Suggestions please and thank you
6 years ago
San Diego, CA, USA

Firstly, hello, just created my account and while I am set up to stream, I have barely just begun to do so.

About me: I have casually played basically every game that has ever been popular enough to sit on store shelves. In the past, I would use imposed challenges (lvl 1 runs, no equipment, etc) to vary things up and keep the old games interesting, but am now approaching the idea of speedrunning as a new avenue to approach.

What I want in a speedrun game: 100% category, or other long-form, easily segmented game Something mediumly-popular at most, that is, a game that might still have new glitches/tech lurking in the eaves Minimal menuing; since menuing is basically 10-20 as-frame-perfect-as-you-can inputs in a row, several times a run. ick! Collectibles are great. Preferred consoles (ie, consoles I have not in storage, ready to stream right now): WiiU, PC, PS4

Obvious genres given the above would be metroid-vanias, or platformers with lots of collectibles (ala Mario64), but also acceptable would be more linear games where the any% categories skip significant portions of the game, making 100% it's own, separate entity.

Finally, like I just mentioned above, it would be nice if the game's any% and 100% categories were substantially different, just to keep the stream interesting and make running the longer category feel more rewarding; if the run is basically just any% with short pit-stops, it hardly makes sense not to just run any%.

TLDR: looking for 100% category; the Menu boss is bad; should have room for new discoveries to be found.

Thanks in advance and I hope to one day make my name in here as someone who knows how to run a speed.

chryoyo vinden dit leuk

Pick a game you enjoy that tracks game completion up to 100%

San Diego, CA, USA

That's like asking to pick a favorite child .... I am not kidding when I say I own/have enjoyed basically every game I can get my hands on. Some help shortening the list would be appreciated (also, while I enjoy a lot of games, I don't know how broken/breakable they are, so it's hard to guess which would make for interesting speedrunning and which would just be more replaying the same game, but quicker).


Momodora Reverie under the Moonlight Shovel Knight WiiU has a DS emulator I think, you mentioned Metroidvania, try some of the DS castlevania games

Oklahoma, USA

Welcome! :) Sounds like you really enjoy gaming! Since you prefer popular games, might I suggest viewing this link. It will show you all the runs most people enjoy running. These games offer a lot of challenge and endless history of the game it self and the runners. Super Mario 64 is a great example. It has stood the test of time, and we have many facts about it. Runners of the game are considered legendary, they're names going down in history.

That's not the point, I suggest these games as it's something people enjoy running. So I'm guessing you will to. It might take you awhile to get use to running games by the way, but it gets much easier. Good luck, and happy gaming! I'd also like to suggest Mario Kart 64 it seems like another game you'd really like. It's good to start with as well.

Bewerkt door de auteur 6 years ago