Routing Guide Day/Night 1 (Speedster) 01:17:07
Routing Guide Day/Night 1 (Speedster) 01:17:07
Geüpdatet 6 years ago door Imitatía

Today I want to share my routing for Day/night 1 with you. I also made a commentary-video which I will link below. There will also be timestamps for every step in this guide so you can look this steps up in the video as well. Make sure to hold the button to skip the cutscene every time you lose control of you character. All of the fights are optimized for the Speedster class. I have not tested any other class in the early stages of the game yet.

New Kids House: 0:00:09

We start at the beginning as King Douchebag. Leave the bathroom after you finished the toilet challenge and go downstairs to the front door on the right side. The first 3 streetfights are pretty standard and you dont have to know much about them. The only thing you should be aware of is the fire attack of the dragon. Make sure to get out off the danger zone without attacking the enemy and end your turn. After the Dragon fight enter the garage, destroy the box and grab the ladder to pull it over to the place where the box used to be. Climb the ladder and jump of the roof into Cartmans backyard and skip the next cutscene.

Coon-Base: 0:04:28

Enter the door at the bottom of the screen to get into the house. Head right to get into the living room. Before you go to the locked door to the Coon-Base in Cartmans basement, go up to his room and get the code in his textbook at the right table next to his bed. Its the first door you see when you go upstairs. If you dont get the code before you try to open the door, you will get a hint from Cartman that you should stop cheating and get the code by yourself. Skip the cutscene when you enter the basement and go to the Coon to skip once more. Go to the left of the Room and use the investigation mode to grab the stafernisy tool and give it to the Coon. Now its time to choose your class. I go with Speedster in my runs because he got lots of range and a pretty good dash, which will be usefull later in the game. Complete the tutorial with the help of the Coon and leave the house. There are no usefull tricks for the tutorial because u have to follow the instructions of the Coon to complete it. You cant fail anythig here.

Time to take a Selfie: 0:08:45

When you leave the house, there will be another short tutorial how to take Selfies for Coonstagram. Go to Mrs. Farnickle and take your first Selfie. Now you go to the left until you see the postman. Hit the mailbox and make a selfie with him and the boy to your left (Matty). Now go back to the right and take a Selfie with the boy in the blue Jacket (Kevin Stoley). The Coon will call you for two new missions and you have to take a quick tutorial for the map. After you gain control of your character head to the left. Pass the sixth-graders and continue your way to the left until you see a sixth-grader (Bartels) fighting a younger boy. Enter the investigation mode and hit him with a fart before you hit him with your normal attack. You can see the exact steps for the following fight at 0:10:55 - 0:12:00. Now continue your way to the left after you got some new information from the Coon and Professor Chaos until you reach a brown house with a yellow poster in the upper left window. Enter this house.

Super Craig: 0:12:27

Go straight to the basement and grab the explosive stuff in the yellow box. Now use your investigation mode again and aim to the ventilation and hit it with your attack button twice. Destroy the blue box at the left side and wait for the hamster to climb into the box with the fireworks. Use your explosives on the box and grab the basket at the right side of the room. Now go in front of the ventilation to use your fart and finish this quest. After you unlocked Super Craig go upstairs and leave the house. Now go straight to the right and ignore everything on your way until you reach Kyles house next to randy and his car.

Human Kite: 0:14:54

Talk to Human Kite and go upstairs and enter the first door. Now you have to fight Human Kite from an alternate Universe. It doesnt matter what attacks you use in this fight because its turn based. You just have to wait a couple of turns until your enemy uses his ultimate power and defeats himself. I recommend to cancel the Quick-Time-Events because you dont need the extra amount of damage in this fight and it will save you a lot of time. After you unlocked Human Kite head back to the Coon-Base.

Sixth-graders and Fast Pass: 0:18:10

Finish the artifact-tutorial, leave the house and unlock the Fast-Travel-Point in front of it. Go back to the Sixth-graders at the bus stop. Use ur explosives on the fireworks before you attack them and start the fight. The exact steps for the fight can be seen right here: 0:19:14 - 0:20:48. Now go to the main street at the top of the screen, unlock the next Fast-Travel-Point to your left and get Fast Pass. Walk to the left and take the alley between the Post Office and D---MOBILE. Continue left until you reach the Raisins for your next quest.

Raisins and Mosquito: 0:22:49

Skip the cutscene when you enter the Raisins, follow the blonde girl, sit down and skip the last cutscene before the next fight starts. The exact steps for the fight can be seen right here: 0:23:03 - 0:25:27. For your Kryptonite choose Sixth-graders because its the first option and yoou dont have to fight them again in this run. That means no disadvantage for you. You might choose something else in a Fullgame-Run. Now go all the way back to the main street and keep walking to the left until you reach the church. Go inside to do your next quest.

Moses and Mackey: 0:27:28

Skip the cutscene so the next fight can start. There is one issue with this fight, because I dont know how to optimize it yet. Both enemy will remain with 1 hp, no matter if you get the maximum damage out of the Quick-Time-Events. So you will need two additional turns to kill them. The exact steps for the fight can be seen right here: 0:27:33 - 0:30:12. Leave the church and go to the left. Follow the way downwards. Enter the school for the Mackey-Quest. Just skip the cutscenes until your able to choose your gender. I go with male and cisgender because they are the first options. Leave the school afterwards.

Hillbilly and Freeman´s Tacos: 0:32:21

When you leave the school, you have to skip one cutscene and the fight with the hillbilly will start. The exact steps for the fight can be seen right here: 0:32:21 - 0:34:05. Unlock the Fast-Travel-Point at the right side of the screen and travel back to the main street. Go to the right until you reach Freeman´s Tacos. Go inside and talk with Morgan Freeman. Follow his instructions and skip the last cutscene when you try to go out. Now use the Fast-Travel-Point at the main street again and travel to the Coon-Base.

Second Class and Civil War: 0:36:35

Enter the house and go to the Coon-Base. You will now have to choose another class for your background story. I go with Elementalist but i think it doesnt really matter because we wont use any of the spells. Follow the instructions and win the fight. After this u have to change one ability of your kit. I changed the second ability and took a random one of the Elementalist, because we dont need the second ability anymore. Now instead of following the Coon all the way back to the main street, take the Fast-Travel-System, this will work as well. Civil War fight actions can be seen here: 0:41:18 - 0:44:44. Use the Fast-Travel-System to get back to the Coon-Base. Go downstairs and talk to the others before you skip the cutscene. You can choose to keep your clothes on or to change it later. You can do this as you want because you have to change them before you enter your house. Go outside of Cartmans house and head left to enter your house. Skip the cutscene, sit at the table and eat something before you go up to your room to sleep.

Captain Diabetes and Drunk Randy: 0:47:26

Get out of bed and put your clothes on before you go downstairs. Go to the left, use the investigation mode and your explosives to grab the key. Go to the door, use the key and open the locks with your explosives before you can go outside. Skip the cutscene and follow captain diabetes until you have to fight the drunk Randy. The exact steps for the fight can be seen right here: 0:49:00 - 0:50:41. Follow Captain Diabetes into Kyles house, go upstairs and use your explosive to open the door to the attic. Hit the computer with your fist and grab the ladder to climp up to the funicular. Turn the ventilator on before you take it. Now follow Captain Diabetes until you reach the Strip-Club.

Strip-Club: 0:52:44

Enter the club trough the front door and wait until you can leave it again. Head right and use your explosives on the umbrella and talk to captain diabetes afterwards to unleash his powers. Enter the Strip-Club again trough the window. Leave the bathroom and skip the cutscene. Now talk to the three prostitutes in the room and wait for captain diabetes to talk to him in front of the VIP-Area. Finish the action in there and take the next battle. 0:55:18 - 0:56:52. Take the door on your left and use the explosives and your fart on the gas bottles. Pick up the item and take the next door in the upper left corner. Use the explosives on the shelf and take the ladder to climb up and get the next item. Leave both rooms and go to the table in the lower left corner to pick up the gin. Go into your crafting tab and mix the drink. Now fart on it and give it to the DJ. Skip the cutscene and go behind the curtain. Take the right door.

Chase Classi and gain Time-Fart: 0:58:50

In this fight you dont have to defeat your enemys. Just get forward as fast as you can, using the dashes of your characters. You can find an example right here: 0:59:15 - 1:04:42. In the next segment you have to skip twice and wait for Morgan Freeman to gain your Rewind-Powers. Enter the restaurant after this.

Italian Kitchen and Drunk Randy again: 1:06:50

Head right and talk to the Coon. Now enter the kitchen and hit the chef to trigger the fight. The fight can be watched here: 1:07:35 - 1:12:10. Go to Captain Diabetes and fart on him to trigger his powers. Head to the next room behind the barrels. Skip the cutscene grab the cage and push it to the right. Use your Rewind-Power to reset the cage. The last fight can be found at 1:14:04. When you defeated Randy skip one more cutscene and your done.

Please give me feedback if this guide was usefull for you and tell me what I can do better to improve. Have a great day.


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