Super Costumes
7 years ago

Why you remove my videos, give me proof

Now i do a vergil BP speedrun WR, So pls don't reject that

Arizona, USA

Not the thread for it, but they were removed because it was found that you spliced your runs, modified or used cheat engine so you didn't have to change controller settings/turbo after starting New Game, and incorrectly timed the runs.

California, USA

@Yudhveer I am not in charge, and had nothing to do with your case, but I was around the DMC Discord and paying attention when your run was disqualified, so I can explain it. Upon examination, multiple problems were found with your run by a mod. If you can refute the evidence, do so.

Again, I had nothing to do with this, I just wanted to make sure you got an answer and that it it didn't get lost in the recent drama of AGDQ and you had some sort of answer to your questions.

The evidence was presented to the community via Pastebin:

zerodux vinden dit leuk

hi puck77, here is a proof That's why i don't record turbo on and controller change settings

Texas, USA

Yudhveer what's the point of not recording it in run? Time doesn't start at the menu or selection of Nero. It starts once the save file is created. I don't see why you don't include it in the video since it is POINTLESS just to turn it on and go back out just to record a run. I mean all we going to see is you turning on turbo, switch controller buttons, and select Nero/Dante runs. That's about it. Also do you have any evidence that back up with your loading screens Yudhveer?

zerodux vinden dit leuk

I don't includethat, because i want to make my video short.

I don't understand loading screen issue, What type of evidence i can give to you?

I think that's problem with my pc or virus or copy game not buyed.

Today i Format my PC and loading time problem solved.

but I don't do that run again for,

my next target is BP world record with vergil.


you're right bro

California, USA

Yudhveer, you've been posting vids claiming to have records that the community has not recognized...that's not how any speedrunning community works. Your runs must be submitted and approved to be acknowledged as records.

You can't just go around claiming records. There is a reason there is a site, why we have mods, and (I'm sorry, but apparently everyone is willing to just ignore this basic fact), reasons why your run was disqualified.

You haven't addressed all of Bun's claims, and the more defiant you are about it, the more likely it seems that you meant to cheat.

The best proof would be the raw recording that you edited down to make your submission. If you didn't cheat, it should be easy to compare them and the frames and timecodes of the two videos, when compared, should match.

This needs to be resolved before you claim any more records and, if it is found that you cheated, some sort of consequences seems appropriate, though that isn't my call (and I don't want it to be...I don't want to be a mod).

zerodux en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk

Wanna proof your inocense without people drama? Stream the entire section from opening the game and runing and its resolved dude and show your splits, i not in charge here too, i just dont want fights and drama because of that

thePuck77 en FourTwoEight vindt dit leuk