks and get good at the game before attempting a time. You guys will probably see me in the discord in a few days, but wanted to get this answered before I start practicing.

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