
I'm a little behind the curve on this one, but I'm having trouble with starting The Party 8 times. I've gotten two copies ti run at the same time, but when i try to make a 3rd copy, my rampage replay won't stat another rampage. It's just Tommy, standing where the pickup is, but he doesn't pick it up.

I know that starting vigilante whilst on a mission crashes the game, and I know you have to have a submission vehicle to dupe (or at the very least, it helps), I'm aware of the different counters and how precise it needs to be, I would just like to practice starting multiple copies of a mission and working from there.


That's so interesting! I've seen a lot of people complain about how Kotor is coded because of how early of a game it is, but thats so fascinating! Thanks everyone who replied and I can't wait to actually play the game properly.

One thing that is confusing to me however is which class to use. I personally like the scoundrel because it fits my persona, but except for scoundrels luck and sneak attack, I can't see how it fares to the other classes. I mean Scout has a built in dodge feat that is either earned automatically or is one you can get early on, and Soldier with a good balance of STR and DEX seems too good. Is there a way to balance the other classes to have a smooth play through?

Thanks Again

kyo vinden dit leuk

Hello! I've been playing Kotor on and off for a couple years now, and just got into watching people like glasnonck and such.

I recently found the user guide for the xbox version and even though I play on PC, it gave me some great insight into the mechanics of KOTOR.

I'm aware of the 1d20 but I was wondering how all the attributes play into whether or not I hit an enemy.

Strength and Dex have a big role in hitting and dodging, but when I follow the feedback for the fight I was just in, some of the math does not add up. If Trask uses power blast and hits with a 23 (18 + 5 with a -3 to hit) against a sith's defense of 11, how do I hit for a 8?

Any help is appreciated, and I apologize for such a long post.

Happy speedrunning!

kyo vinden dit leuk

The issue has been taken care of. Thanks to @english_ben and @backmadejay. And @illuminati7777

Derpeth vinden dit leuk

@english Ben @Jay I can't run the game with out dxwnd cuz I need to see the splits and yeah the mouse works it just acts crazy

Finally hoped back on SA trying to do a run, and low and behold something broke. Every time i move my mouse it just keeps moving in a big circle. I was reading the "Sensitivity fix" thread, but there wasn't a clear answer so any help is appreciated.

@English_Ben would you mind telling me why? I know the woozie skip and how to do it, but why would not showing an initial load matter?

So, a big rule for SA is no pausing the timer for anything. One of the reasons why the first run I have is so long is because i couldn't pause and I had to deal with something after doberman. Now I PB'd a couple days ago and was in the submit run application thingy thinking to my self, I reset a lot in the video I uploaded, but I cant cut that out because the rules are, you have to show the game starting up for the first time. So if i give you a time stamp of when the run starts, will you accept that time?

Wow. You guys went nuts on the replies lol. I was fine when Hoxiu told me the answers, but I appreciate the responses. I have another question for you smart people. I know SF is pretty much where all the duping happens and i actually used some of the community's save files and successfully duped T-Bone Mendez ( Go ME!!) but that got me thinking. Is there any way to dupe in LS?

I tried using the "sweet explaining some shit" call but it didn't work. Then I thought maybe its because you have to have a phone call that starts a mission so iv been trying to use Cesar's call for high stakes low rider, but that dosen't work either.

Generally in a full any% run, you wouldn't have the time nor the means to get enough driving skill to do the LS stadium event, but using the NATURALTALENT cheat gives it to you, so you can 'do' the stadium event, but I'm having trouble duping.

I've heard from almost everyone that putting flames on the car for Cesar vialpando makes the car go faster. Does it really or did the joke just go over my head?

You know how we reverse into a wall and the little bounce gives us some forward momentum? Is That super reliable?

Last but not least, is downgrading necessary for a run for LS% to be counted? I read the rules on the extension category, but they weren't clear.

As Always thank you for the replies!

yeah Powdinet you and the others make a good point. I think there are three problems with this debate/poll going on.

  1. the people who say g input should be allowed are misinformed. Now i use KB+M, but i didn't know that there was a alternative to g input, and would like to think that many of the runners who use g input don't know either (benefit of the doubt)

  2. A lot of the supporters of banning g input are being kind of condescending. To my knowledge Hugo is one of the only runners who uses g input, and has a relatively big following on twitch. of course people are going to flock to his opinon, but instead of shooting people down you guys should try to educate people.

  3. some people just don't want to learn. obviously this is the back side to #2 argument/problem. i haven't gotten through the "15 pages of cancer" yet so i don't know what else was said, but it seems like some of the people who argue B don't know a whole lot about the game. And i think that's why a lot of you guys bring up "oh well you don't run the game/have a time on the LB" or "your account was made 0.00005 seconds ago so you can't say anything" if we all just stepped back and re-informed everybody i think the useless arguing could stop. or maybe its just because i like to argue and debate lol

@Powdinet really? I didn't know that at all, even as someone who has switched schemes to try nines and ak's i didn't know G-input made switching easier. Now here's me next question, do you think the time lost for having to stop and fix accidental lock ons is any consellation for you guys who don't use controllers? Also, when you grab the rifle and shoot the people off the quad bikes in small town bank (i think that's the mission don't quote me), the fact that the sensitivity of the joy stick eliminating the possibility for manually aiming at the targets, whilst we can do it much easier, isn't that something to consider?

I just wanted to see what other's opinions are about the mod/why should it be banned. I personally don't think of it as an issue seeing as i play with keyboard and mouse, but for others its the only way they play/run SA, and many other games. One one hand i can see how some of the original founders of this community want to keep how they like it, but at the same time many people view it as them being pushed away from the community. Just wanted to have a discussion.

SpeedyFolf vinden dit leuk

This is my laptop keyboard, Bonazzoli said something about replazing F1 with F11 or F12, the problem is my F11 and F12 adjust my screen brightness by default. this all the spec and name things associated with my PC.

Thanks to all!

Thank you for your reply, and I'm sorry for being stupid, but I understand nothing of what you said. I don't know what a "bios" is. It in in my vice city files, or my pc files, and if it's in my inner pc settings, could you lead me in the right direction. Again Thank you!

Hey all! I recently got accquainted with SSU and vice city in general, but there is one problem that I seem to have. The F1 F2 and F3 key are volume controls on my pc. F1 Mutes my sound, F2 Lowers it and F3 makes it louder. Does anybody know a workaround for this?

All answers are appreciated Thanks!

Now obviously any of the Mods on this site or anybody in general docent have to replay to this thread, I just wanted to give back because so many people have helped me, and this is one thing i can help other people with.

For any newcomers that don't know how to slide here's a video but basically you crouch with default C walk forwards with default W and start to sprint BUT before commiting to just sprinting you aim with RMB or Right Trigger and you should have an animation that for example, with full weapon skill on the silenced 9mm it looks like CJ is aiming whilst walking. Now this is slower than sprinting at full speed, but with sliding you never run out of stamina. Also, with SA being as random as it is you may get hit with a car whilst sliding, just keep walking and aiming and CJ should get back up and keep on sliding.

Good luck and happy running!

I was recently watching Joshimuz's 4:59:09 and when he started home invasion and went to the generals house, he slides up the stairs @ Now whenever i just try to slide with C+W+A little sprint+aim CJ just drops the crate, and more times then I would like to admit, the Colonel wakes up. Any help would be appreciated.


hoXiu I don't know what to say. I put in in the Common/ Steam apps folder and it worked. Thank all of you who replied to my question

hoXiu thank you for the direction, but i put the D-input file in my San Andreas user files and when i launched the game through DxWnd it my mouse still dosent work

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