100% / 3rd Ending Category
7 years ago
Wisconsin, USA
She/Her, It/Its
7 years ago

I have recently taken up speedrunning OFF, and was wondering if a 100% / Secret Ending category would be appropriate? Basically the only requirement for the run would be acquiring the Aries-card from Zacharie, and siding with the Batter at the end. The run would still end at the final 'adversaries purified' as it does in any%. Just a fun category idea to add to this amazing game. ^.^

Edit: So, upon doing a 100% run of it today, I would probably say time should be called at the dialogue box that says "The switch is now on OFF" instead of 'adversaries purified' for the 100% run. As technically you still have control of the game after beating the judge. Here is an example run I did: Very basic. Just taking the current Any% route, and tweaking it here and there to get all Grand items, fighting Sucre, and then choosing the Batter's Ending instead of Judge's to get the 3rd Ending.

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
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