Any% Glitchless - Story All Bonus
Any% Glitchless - Story All Bonus
Geüpdatet 3 years ago door Caarda

Target Time: From sub 4 to sub 3:50

Day 1 (CiaoUx Variation)

  • Have ramp angle set low enough that you don't collect Altitude 1 when holding down right.
  • Land face down, aiming for around 28'.

Day 1 (Caarda Variation)

  • Have the ramp angle set high enough that you can collect Altitude 1 while holding left.
  • Turn until you have resistance 5 then hit the ground. Aim for 24'.

| Buy the Kite and the Plank.

Day 2 (CiaoUx Variation)

  • As soon as you leave the ramp, glide at ≈Resistance 30 until you collect Altitude 1 (make sure your ramp angle isn't too low). Once you've got this, angle down so you collect Speed 1. Straighten back up so that you don't lose all your horizontal velocity, then bounce to the Snowman, ensuring you slow down your bouncing enough to collect Duration 1.

Day 2 (Caarda Variation)

  • As soon as you leave the ramp, start angling down to collect Speed 1. Straighten back out before you hit the ground then bounce to the Snowman, ensuring you slow down your bouncing enough to collect Duration 1.

| Buy the Dyna-MIGHT.

Day 3

  • Immediately angle down to gain speed. Try to stay just below the redzone (I'm not sure exactly what the fastest speed is; I've had good enough results with anywhere between ≈22MPH and 30MPH), gliding down at a steady velocity. Once you hit the ground, bounce to the Snowman as quickly as possible and destroy it.
  • The WR split for getting Destruction 1 is 35.26.

| Buy the Sugar Rocket

Day 4

  • It doesn't really matter how you do the start of this day to get over the Snowman. After that, though, try to bounce consistently above 20MPH. This will get you to the Mound fast enough that you won't be too slow for Duration 2 while not making you slow down too much once you're close. Try to have a really good music cue for this, as Duration 3 itself will appear alongside Destruction 2 a lot of the time (after destroying the mound). This means you will likely need to experiment to find the optimal time to hit the mound. -The WR split for getting Destruction 2 is 1:15.67.

| Buy the Hang Glider, Fuel 4, and the Plank Mark II.

Day 5

  • Hold boost while you straighten up off the ramp, and keep holding it as you angle down. You need to get Speed 3 before you hit the Snowman without hitting the ground afterwards. This day took a lot of practice for me to get it consistently. After you hit the Snowman you should be at ≈100MPH. Try to maintain this speed as much as possible on your way to the Mound (to do this, try to angle up as little as possible - this will leak speed really really fast. Try to be perfectly straight for as long as possible as this keeps the best balance of speed and altitude) and get 2x Combo.

| Buy the C4

Day 6

  • Accelerate to 100MPH as quickly as possible, then start angling up. Feather your boost to try and stay as close to 100MPH as possible. Try not to go over as this wastes fuel to redzone. Once you run out of fuel, start angling down and try to maintain your speed just like the previous day. Try to hit the Mountain as low as possible to get the most velocity possible. A good velocity on hitting the mountain is ≈52MPH.
  • The WR split for getting Destruction 3 is 2:00.91.

Day 7

  • This day is the same as Day 6.

| Buy the Whirlybird.

Day 8

  • This is easily the hardest day to be optimal on (in my opinion). You are going to be very short on cash and need to reach $10,000 to buy the Nuclear Warhead. I'll elaborate on why this money requirement makes the day so challenging at the bottom of this guide for those that are interested.
  • To do this day optimally, you need to balance your horizontal and vertical velocity. You need to reach a little over 200' and then angle down to be at the height of the iceberg by the time you reach it. You also have to be as fast as possible, which means gaining a lot of horizontal velocity. This leaves you an incredibly narrow window of opportunity to reach 200+' and then angle back down.
  • To start, angle to about resistance 5 and hold boost to gain vertical and horizontal velocity at the same time. Once you run out of boost, tilt forward to around 45° right to gain speed. As soon as you pass the mountain, tilt down just enough that you still gain speed as fast as possible while descending fast enough to hit the Iceberg.
  • The WR split for Destruction 4 is 3:00.63.

| Buy the Nuclear Warhead

  • Use all your boost immediately then tilt forwards as much as possible without hitting the Mountain to gain speed. Hit the wall and you're done.
  • The WR split for Destruction 5 is 3:49.77.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

<ELABORATIONS / FAQ> Q. Why are there two different ways of doing the first two days? A. When I was learning this route, I noticed CiaoUx opted not to get Altitude 1 on Day 1 in order to make it faster. Since you have to stall on Day 2 in order to get Duration 1 anyway, it makes sense to get the achievement then instead. However, in my experience, this method is far less consistent than collecting Altitude 1 early, since you have a much narrower window to collect Speed 1. In addition, I found in framecounting that the timesave from getting Altitude 1 on Day 2 is actually rather small (≈0.15 seconds). Overall I just didn't feel it was worth going for, so I left my own variation of the first two days which has been perfectly consistent.

Q. Why do you need to reach 250' on Day 8? A. As I said above, you need to reach $10,000 on Day 8 in order to buy the Nuclear Warhead (this allows you to destroy the Wall in a single day). During Day 8, you collect Altitude 2, 3, and 4, as well as passively getting Distance 3 and 4 on your way to destroying the Iceberg (which gives Destruction 4). This gives you $3,875 in achievement money, meaning you need to get ≈$6,000 from the flight itself (assuming you have ≈$150 after buying the Whirlybird). You will get ≈$5,700 from the Distance, Duration, Max Speed, and Destruction metrics, meaning you need at least $300 from Altitude in order to afford the Nuclear Warhead. This happens to be the amount of money you get from flying at 250'. Note that due to fluctuations in how much money you earn through the game, you can easily be short by up to $100 even if you do reach 250'. The unfortunate reality to this is that you either need to have a safer Day 8 (fly higher) or just reset until you get a run with really good economy (though this is extremely unreliable and I wouldn't recommend it unless you fall short by $10 or less).

Q. Why is this guide so technical in some? Do I need to follow all the numbers exactly? (angles, distances etc.) A. No, you don't. In fact, I would encourage you to find your own ways of doing things. I find that finding these sorts of numbers on my own helps me form intuition for what works and what doesn't. When I first learned bouncing, I tried to come up with specific angles or speeds to aim for in order to maintain my velocity. Now I don't even have to be looking at the game. Basically, if you experiment and try to find your own visual cues for things, you'll probably become much better at them than if you follow someone else's. The same thing goes for audio cues, too. The reason I put specific numbers into the guide was to get you started - to give you something that definitely works (in my own experience) for you to build off of. If I hadn't watched Ciao's runs to try and figure out what sort of cues he might use, I wouldn't have been able to develop my own as easily since I wouldn't have had a solid starting point. Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say - I don't feel I'm articulating myself very well xD.

I think that just about concludes this guide. If you want me to elaborate on anything I explained poorly, or want to offer any other constructive criticism, feel free to reach out to me on the Learn to Fly Speedruns discord.

Good luck in your future runs!

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