S Rank Scores
S Rank Scores
Geüpdatet 1 year ago door XBC30EP450

Entrance: 16000 Pizzascape: 20000 Ancient Cheese: 17000 Bloodsauce Dungeon: 18500

Oregano Desert: 19500 Wasteyard: 20500 Fun Farm: 19000 Fastfood Saloon: 20000

Crust Cove: 23000 Gnome Forest: 19000 GOLF: 23000 Deep-Dish: 20000

The Pig City: 20000 Oh Shit!: 20000 Peppibot Factory: 20000 R-R-Freezerator: 18200

Pizzascare: 18000 Don't Make a Sound: 22000 WAR: 21500 The Crumbling Tower of Pizza: 5500

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Leaderboard open to Switch submissions!

We're opening the floodgates! The leaderboard shall now accept runs performed on the Nintendo Switch version of Pizza Tower!

Do keep in mind that the same rules still apply, and that video proof should be of good enough quality! Show us what you've got!

9 days ago
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