New Superspeed Glitch
2 years ago

Found new glitch, probably not impactful for any% but could significantly lower no major skips. Consistently reproducible but only useful at beginning of game because requires the old ass sheep.


Any chance you could explain this new glitch or do you have a video of this new superspeed glitch you have found?

I can upload a video later here is the gist!

  1. Pick up old sheep
  2. Go over fence and pick up first sheep (illuminated by light beam)
  3. Use the mouse wheel to put this sheep on top of the old sheep in the stack
  4. Skip the next light beamed sheep and pick up the one after it (Right Past the sign) This next part is very hard to execute and seems entirely timing based. I have yet to understand whether the rotation of the sheep on the stack matters but, I am 99.99% certain that the order of the sheep I described is imperative. For the sake of repeatability I do a bonus step to align all the sheep the same way but their rotation may matter. Bonus Step: Hold down right click and scroll through the stack until they are all facing forward and they are all in the same order previously described. Do not let go of right sheep as to throw the sheep because, well just don't.
  5. Jump and near the apex of your jump hit r to drop the sheep and keep walking forward onto the dropped sheep. If the bonus step is done then there should be no need to use a or d to get it to work. If the rotations are off then a and d may be needed. When done correctly it will put the dropped larger sheep inbetween the sweet spot of the old sheep and small sheep and for some reason this collision makes you move very quickly. If the timing is anywhere near correct it will slightly push you forward If the timing is close it will push you forward a lot but the sheep will be forced out of the sweet spot and your boost will stop If the timing is perfect then you will be able to fly through the air at the same height with relativly good control of your turning forever

Previously with different rotations of sheep I have been able to make cycles where you go superspeed, the rotation somehow boosts you up when the large sheep gets out of the sweet spot, and then you can regrab the large sheep and redo it. This would allow you to gain infinite height if that were ever necessary but I can't imagine how that could be useful besides maybe skipping straight to the rock boss arena. It's unclear whether this works without the specific janky hitboxes of the specific sheep in the beginning of the game but I have found that this can skip the two sheep launches in the beginning of any% and bring you straight to the waterfall relatively quickly. Whether the added time to gather the sheep makes it slower than just doing the original any% routing is unclear.

I found another setup for inside cave to possibly go straight from the top of the door to the loading zone of lava. Also found infinite height glitch cycle in cave as well. Possible mushroom skip however gathering the sheep is almost certainly slower than just bouncing. With a lot of optimization I think that the superspeed at top of the door is probably much faster. Anywhere in the game where there is a discrepancy in the hitboxes of 3 sheep (maybe even 2) this glitch can be achieved. The timing for every one I've found has been different and very hard to figure out. Rotation seems to have a large affect on the simplicity of the trick and the rate at which you will get it along with the direction that it sends you. The dream would be to get a consistent setup to always get the same rotation that will get you the trick 100%. I can see how this trick could save 15 seconds to a minute throughout any% and in the other catagories 1+ minutes

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago

Nice find and thank you for the video and explanation of it. When I think there isn't any more glitches in this game someone comes along a proves me wrong lol. if you could use this in the cave consistently then your on the right path for WR.

The cave section is the slowest of the three levels as its much more longer and narrower with no real setup of sheep launching in parts of it.

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