2 years ago
United States

I know this has come up a few times, but I want to bring up the topic of a 4Package% (or Any%) category. Reason being, we did one last weekend :)

I'm currently working on compiling together all the VODs and computing the actual final time (there's some missing footage due to a computer crash, but should be possible to cross-reference from other players online at the time). In the meantime, how do we feel about making a category to submit the run under?

On that same note, 12 people total participated total (no more than 7 concurrent, if I recall correctly). Is 9+ players an option for multiplayer categories?

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
Quezako vinden dit leuk

is the 'i win' button alredy there? then i would call it any% btw: speedrun.com allows for 16 players

Hello @Epiphane.

Did you manage to gather all the video footage for your run and compute the actual time for your run? We are working on trying the same thing, and it would be interesting to get a first benchmark for this 🙂 Is there any way to contact an admin to add the 4Package% multiplayer section?

United States

Based on piecing together timestamps, our final time was 54h7m13s. Server performance was very limited, so we're pretty confident it can be done below 50 witht he right hardware :)

Novomir vinden dit leuk

Hya all,

I am totally new in this community, but i am looking forward to see 4Package% single player added.

Epiphane en toraoji vindt dit leuk

I have added a 4Package% Multiplayer and 4Package% category. It allows for segmented footage. This would allow you to stop the recording and sleep. This would also allow starting from a previous recorded 3 Package% save and doing only the 4th package, piecing the footage together. Any opinions on this?

Quezako vinden dit leuk

personally i like segmented footage and the stops for sleep, dont like piecing runs together like 3pack and adding to get 4pack

edit: i am still figuring out the auto-split timer and managed to get it to work yesterday, does someone know how to deal with stops without the timer resetting to 0?

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
United States

I've just uploaded an update to the auto splitter that allows for segmented runs. To configure it in LiveSplit, select "Edit Splits...", then "Settings" next to the auto splitter. If it's updated, you should see a new option called "Reset timer when exiting game", which you can disable to allow the timer to continue. Let me know if that helps :)

Doing a normal 3Package% and then carrying onto 4 is probably not going to make for a good run anyway, since you don't really have to make any HMF/Computer factories for that milestone. That said, I agree it's kind of weird to allow repurposing other runs in the first place.

Thank you for adding a note to allow segmented footage, doing 50 hours in one go is very hard 😅 Is there a way to make sure it's still the "first try" of each segment, or do you all think it's better that you can restore from an earlier point in the run and go again?


Thanks Epiphane for the update, also wondering if there is a way to make sure that its a first try.

I really want to start the 4package%, only thing holding me back is that i only played so far once in a multiplayer game and have no clue how to handle most of the items of the 4th package :).

Tried 3package& a few times only to find out that i either did not have enough time or i screwed up, dont wanna find out at 4package after 40hours i screwed up and need to start over hahahaha


if you allow for segmented footage and play 10 hours on the first day then load and play 10 hours the second day. there is no way of knowing if you loaded the save on the second day played for 1 hour then reloaded tossed the footage and played again from that save.

but to limit this to a minimum i would propose the following rules:

  1. segments have to be at least 5 hours long
  2. segments need to be recorded over the span of 3 weeks
  3. after loading the save move the camera and override the previous save

what do you think of these rules?

WhistleMyThistle en Quezako vindt dit leuk
United States

I'm trying to understand the moving the camera and overriding the previous save logic. I understand that it is meant to prevent someone from reloading a save (and having a do-over).

While I do think that may help, if it truly allows for verifying that someone does not cheat. A question / issue with it: What happens if someone saves for Segment 1, and then between Segment 1 and 2, they make a copy of the world. Is there a way to see that they made a copy of the save / verify that they did not just make a save, attempted once, and then reverted back to the backup save again?

United States

I think I've changed my mind, and we should probably just explicitly allow for segmenting. Given that 40+ hours is a lot of time to invest in a single run, it makes innovation better for everyone if you have the opportunity to re-do parts of the run to find something better, and I believe it would still be competitive as many of us will probably have different paths we want to refine and prove to be the best (and the time investment would still be huge). Plus, I'd love to see the "full game speedrun" be one of the more accessible ones despite its length.

For multiple sessions in a single segment, though, the current dev console in the game has a Pause command that can be used to halt all simulation (including player movement). It's probably the only reasonable option we have to guarantee the player isn't doing something shady with their save file, since it stays open for the entire run even during breaks. Manual crafting doesn't pause, so as long as we make it clear you can't be doing anything when you pause the game it would work to guarantee one-shot speedruns I think.

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
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