Way too many ads
2 years ago
Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I know I'm far from the first person to say it, but in hopes that site staff see it, I'm adding my voice to the criticism about ads, because this is honestly ridiculous. I understand wanting to place ads on a free website. I can deal with a banner ad or two, but the amount of ads right now is absurd. I'm just gonna avoid going to the site if this is what I'm greeted with every time. I'm not asking you to remove ads entirely because I know that won't happen, but please just tone it down.

Meta, Wrap en 7 anderen vindt dit leuk
Alberta, Canada

i did some math earlier. on my display, the site itself takes up 1,844,007 pixels. 4 banners dedicated to one advertisement take up 522,300 pixels of the site. that's approximately 28.3% of the site's space dedicated to ad space.

MasterOfMike, Wrap en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk

They just keep on making the website a worse user experience. Feels like they are milking it as hard as possible knowing that an alternative is in the works by the community.

smartalec24, Ivory en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

There were this amount of ads before they were just not loading i think

Gaming_64 en Deux vindt dit leuk
Colorado, USA

Echoing blitz0 in asking. There's an alternative?


sometime ago i remember there being talk about an alternate site but dont remember the domain. havent actually heard of it since that thread initially talking about it


from what i remember the alternative site didn't copy the info off here, it was starting from scratch


You don't NEED a website to track runs and leaderboards. There's always an alternative, just not one as convenient (that I know of) as SRC.

United States

Meta liked the post

SioN vinden dit leuk
Iowa, USA

@Meta Please delete ads

YUMmy_Bacon5 en Deux vindt dit leuk

@Komrade it's a convenient way to track boards and have links to the runs themselves (and also make communities around games)

KomradeKontroll vinden dit leuk