New catagory
2 years ago
New Zealand

I know this is basically dead but still it would be cool to see a melee attack only challenge

InLikeTheRose vinden dit leuk
United Kingdom

While this would be cool, it's unfortunately impossible. To defeat the Dweller-in-Darkness, you must use abilities or weaponry in general

This could work with a challenge run where you use melee attacks as much as possible though

MC_Jonny_117 vinden dit leuk
Saxony, Germany

One idea would be to use only melee combat and remove the boss fight from the rating so you can use weapons against it

InLikeTheRose vinden dit leuk
United Kingdom

From memory, the only times you need to use weapons are when the Guardians are fighting the Dweller, and also Fin Fang Foom.

For a challenge run like this, you could use abilities/weapons to build up their stagger bars, and then use melee attacks when they're weakened. Apart from these times, it's mostly smaller enemies that are around to defeat

So a near only melee run is definitely possible

MC_Jonny_117 vinden dit leuk
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Leaderboard Changes

Hey guys!

Just writing to mention that the GOTG leaderboards have been updated as of 28/5/22.


  • "We Got This", and "We Got This.. Probably" difficulties have been removed, it is now preferred for any runs with these difficulties to be placed under "We Do It Our Way!".

  • Rega

1 year ago