Small Speedrun Strats!
Small Speedrun Strats!
Geüpdatet 4 years ago door aerodynamic

This will be a collection of small, but useful things you can implement into your speedrun to make it a bit more faster! These small things can be used in nearly every level, but some levels require some more level specific tactics. So a level specific guide will be out soon.

Cycling/Wait Strat (Individual Level Only (Name up for debate)): This is the act of waiting for on a level screen for certain things to align. This sounds very confusing but it is pretty easy. When you start up a level, you need to press the button in the bottom left to start moving. Another thing is that the In Game Timer (IGT) doesn't start yet. But in some levels you can notice that other things like enemies, elevators and fireballs do move. You can use this to your advantage by waiting a bit before you start moving so that certain enemies will be in locations where they are easy to dodge.

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Bubbling Over (Slow): This is a small strategy where you jump over a Soda Guard and then double jump, so you can get past the Soda without having to back off for a second This is best used on level 32.

Bubbling Over (Fast): Basically the same but slightly more challenging. In this version you keep holding right so you keep maximum speed. Try to jump as close as possible to the Soda and then when you're over him double jump at the last second. This should get you over

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Boxes: Here are some tricks to move faster while pushing boxes. First off, you can still move boxes while in the air, so while falling and jumping. NEVER push a box while it's falling. This will make it so that the game thinks you are permanently pushing a box and you will have slowed movement speed for the rest of the level. Another thing to note is that if you can, you should try bunny hopping while pushing boxes, they move slightly faster while doing so. This is pretty hard to pull of since you need to tap very lightly, but it can be useful.

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Firehopping: You should always try to jump as much as possible. The friction from the ground makes you a tiny bit faster.

(Example pending)

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