New filter for Tiny Arena shortcut
2 years ago

Gonna try cover as many basis as I can and also talk on the idea of a Classic variable:

So responding to Lorno, I'm gonna pick a few points and respond because overall it seems like a lot of the same point which is majority, "But I think there is too many thought that can be confirmed or can be denied" and for the most part, I agree, definitely. I am putting past experience, knowledge from other games and conversations with other people in and outside the community to piece together my stance because that's what I think will happen if a variable is added, as everyone pushing for the variable is doing. I've said this in streams and in discords but no matter if a variable is added or not, I hope this entire fiasco causes more people, new and old, to pick up the controller.

As for a few specific points thought, I saw you respond to my first point with "Chasing for a TAless WR would be like chasing for Accel WR, really isn't worth of notice" which as I state in my 4th point, I completely disagree. An entirely different character type changes the physics of the game massively, you can tell this from people who have only ever played one type their entire time playing, switch over to another and completely flop, it's why Speed struggled to reach its peak for such a long time.

"3). For this point, I think the issue with TA is the insane amount of time you gain with a really small effort to learn the shortcut. That is not 100% consistent anyways. Tiziano wins only 10 seconds per lap". In my opinion, ANY amount of skill needs to be respected, if Tiny Arena were all luck, or you didn't need to do any inputs to hit it, I'd at least understand a variable because that is entirely out of your control. It shouldn't be about how much time it gains or loses, it should be about the quantity of luck because if this debate is about how much time it gains or loses, this feels like people are getting up in arms because of the entire nature and ideology of speedrunning which maybe I sound like an old man shouting at clouds, but I think again, that's why it opens holes to your point

Finally for Lorno's arguments, "6). Regarding this point, I think the decision to implement the filter will be more beneficial to top runners, because those use the skip. New runners will just see it as a filter and probably not care about that". This is a totally valid opinion, I didn't care to mention that new runners might just not give a shit, that could be what happens. That's my bad for seeing it so binary

Redhot's post was a nice read and I really only had one major qualm with his argument:

"I think you're passing the wrong impression about the grind needed for both categories. TA skip adds more variance to the run, which has the side effect of encouraging playing safer in other levels. If both categories are grinded to its limits, a classical run would be more frame grind in terms of time save in each level, while a TA run would mainly focus on the bigger picture."

Now if this is the case, and I believe it is, I do agree with your point, but if this is the case, why would a variable fix that? A lot of my core argument from my former 2 posts and this one is that in a bubble, speedrunning is and always will be about self-improvement and leaderboards should be a place to share your run, not to create competition with random people and with that in mind, adding a variable feels like the motivation for this game will slip into a competitive feeling and if that is what you want, then I implore you to go ahead but this is majorly why I just think a variable, any variable, would demean that. The work of everyone who has tried to improve this game and their times would be diminished because people want to be 2nd place instead of 20th and that feels odd to me. I know people like Faceoff have said it would give them motivation, but you aren't gaining motivation to improve your time, it's motivation to go up a leaderboard and that really doesn't sit right with me personally. I don't think anyone who suggested or is pushing for this is ill-willed and want to just snag a free boost up the leaderboard with a variable on but that sure is how it looks and that's in the end how it's going to feel when people are having 'NO TA WR ATTEMPTS' in their titles and if that seems a little facetious, look at Redhots following statement. "I don't think a separation would demean the work from someone who grinded TA, both WRs would require as much grind if enough effort is put into them." If a variable is made, the game is no longer being pushed as much or potentially at all because runners will be going back in time, removing a found skip and improving the run as if nothing ever happened and I used "pushed" in a state of, the physical limit this game can get to, if the option to circumvent a trick is made, new and old runners have the option to not even try, conversations of 'oh don't even do TA, it's not worth it' will echo through the halls and Any% NMG TA WR will be a wasteland. Could it still potentially be a wasteland without a variable? Certainly. But if you give people the option, this targets new runners to completely ignore the normal category entirely and that feels odd to me

(I am so sorry for the paragraph, I will wrap up quick)

Do I want to see this implimented? No, not at all.

If it's going to be implimented, would I rather see No TA or Classic? Classic 100%, it at least future-proofs the variable in a way No TA wouldn't

Finally, and this might sound fucking crazy so bear with me and feel free to call me a dumbass, instead of a 'Classic' variable, why not a 'No Item' variable? And by that, I mean remove any skip, intended or not, that requires any items to use. TA, Tizi, Temple cut, it future proofs any other 'RNG' lead skips and also removes RNG from the run almost altogether. Such as getting early masks in Coco Park and Dragon Mines or getting boost items. It becomes a more skilled category whilst keeping the entire nature of what you're speedrunning, it won't change anything for Classic runners bar Temple and will feel like a new experience. Maybe it's stupid but just consider it potentially as it feels like it's a new experience to anything else on the leaderboards and kinda resembles 'Items'/'No Items' in games like MKWii

Thanks for reading, this has been a very interesting debate and no matter what I still stand by a vote being REQUIRED before any change is made <3

TheRedhotbr, Vojtas131 en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk