Why is the current world record run not on the leaderboards?
7 years ago
Oregon, USA

Hi all, I'm new to speedrunning and looking to start this as my first game.

It looks like Yudhveer holds the WR for this game here: and I was just curious why it isn't on this site's leaderboards, unless I'm missing something. Is it just because of how recent it is?


Georgia, USA

The runs were sketchy so they're not on the leaderboard. They're still fantastic learning resources and I encourage everyone to study them.

thePuck77 en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk
California, USA

"He really should" do a lot of things. :/

FourTwoEight vinden dit leuk

was playing this casual and was thinking of running it because it was fun but im gonna hold off on it.

the drama over the world record is putting me off and most likely other runners to.

without an enforced timer like we have over on DmC Devil May Cry of course people are gonna splice its way too easy to splice without it. Is a timer so hard to use ? Here's a timer : http://livesplit.github.io/ and for PS4 users make sure comments are visable and in the upper right hand corner is an automatic timer

as for the graphic bugs there are multiple things that can explain this : lag , settings turned down, settings tuned to performance rather than quality (by using geforce experience for example)

fast loading times was a discussion over at DmC Devil May Cry aswell and as i always say if u want a world record u either gotta get the correct version of the game and/or equipment to run the game end of discussion.

As for controller settings its up to the runner to decide if he/she wants to change them.

Also i think the rules could be a little more specific.

And before/incase anyone wants to flame me i am in no way defending either party this comment was written neutral with my own personal opinions/points of view


FourTwoEight vinden dit leuk
Texas, USA

Ok so from now on here is how we prove that our run isn't "spiced"

-We either stream the run and use our hightlighted run to summit our runs. Hence twitch but youtube doesn't have that feature. -Put a timer/splits when you are doing the run offline. So we could make sure if the timer stays at regular speed -Stream the run on youtube and summit it as your run. No editing or what not. Just summit a 3 hour stream with a 2 hour run in the vid. (That's what I did with DE)

Also you don't really need to put the comment section on when you're streaming on the PS4. I mean you're streaming it, highlighting the video on twitch or using the stream vid as your proof and there you go. I know there's a timer and all but remember we have 1 proof for each which solve everything. 1. For twitch, hightlighted broadcast and 2. Stream 1, 2, or 3 hours ago. You can just go to the vid and see if it's publish or not.

For Renegade: We don't really care if the runner change the controls. I mean PvtCb did it multiple times in his runs with Nero/Dante and Vergil

Bewerkt door de auteur 7 years ago
thePuck77 vinden dit leuk
California, USA

I have to agree with Zero...the easiest way to make sure there is no drama about run legitimacy, do your runs with timer in the recording/stream.

As for people being put off from running the game because of this...people who can't deal with someone cheating and being called out by moderators and the community won't be able to deal with much. There was zero drama...the run was investigated by a moderator and disqualified with an explanation and the rest of the existing community accepted it. Anything worth competing for will be worth cheating for by some people...if it occurring at all puts you off, then you're probably going to have similar problems with other communities. Perhaps something non-competitive, where there will literally be no contention at all, would be better.

The fact that the runner in question is running around pretending that he gets to decide he holds the record anyway is not the responsibility of the community, it's the responsibility of that runner. Asking "what can I do to prove it?" and then ignoring the answers is also on the runner, not the community. Take it up with him if you have an issue with it.

And there is no confusion over the WR. The run in question was disqualified, period. The only times you need to worry about are the ones on the board...run or don't.

PvtCb en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk

for the record i pitched you guys the idea of the timer.

i moderate myself and have no problrm with people being called out. my point was it was more spwculation than evidence, hence why i also said this could be explained with this etc.

there was drama between the 2 parties which seems to be stilll ongoing with the one person in question still claiming WR

what put me off wasent the fact that some people cheat but the fact is nobody here took steps to prevent further transgretions other than removing the times in question.

thanks for the replys this topic is done for me maybe someday if i do learn the speedrun ill post my time =)

have a nice day


thePuck77 en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk
Oregon, USA

Renegade has a good point. Mods might want to consider introducing some rules to make this run less vulnerable to cheating, since it's been done already.

My only fear with the timer rule is, well... what's to stop someone who's gone through the effort of splicing a video to add a timer post-recording?

Streaming seems to me to be the only surefire way to prevent false runs, but requiring WR runs to be streamed seems unfair to me. Perhaps just have the submitter stream a run after submission to demonstrate a certain consistent skill level. I don't know how fair that is.

PvtCb, Renegade522 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
California, USA

I (cautiously) support the streaming rule, but then again, I stream all my "real" runs anyway (hell, my most recent PB had the person who would verify it in the stream while I did it). But I also think that this rule runs a risk of alienating people who don't want to stream their runs (for whatever reason). Some people have upload caps or live with people who won't allow them to dominate their bandwidth. While I agree that the need for rules are there, we need to balance those rules between the overall goals of excluding cheaters and encouraging a vibrant and active community.

We are not the first community to deal with this issue. It would be good to look at the solutions used by others in the past. Whether it's repeating their errors or failing to learn from their successes, we miss out by ignoring our history.

PvtCb, Renegade522 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Oregon, USA

Yes, absolutely. The streaming rule would be rough for all the reasons you listed, even though I also want to stream all my runs.

"...solutions used by others in the past." Can you give examples?

thePuck77, Renegade522, en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk
Georgia, USA

Given that this is a PC game there's pretty much nothing we can do to stop cheated runs except be more diligent in the future

thePuck77 en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk
California, USA

@SkyeVeran I don't exactly know. While I was watching runs for a couple of years before I started running, I've only been doing this since August 2016. I just know we're not the first to deal with such issues. Perhaps we should look at how SRL and SDA have dealt with similar issues. I know that SRL has this little thing in the rules:


Proofcalling is the way that we deal with cheaters and doubtful times on SpeedRunsLive. If a racer finishes with a time that seems to be above their skill level, or if a new racer suddenly gets a high ranking time on the race leaderboards, it is common to initiate a proofcall if that racer did not stream. Proofcalling can be done by anyone, whether in the race or not, and anyone can be proofcalled regardless of position. It is common to ask for assistance in #speedrunslive from a voice or operator to come handle the situation. The goal will be set to "don't record" or "proofcall in progress", and the racer in question must provide sufficient proof, to convince the other racers and proofcall handler that they are able to achieve the time that they claimed. Examples of sufficient proof: Streaming in good quality with sound is always sufficient proof. Video recording in good quality. In some games, a screencapture of filename and progress of completion is sufficient. In some games, a screencapture of in-game timer or level overview is sufficient. In some games, an explanation of routing choices and key events is sufficient. These examples are general and it is unfortunately impossible to make a perfect guideline for what is sufficient proof, which is why we recommend streaming. Should you happen to be proofcalled and unable to provide proof for your time, as mentioned previously it does not necessarily label you a cheater, but rather unable to prove your time. You will be disqualified from the race, and in the worst cases where we do believe cheating has taken place, you will be banned from SpeedRunsLive. If you happen to leave during a proofcall or become inactive for a longer period of time, you will also receive a disqualification, and if we feel necessary, a ban from SpeedRunsLive."

In any case, the way that Yudhveer dealt with being asked for proof has done more to create suspicion than alleviate it, and if I were a mod I would feel like any future runs from him would need to be gone over with a fine-toothed comb before being approved. Does that mean he should be labeled "cheater" and banned? I don't know...he's a great player and I want great players to be in this game and community. I believe that friendly rivalry makes communities like ours better by spurring us all on to greater efforts. So I want people who can play like him around, but I also don't want mods getting burnt out going through runs with such a great level of detail. There is a limit to how much one can ask from unpaid volunteers.

PvtCb en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk
Georgia, USA

Yudhveer use Google

Also please don't splice your runs :^)


I use google but i can't understand and i can't find a video tutorial. do you hav any video tutorial pvtCb.


download splits for dmc4 here https://splits.io/games?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=devil+may+cry+4+

open up livesplit then right click open splits then find where u downloaded ur splits

open up OBS add a window capture under sources and add live split

now your good to go

p.s. pvt that jab was unnecessary if u dont like him thats ur problem a mod should be neutral and helpful sorry but thats my honost opinion the dude seems to be trying to abide by the rules give him the botd at the end of the day u n eed to verify the runs

Yudhveer vinden dit leuk