NES cartridge setup for manipulations
NES cartridge setup for manipulations
Geüpdatet 7 years ago door pjplustwo

Here are the steps to setup a Dragon Warrior III NES cart for speedrunning: This setup only works for routes that use discard x0E (2.0, 2.1, and 2.2)

  1. delete all saves and reset
  2. create log 2 name: E? sex: female MS: 5
  3. reset
  4. create log 3 name: vb sex: male MS: 5
  5. reset
  6. create log 1 name: A sex: male MS: 8
  7. reset
  8. continue log 1 (seed lock is loaded by default)
  9. buy 2 wings and walk to reeve, you should get no encounters
  10. wing to aliahan and save with Luisa
  11. reset
  12. continue log 1 (seed lock is loaded by default)
  13. Immediately wing to reeve and walk right
  14. before the forest tile you'll get a battle attack and reset
  15. repeat 12-14 one more time for 2 total.
  16. change log 2 message speed to 1 and load log 1.
  17. wing to reeve,walk right 4 steps, then north before touching forest pause 1 animation up 2 and pace back and forth
  18. depending on your pause you'll get either 3x black ravens or 2x ravens 1x anteater, both are fine, attack and reset
  19. change log 2 message speed to 5
  20. load RNG from log 3
  21. delete log 1
  22. create log 1 name: H sex: female MS: 8
  23. reset

The cart is now set. this was a 1 time setup and you should never have to do the above again. once you create your characters and add them (making sure the stats are correct) reset as you normally would but do not load any RNG and simply continue log 1. walk to reeve and you should get an encounter. this means log 3 loads by default and it is essential this happens. log 2 is the seed lock and if it ever loads by default you cannot do the metal babble grind because when you create the file the wrong checksum will be written. after the babbles load order isn't important but you should strive to maintain this structure because it makes future resets easy. until the discard changes (the 8 metal slimes) you do not need to do any setup to start a new game. delete log 1 and start a new log 1, do not load any other slots or reset.

If you need to reset the discard for another run you can use the current log 1 data no matter where you were in the game.(make sure you have a wing or return).

  1. load RNG from log 2 and continue log 1
  2. immediately wing or return to reeve and walk right, battle, attack, reset (same as above)
  3. repeat 1 more time.
  4. change log 2 message speed to 1 and load log 1.
  5. wing or return to reeve,walk right 4 steps, then north before touching forest pause 1 animation up 2 and pace back and forth
  6. depending on your pause you'll get either 3x black ravens or 2x ravens 1x anteater, both are fine, attack and reset
  7. change log 2 message speed to 5 and continue log 1
  8. reset ¤if log 3 is the babble fight do the next 6 steps to get the 8 slime file.
    1. delete log 3
    1. reset
    1. create log 3 name: vb sex: male MS: 5
    1. reset
    1. load RNG from file 3 and continue log 1
    1. reset

the cart is set. you can delete log 1 and create the new file and begin run (resetting between is not necessary)