Layer P% in 9m 38s 117ms by

4-1: I really messed up at the arena after the lava room, I have no idea why I didn't follow my plan and decided to wing it there, that's at least a 5 second loss (but doesn't hurt as much as I still wouldn't beat anyone with that time)

4-2: Oh boy, I can't believe how many shotgun self parries I missed on the blue skull key room. Not only that, but I also didn't get one of the extra arm powerups which would've enabled me to kill those malicious faces instantly. This is really bad. Also now that I think about it, I actually don't think I have to kill the first sandy cerberus? Not sure about that tho. I don't know exactly when I can leave that glass floor that I kill the boss of this level so more time could've been shaved of there too. This was really bad.

4-3: Ahh I can't believe the virtue in the pillar room. I had no idea they could move that fast. In the room with 1 Virtue, 1 Malicious Face and 1 Cerberus, I wish I had railcoined the Cerberus for an insta kill. I didn't realize I had a railcannon ready and also ended up missing shotgun parries and whiplashes. That was actually so bad ngl. (Did that Malicious face disappear for half a second in there or am I going crazy?) And the final room, that was scary I REALLY didn't want to die there so ended up wasting a lot of time trying to whiplash small enemies. I won't do that on any later runs if I do more, which I probably will as I have nothing to do in my 2 week long vacation

4-4: This one was nice ngl. Obviously not great as I was 2-3 second late for the level challenge, but still took V2 ok-ish.

Overall this wasn't terrible but I wouldn't say it's good either, tons of times I messed up here and there and stuff. I don't expect this to last more than like, 3 days or so but wanted to share it anyways lol.

Oops, that decription might be a bit longer than I though it would be.

Layer P%
Chapter Number P Ranks
EA (6/23/21)
In-Game Time
9m 38s 117ms
10m 28s 024ms
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
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