Need Clarifications
2 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hi! Im new to this site. I'll try to be concise.

I joined specifically for Extreme G though I am not a speed runner yet but I would like to start. It's been an interest of mine for many years watching people like Cheese play SM64.

I have the original hardware and would prefer to play on that instead of an emulator.

Im sorry if this is a stupid question but the rules say that, for Meltdown as an example, the series run has to be timed by an outside source.

This confuses me in two ways. 1. The game has its own timer. Is it considered not accurate enough? And 2. If you're not playing on PC how do you do it? Just manually start and stop it? That would seem like it leaves a larger margin for error or slight discrepancy. Also, you can record the timer using the outside source but how do you prove its for the video recorded run (using a capture card) or am I just way over thinking it all? If so, Im sorry, my brain complicates things.

Thanks for any help!

r0ugar en Mr.Blonde vindt dit leuk

Hey! I'm glad you considered Extreme-G, since we allow both Emulator and Console runs you can use whichever you please.

We time the Series Runs in Real Time, while the in-game timer is accurate, it doesn't account for time between levels and menuing speed. There are ways we can tell if someone isn't being genuine with their runs and submitting times.

We use the in-game timer for level runs, FLAP/Track Time. Which is pretty self explanatory.

If you have any further questions about the game you should join the discord, We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I hope this kinda helps!

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
AmyMalski en r0ugar vindt dit leuk
Colorado, USA

Welcome to the site and to Extreme-G!

It is fairly common in 100%/main playthrough categories of speedgames that they are timed in real time even if there is a timer (See: Super Metroid, Mario Kart 64).

One reason we don't do in-game time for these full "series" runs in the XG community is that the results screen which shows the total time is one we blast through, so it would actually be MORE difficult to get the total time than using an external timer. You would need to add up each of the lap times for all 12 races plus the loading offset (the total time for a race in XG adds around 6.1-6.2 seconds to the lap times)

Some of our runners use a manual start/stop and that is also fairly common in speedrunning, however, there is also an automatic method which I have even written a tutorial for. It does take a bit of setup so I would recommend sticking with manual timers first for a while until you get so good that you need a precise timing method.

Like you said, you're probably overthinking a bit but I promise it's all way simpler than you think it would be. I'm fairly sure the rules also would allow for a timer to be added/edited onto the video post-run if you would prefer to do it that way. But in general most of us just use a LiveSplit timer and capture video through broadcast software like OBS, which allows us to embed the LiveSplit timer into the captured video.

Like Blonde said, join the discord if you need any specific help. It's fairly active even for a small community like ours and I'm sure they would be happy to give you both game advice and setup advice.

AmyMalski en Mr.Blonde vindt dit leuk
Michigan, USA

Thanks a ton guys, that definitely helped.

I've joined the discord so if I have any more questions (I prolly will) Ill ask over there.

If I can get the set up to work right Ill start recording my practices in a few days.

Really appreciate how cool everyone is here.

Thanks again!

Mr.Blonde vinden dit leuk
Colorado, USA

Sure! If you want an in-depth run review once you get all set up and have a recording, I'd be happy to give you some feedback. Good luck!

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Yes, if you have not heard the news yet, Extreme-G is available for the NSO+

Just so everyone knows, the switch version may have a few slight differences; the community is still testing out. We welcome discussion in our discord here if you have any opinions on how to fairly incorporate the Switch v

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