0.3.0 is bad
10 months ago
United States

new levels are cool, but the checkpoints and other stuff that removes skips are not.

California, USA

Yeah Checkpoints off leaderboard and an old level setting is all i think is missing and everything else is better it is one of the best updates or the best update in the games history.

California, USA

stardew valley speedrunners never updated to 1.5 because they couldn't buy explosive ammo until level 9 combat which is really bad when it takes so long to get to floor 120 of the mines, the ammo was required but a new reroute made 1.5 the fastest version. (1.2 Has The Fastest completion of all being less than 1 minute because of a glitch with the code where the name of the player, favorite thing or pet could be used as code but this is the glitchless category i'm talking about sorry for the paragraph.)

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Polytrack Beta 0.4.0 is here!

Hello everyone! The 0.4.0 beta is finally here, and you can help test it in preparation for the final release here:

Note that the server for the beta might be unstable or not always be running. Bugs can be reported in the disc

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