United States3yebex8 years ago

I found some more (useless) information on this via Google:

The error was: Disconnect: Kicked by Console : CBaseEntity::InputKill().

United States3yebex8 years ago

[quote=Canterlott] ... [/quote]

How else would you describe the A.I. change? As I said, the A.I. doesn't get smarter. The special infected (and common infected) follow the exact same procedures, paths, spawns, regardless of difficulty. Difficulty simply reduces the time in which they're allowed to react, as they see you (their target) but the game is telling them; "Okay, it's normal mode. Delay using primary ability by 2000 miliseconds.".

That's not smarter, it's the same A.I. as easy mode just simply being told it can react quicker. If you were to start up easy mode and just change the CVar controlling their reaction time, they'll still act like the same ole A.I. in easy mode just with expert-mode reaction time.

One of many examples of how the A.I. does not, in fact, get better.

The only thing that will definitely smarter is the Director. He is much more punishing on expert mode and is more willing to spawn Tanks/Witches in your way while rushing and spawn hordes during struggling times.

You're directly contradicting yourself there. (ect) I play expert mode and versus mode quite often. Versus mode uses a modified version of normal difficulty, and putting it simply they are near identical. Common Infected do not notice you quicker/later on different difficulty levels unless easy mode has that completely unique.

Also it's my understanding that z_common_limit is set to 30 on PC and 25 on Xbox/Promod and doesn't change with difficulty. The only thing that might changed is the amount of reserved zombies (which I don't remember which CVar controls that while writing this post) that might change with difficulty.

United States3yebex8 years ago

I'm not sure what all the fuss is about not having a separate difficulty category. Just because a previous game in the series has categories set in stone doesn't mean another game in the series needs one. Just like how some games have "Any%" and "100%", I see no problem having a "AnyDifficulty" and "ExpertDifficulty" category.

The A.I. doesn't get smarter on higher difficulty by the way, it stays pretty garbage. Increasing difficulty does the following:

☼A shorter time-span between natural Hordes. ☼A reduction in health items freely spawning outside of checkpoints. ☼Increased damage of the Infected, as we as increased health for common infected. ☼Reaction time is shorter across all the A.I. It's still the same, just a console variable(CVar) determines how quickly they are allowed to calculate responses. Includes survivor bots, common infected, and special infected. ☼Director is more likely to spawn things during supposed difficulty, in an attempt to damage/finish you off. ☼Friendly-fire damage.

No where does it make the A.I. any smarter, but rather just makes the game less forgiving. If you play Easy mode and don't get hit, then switching to Expert mode won't be any different because you weren't getting hit in the first place.

United States3yebex8 years ago

I believe this works in the current version as well, but it might be patched because it's been so long since I've played the mutation or had anyone in there.

When you start the finale it causes the garage door to the starting area to close, preventing survivors from going back in. I don't believe you can start the finale unless all survivors out outside, with the exception of possibly bot survivors or maybe incapped survivors?

It affects anything inside the arena though. It kicks the entities that are still inside the structure once the garage door closes with some weird steam message error. It was very quickly discovered in the mutation Taaannnkk!. As the Survivors got a headstart to leave the saferoom before Tank players would randomly get spawned on the map (Sometimes at saferoom). I had the misfortune of being spawned at saferoom right before the survivors activated the finale and I got kicked from the server with some weird error message.

Anyways, it's not RNG. I'm not even sure it's a bug but a poorly designed feature to prevent anything from getting stuck/spawning inside the structure.

EDIT: Also, have you tried the "changelevel" command instead of the "map" command? I believe changelevel causes things to persist through, including modified CVars. NVM, doesn't persist the bot kicked.

Canterlott en Mawfeen vindt dit leuk
United States3yebex8 years ago


That is far from an exploit. If anything it is an improvement available to users that should have been default from the beginning. It helps lessen the gap between using USB digital surround sound headphones and analog multiple speaker headphones. Unless you want everyone to start using the same hardware, the advantage will still always be to the person(s) who paid a pretty penny for audiophile headphones.

cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor is a preference, and even competitive level players choose to use their own amount. Some prefer no view model, some prefer smaller or closer viewmodel. It gives very little advantage, especially compared to some of the non-cheat flagged commands available in console that can remove shadows and make the game plain as day.

Here's another guide with other "exploits", or as I like to call them quality of life improvement commands.

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