Pac or Elo
1 year ago
Florida, USA

Hey all, I just wanted to hear your opinions about whether src is better under pac or elo,

have a good day - memer

CyanWes, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Iowa, USA

There wouldn’t be without pac

Gaming_64, jackzfiml en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

Elo since I joined the site 2 months after they brought it. But apparently @Pac would go months without saying or doing anything?

CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk
French Southern Territories


Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll en 8 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England


CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk

[quote=YUMmy_Bacon5]But apparently @Pac would go months without saying or doing anything?[/quote]

This isn't true at all.

Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

@Daravae then say what is true🤔, I wasn't sure

CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk

Yeah, that's what I am saying. It's not true. Was I not clear?

Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
Florida, USA

daravae its ok, @YUMmy_Bacon5 is a src and elo dickrider

CyanWes, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

No need to be rude. You are a pretty low level troll anyway.

Gaming_64, Ivory en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

@Daravae sorry, I meant what was the site under @Pac like?

Also, apparently choosing Elo was the wrong option. But they literally win by default for me. Since, clearly, I don't know what @Pac was like

Although, I can kinda guess, from when I first joined the site, what it was like. That his features were alright but weren't built for mass scale. e.g., Using arrows for variable sorting and site staff saying that this site isn't built for the load it gets today

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk
Glamorganshire, Wales

Even if your only experience with Pac was his farewell message, the care and attention he tried to take in selling the site should say enough about his equal care and attention to the community. I'd like to think we've avoided a total collapse of the site because Pac didn't hand it over to the highest bidder.

Gaming_64, KomradeKontroll en 7 anderen vindt dit leuk
Florida, USA

@Daravae i am a low level troll 💀

CyanWes, YUMmy_Bacon5 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk

[quote=YUmmy_Bacon5]@Daravae sorry, I meant what was the site under @Pac like?[/quote]

I see, although that's a little different than what you mentioned before since stating that Pac didn't say or do anything for months as a rhetorical question is just spreading misinformation about things you aren't sure about.

[quote=YUmmy_Bacon5]Although, I can kinda guess, from when I first joined the site, what it was like. That his features were alright but weren't built for mass scale. e.g., Using arrows for variable sorting and site staff saying that this site isn't built for the load it gets today[/quote]

Since I already replied here before, let's just answer this properly I guess.. As someone who's been on site staff for almost 2 years, I can definitely answer this properly:

First of all, it's a common misconception that Pac build everything. He did not. Features were also build by other admins. But it's very important to understand that back when Pac ran the site, all the people on site staff were just volunteers. Pac knew this and that's why he deliberately tried not to put unnecessary pressure on site staff. Even site admins were just volunteers creating features for the site in their spare time, unpaid.

If there was no time or no motivation, there would be no changes or new features. If a feature was created for the site but failed meet the demands of the majority of the site needs or expectations (e.g. features that weren't scalable as the site grew), there was no higher management/directive to ensure that it would. It was just a bunch of volunteers trying to make the best out of it with limited time and resources. It would be unreasonable to expect otherwise.

A lot of the questions you have can also be read by simply reading Pac's goodbye post properly. He summed up the state of the site before the transition very well there.

Moving on to Elo. From what Pac also mentioned in his goodbye post and also what @RaggedDan mentioned, I do think he really tried his best to ensure the site would be put in hands of a decent company and I think he succeeded. Elo definitely wasn't familiar in the speedrunning scene before buying the site and it showed sometimes but, the site runs and there are new features and fixes dropped occasionally. But Elo is also a company. A company out there to be profitable and earn money from the sites they own. There's no way getting around that. Does that mean SRC is in worse hands? Difficult question to answer. Would you rather have a company that actually can spend time, money and resources on a site so it can see some growth or would you have a site in a dormant state owned by a single person unable to create change due to the lack of motivation, money and resources?

Now to answer the last part of your post. Don't think choosing Elo is the 'wrong' option at all. The features Pac and co. created were decent → for its time. It met some demands of the community back then. But as he also mentioned, he didn't anticipate the insane growth and was unable to keep up with the demands of the community.

Coming back to the last part of your post, if we are strictly talking about design.. then I'd say even now, Elo also made some poor design decisions. Hiding misc categories behind an additional expandable arrow, different fonts used across the board, terrible usage of ads. The main difference here however is that with a company behind it, it can now actually be changed/fixed. There are people actively working on the site. Additionally, we also have a great community manager that serves as the bridge between the community and the people behind the site.

Finally, it's difficult to compare features that were released back then to features released now by different people with different directives and different goals and scale in mind. But at least we can now hold one of them accountable now and the ball will actually (hopefully) start rolling when that happens.

Gaming_64, TRLittleToaster en 9 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

@Daravae thanks for your explanation [quote=Daravae]that Pac didn't say or do anything for months as a rhetorical question is just spreading misinformation[/quote] I read somewhere that he did [quote=Daravae]it's a common misconception that Pac buil[t] everything[/quote] I'm aware that he didn't, I just say that he built everything since it was under his leadership/ownership

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
Gaming_64 vinden dit leuk
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Gaming_64, HoonGoons en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England
Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

not gon lie this may be your first ever non shit post

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
Gaming_64, HoonGoons en 9 anderen vindt dit leuk
Somerset, England

When you get ratioed 5 times over choosing Elo[small] when you have no other choice[/small]😎

CyanWes en Gaming_64 vindt dit leuk
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

that's like saying since you never met miyamoto you cant enjoy mario

Gaming_64 en jackzfiml vindt dit leuk